JSON vs. XML: Is One Really Better Than the Other?

JSON and XML fulfill a similar purpose of organizing complex data in an understandable and readable format to various APIs and programming languages, such as Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. This type of technology is essential because structuring the data is what allows us to share it successfully. However, despite aiming for the same goal, they have different ways to operate.

This article compares JSON and XML to fully understand their benefits and why they stand on opposite sides of the wrestling ring. I start by providing a definition for each, followed by an in-depth look at their differences and similarities.

Top 21 Data Mining Tools

Data mining is a world itself, which is why it can easily get very confusing. There is an incredible number of data mining tools available in the market. However, while some might be more suitable for handling data mining in Big Data, others stand out for their data visualization features.

As is explained in this article, data mining is about discovering patterns in data and predicting trends and behaviors. Simply put, it is the process of converting vasts sets of data into relevant information. There is not much use in having massive amounts of data if we do not actually know what it means.

MongoDB Vs. MySQL: When to Use?

MongoDB and MySQL are both incredible databases with outstanding performance. However, their success is determined by the field in which they are playing. Rather than merely comparing the pros and cons, it is first essential to comprehend the different contexts in which they operate. Therefore, in this blog post, we will explore the key characteristics, differences, and benefits of using MongoDB and MySQL.

Keep reading to find out more about these (very different) databases and how to choose between both.