Dedicated Development Teams: The Benefits and Selection Process Explained

Such scenes are played out all over the world: a creative has a unique idea for an app he knows will be a big seller. A small company needs a customized piece of software for its logistics and inventory tracking. A mid-sized or large enterprise has grown to the point that it now needs to update with new custom software development, unique to its operations – HR, customer service, and more.

But here is the issue. In some of these scenarios, there is simply not the budget or the need for permanent full-time developer hires. In others, the IT department is overloaded already and may not even have the development expertise to get the job done.

How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Migration to AWS Cloud

You are experiencing more traffic, and your IT team is complaining that it’s becoming more difficult to allocate the resources to meet that increased demand. It’s become harder and more expensive to keep up with your data storage. You know you are at a point where you need a disaster recovery plan, but that is going to be costly for sure.

All of these are familiar issues SMEs and startups face as they begin to grow their operations. And in-house infrastructure solutions can "break the bank" for those who expect to grow larger and yet remain Agile.

In-House vs. Managed IT Support: How to Capture The Most Benefits

The bar for IT support is already high. New-gen startups have made exceptional digital customer experience their central selling point, challenging more traditional companies to keep up the stakes.

However, delivering that support also requires significant capital investments – both financial and human. The wrinkle? Companies now spend billions in recruitment to find the right talent, only to have to replace that talent in a year or so. According to a recent LinkedIn report, the tech sector has the highest turnover rate in every industry sector – 13.2%. Yes, even higher than retail. Even at that giant Amazon, the average tenure of an IT employee is one year.