Creating Backups on SQL Server for Disaster Recovery

Backups are one key to a successful disaster recovery plan. Every database engine has its own backup commands and procedures, and Microsoft SQL Server is no exception. SQL Server has capabilities for full and differential backups as well as a backup process for transaction logs. These procedures can be used in combination to ensure limited downtime should your database suffer from an outage or critical, unrecoverable crash.

Full Backups vs. Differential Backups

Before creating a backup, it's important to know the different types. There are three types: full, differential, and incremental. SQL Server supports full and differential backups, but some administrators incorrectly call differential backups "incremental." There is a distinct difference between the two, however, and it affects the way databases see backup data.

SAS Integration With ArcGIS Online in 3-Tier Architecture

SAS Integration With ArcGIS Online in 3-Tier Architecture


SAS has powerful tools for statistical computing along with the Consumer and Business Intelligence suite of products, which has been used in various fields like clinical research, finance, and healthcare. SAS also has Fraud Detection products that are based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, which are becoming handy to prevent fraud across multiple industries.

On the other hand, ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) for web mapping and Geographic Information System. ArcGIS is the market-leading Geographic Information System for arranging geographical data in order to create and use maps in workflow-specific apps. When spatial data analysis capability of ArcGIS is added to SAS textual and numeric data analysis, the efficiency of the users who are using the system will improve as the users will now have immediate recognition and understanding of the results.