Unary Streaming via gRPC

If you want to get multiple responses and send multiple requests, it is time to use gRPC Streaming concepts. You can't do streaming with REST API, as REST API uses HTTP 1.1. In this blog, I will go through how you can do Unary Streaming via gRPC.

Types of APIs or Streaming in gRPC

gRPC supports four types of APIs to support streaming.

Compile Protocol Buffers Using Maven

Hi folks! In this article, we will explore how to compile protocol buffers using Maven. We assume the reader has a basic idea about protocol buffers and Maven.

Google developed protocol buffers for use in their internal services. It is a binary encoding format that allows you to specify a schema for your data using a specification language, like so:

Why gRPC for Inter-Microservice Communication

Hi folks! In this blog, we will understand why one should use gRPC for inter-service communication over other RESTful services.

What is gRPC?

It is a high performance, open-source, universal RPC framework. In simple words, it enables the server and client applications to communicate transparently and build connected systems. Google developed gRPC and made it available open-source. With it, a customer can directly call methods on a server application on a different machine as if it were a local object. gRPC is based on the foundations of conventional Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technology but implemented on top of the modern technology stacks such as HTTP2, protocol buffers, etc., to ensure maximum interoperability.