Taking the Fear Out of Migrations

Over the last 18 months at incident.io, we’ve done a lot of migrations. Often, a new feature requires a change to our existing data model. For us to be successful, it’s important that we can seamlessly transition from the old world to the new as quickly as we can. 

There are few things in software where I’d advocate a ‘one true way,’ but the closest I come is probably migrations. There’s a playbook that we follow to give us the best odds of a smooth switchover:

  • Make the new data models.
  • Write to both the old and the new model.
  • Start reading from the new model.
  • Drop the old data model.

A Worked Example

Last year, we introduced customizable incident statuses. Before that, our statuses were hard coded as strings (investigating, fixing, monitoring, closed). There was a database column status which, for each incident, contained one of those four strings. We wanted to move to a world where customers could choose their own statuses, both renaming them and choosing how many they wanted. So how did we do this?

1. Make the New Data Models

Make a new data model

We’ve got to agree on the target data model: what the new world will look like. We need a new table to represent the statuses configured against each organization: incident_statuses, and a column on our incidents table to store which status it’s currently in: incident_status_id.

How To Build a Strong Incident Response Process

When building an incident response process, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the moving parts. Less is more: focus first on building solid foundations that you can develop over time. Here are three things we think form a key part of a strong process.

I’d recommend taking these one at a time, introducing incident response throughout your organization.