ES2022 Preview: 10 Exciting JavaScript Language Features From 2021

JavaScript evolves quickly. In 2021, several proposals have moved to Stage 4 of the TC39 process and will be included in ES2022. They add the following features to JavaScript:

Classes and Instances

  • Private instance fields, methods, and accessors
  • Existence checks for private fields
  • Public static class fields
  • Private static class fields and methods
  • Static class initialization blocks

Module Loading

  • Top-Level await

Built-in Objects

  • Error: .cause
  • Array, String, and TypedArray: .at()
  • Object: .hasOwn()
  • RegExp: match .indices ('d' flag)

This blog post describes each feature, shows an example of how it can be used, and looks at current browser and Node.js support (as of December 2021). Let's get started:

Short-Circuiting in JavaScript

In JavaScript, short-circuiting refers to the partial evaluation of expressions to avoid unnecessary computation. This blog post describes the short-circuiting operators and assignments in JavaScript and how to use them.

Short-Circuiting Operators: &&, ||, and ??

Short-circuiting operators only evaluate the right side of an expression when necessary.

7 Formats for Great Team Retrospectives

A team retrospective is a meeting at the end of a sprint, project, or milestone where the team reflects on the past work cycle and identifies improvements. It involves celebrating achievements to raise the team spirit, gathering feedback on challenges, and planning how to execute better in upcoming sprints or projects. Retrospectives are essential for continuous improvement and team growth.

Retrospective meetings are structured to facilitate team discussions and beneficial outcomes. They usually start with an introduction, then input from each team member is gathered, presented, and discussed, and finally, the next steps are determined. Gathering input usually happens in parallel. Guided by the questions of a retrospective format, each team member writes up their thoughts on sticky notes and puts them on a whiteboard (or the digital equivalent in remote meetings).