5 Benefits of Animating Your Website

The rise of the online video opened the doors to endless possibilities for non-static graphics in website design. One trend that has taken web design by storm is website animation. Animating certain elements of a website has the potential to grab user attention, increase engagement, seal more conversions, and increase sales. Explore all the exciting […]

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How 9 Things Will Change The Way You Approach Web Designs Trends 2018

Undoubtedly the basic purpose of websites is to attract new visitors and keep the older ones and make them perform the specific task on your website. Each website is designed to perform the above basic functions. On the other hand, the website owner makes it a point to upload the content and images that serve […]

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How to Create Functional Filters for Your E-commerce Site

Functional filters on an E-commerce site can help drive more sales, providing visitors with a pleasant, accessible user experience. Filters enhance an experience and can reduce frustration. Customers seeking a specific item are likelier to find it while also having their interests piqued into additional purchases by other relevant filters. E-commerce product filters can be […]

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How to Design the Best Medical Website

According to statistics between November 2016 to January 2017, people have a rather high degree of trust (36%) towards online healthcare resources recommended by their own physicians or well-known providers of healthcare services. Given the rapid growth of IT and, in particular, the complex diagnosis of some diseases, we can affirm that such sites will […]

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How to Design the Ultimate Digital Campaign

The trick to making your mark in the digital world — at least when it comes to building brand exposure and boosting your returns — is having a planned, well-constructed digital campaign. By not incorporating a defined and reliable marketing strategy, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Image Source:www.l49digital.com As Smart Insights made clear in […]

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How Blockchain, Chatbots and AI Could Affect Banking UX Design in 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI), Chatbots and Blockchain are some of the key technologies which will disrupt the financial services industry in the coming days. Artificial Intelligence AI is a collection of machine learning, natural language processing, and cognitive computing designed for scale. This scalability is exciting, as it can create exponential growth and deliver today’s required […]

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