Processing Images in Java With OpenCV and Quarkus

If you are into computer vision, you probably are familiar with OpenCV. It's an amazing library that has almost everything one needs to do 2D and 3D processing and much more. Gesture recognition, face detection, Motion tracking, think of anything related to image processing and OpenCV can be your goto. It's based on the BSD license, so you can just download it and start using it.

OpenCV is written in C, and there are nice Java bindings for it too. If you are a Java developer like me and don't want to get into all the loading and building native bindings etc., then read on. In this article, I will show how you can use OpenCV with the popular new framework Quarkus, without worrying about installing libraries or reloading the entire app.

6 New Features in Data Grid 8.3 Release

Red Hat Data Grid is a distributed, cloud-based datastore offering very fast response times as an in-memory database. The latest version features cross-site replication with more observability, two new types of SQL cache stores for scaling applications with large datasets, improved security, support for Helm charts, and a better command-line interface (CLI).

This article is an overview of new features and enhancements in this latest version of Red Hat Data Grid.