Google Exposes Android Vitals Data via Play Developer Reporting API

With the introduction of the new Play Developer Reporting API, Google is allowing developers to integrate essential app performance data into third-party applications. This API will allow developers to build custom dashboards and aggregate Google data with other sources.

At launch, this API provides access to four essential metrics: crash rate, ANR (App Not Responding) rate, excessive wake-up rate, and stuck background wake-lock rate. The API also allows for tracking of application anomalies. 

Twelve Labs Announces API Suite for Its Video Search Platform

Twelve Labs, a company specializing in cloud infrastructure for video search and analysis, has announced a suite of cloud-native APIs that enable integration with the company’s AI-powered video search tooling. These APIs enable developers to leverage near instantaneous search of massive video catalogs.

The developer documentation for the new API suite provides a comprehensive overview of the functionality provided by these APIs. The documentation notes that: