Managing Data Residency: Concepts and Theory

Cloud computing has opened a Pandora's Box of many original issues compared to sound old on-premise systems. I believe that chief among them is data residency or data location:

Data localization or data residency law requires data about a nation's citizens or residents to be collected, processed, and/or stored inside the country, often before being transferred internationally. Such data is usually transferred only after meeting local privacy or data protection laws, such as giving the user notice of how the information will be used and obtaining their consent.

Server-Side Rendering in Rust: A Dall.E Use-Case

Last week, I decided to see the capabilities of OpenAI's image generation. However, I noticed that one has to pay to use the web interface, while the API was free, even though rate-limited. Dall.E offers Node.js and Python samples, but I wanted to keep learning Rust. So far, I've created a REST API. In this post, I want to describe how you can create a Web app with server-side rendering.

The Context

Tokio is a runtime for asynchronous programming for Rust; Axum is a web framework that leverages the former. I already used Axum for the previous REST API, so I decided to continue.

Leverage the Richness of HTTP Status Codes

If you're not a REST expert, you probably use the same HTTP codes over and over in your responses, mostly 200, 404, and 500. If using authentication, you might perhaps add 401 and 403; if using redirects 301 and 302, that might be all. But the range of possible status codes is much broader than that and can improve semantics a lot. While many discussions about REST focus on entities and methods, using the correct response status codes can make your API stand out.

201: Created

Many applications allow creating entities: accounts, orders, what have you. In general, one uses HTTP status code 200 is used, and that's good enough. However, the 201 code is more specific and fits better:

Fearless Distroless

With the rise of Docker came a new focus for engineers: optimizing the build to reach the smallest image size possible.

A couple of options are available.

My First Firefox Extension

A couple of weeks ago, I spent the weekend creating another CFP submission helper in the form of a Firefox extension. It was not a walk in the park. To help others who may be interested in doing the same (and my future self), here's my journey.


I've written multiple posts about my conference submission workflow. To sum up:

My Evaluation of the Scaleway Cloud Provider

A couple of years ago, I developed an app that helped me manage my conference submission workflow. Since then, I have been a happy user of the free Heroku plan. Last summer, Heroku's owner, Salesforce, announced that it would stop the free plan in November 2022. I searched for a new hosting provider and found Scaleway. In this post, I'd like to explain my requirement, why I chose them, and my experience using them.

The Context

I've already described the app in previous blog posts, especially the deployment part. Yet, here's a summary in case you want to avoid rereading it.

mTLS Everywere

Security in one's information system has always been among the most critical non-functional requirements. Transport Layer Security, aka TLS and formerly SSL, is among its many pillars. In this post, I'll show how to configure TLS for the Apache APISIX API Gateway.

TLS in a Few Words

TLS offers several capabilities:

gRPC on the Client Side

Most inter-systems communication components that use REST serialize their payload in JSON. As of now, JSON lacks a widely-used schema validation standard: JSON Schema is not widespread. Standard schema validation allows delegating the validation to a third-party library and being done with it. Without one, we must fall back to manual validation in the code. Worse, we must keep the validation code in sync with the schema.

XML has schema validation out-of-the-box: an XML document can declare a grammar that it must conform to. SOAP, being based on XML, benefits from it, too.

Authenticate With OpenID Connect and Apache APISIX

Lots of companies are eager to provide their identity provider: Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. For smaller businesses, not having to manage identities is a benefit. However, we want to avoid being locked into one provider. In this post, I want to demo how to use OpenID Connect using Google underneath and then switch to Azure.

OpenID Connect

The idea of an authorization open standard started with OAuth around 2006. Because of a security issue, OAuth 2.0 superseded the initial version. OAuth 2.0 became an IETF RFC in 2012:

Make Your Security Policy Auditable

Last week, I wrote about putting the right feature at the right place. I used rate limiting as an example, moving it from a library inside the application to the API Gateway. Today, I'll use another example: authentication and authorization.

Securing a Spring Boot Application

I'll keep using Spring Boot in the following because I'm familiar with it. The Spring Boot application offers a REST endpoint to check employees' salaries.

Null Safety: Kotlin vs. Java

Last week, I was at the FOSDEM conference. FOSDEM is specific in that it has multiple rooms, each dedicated to a different theme and organized by a team. I had two talks:

The second talk is from an earlier post. Martin Bonnin did a tweet from a single slide, and it created quite a stir, even attracting Brian Goetz.

Securing Admin Access to Apache APISIX

API Gateways are critical components in one's infrastructure. If an attacker could change the configuration of routes, they could direct traffic to their infrastructure. Consequences could range from data theft to financial losses. Worse, data theft could only be noticed after a long time by mirroring the load. Hence, protecting your API Gateway is of utmost importance.

In this short blog post, I'll list a couple of ways to secure your Apache APISIX admin access.

Learning by Doing: An HTTP API With Rust

When I started working on this post, I had another idea in mind: I wanted to compare the developer experience and performance of Spring Boot and GraalVM with Rust on a demo HTTP API application. Unfortunately, the M1 processor of my MacBook Pro had other ideas.

Hence, I changed my initial plan. I'll write about the developer experience of developing the above application in Rust, compared to what I'm used to with Spring Boot.

The Quest for REST

Since I started working for Apache APISIX, I have tried to deepen my understanding of REST via various means. Did you read my review of the "API Design Patterns" book?

In the current literature, REST is generally promoted as the best thing since sliced bread. Yet, it comes with lots of challenges. In 2010(!), Martin Fowler wrote a post on the glory of REST. He lists three steps for an API to become truly REST:

2022 in Retrospective

2022 is over, and not a moment too soon. I'll never forget it: some of my friends had to flee their own country; others are fighting for their freedom as I write this post. I hope they will be safe and that their wishes will come true in 2023.

On the personal and technical side, here's a summary of the past year from my perspective.

An Immutable Mastodon Handle

Whether Twitter crumbles remains to be seen, though some signs are telling. Whatever happens, I'm continuing to invest a bit in Mastodon. Last week, I showed how to sync one's content between Twitter and Mastodon. This week, I've set up a Mastodon handle on my domain that redirects to my profile page: I want to explain how I achieved it and the problems I'm still having.

Mastodon 101

Mastodon is different from Twitter in that it's not centralized: it's a federation of Mastodon servers, run independently and connected — the Fediverse. To be precise, the Fediverse is more than Mastodon nodes, but let's not go that far. The first problem when one wants to create a Mastodon account is to choose the correct instance. My first choice was, but it was closed to new accounts at the time. I set my eyes on for no reason but that it was in the proposal list and was French.

How to Sync Twitter and Mastodon

I opened my Twitter account more than 13 years ago, in August 2009. For 12 years, I kept focusing on professional-related content: Java, the JVM, programming, etc. I built my audience, trying to promote good technical content, either my own or stuff that I enjoyed reading.

Then, on February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine. My first visit to Ukraine was in 2014, just after the Maidan revolution. During eight years, I returned there often and made plenty of friends.