How a Programmer Developed a Perfect Flower Recognition App

Spring is a great season for hiking, especially when flowers are in full bloom. One weekend, a teacher named Jenny took her class for an outing in a park. She invited her boyfriend John along to lend her a hand.

John had prepared for a carefree outdoor outing, like those in his childhood, when he would run around in the grass — but it took a different turn. His outing turned out to be something like a Q&A session that was all about flowers: the students were amazed at John’s ability to recognize flowers, and repeatedly asked him what kind of flowers they encountered. Faced with their sincere questioning and adoring expression, John, despite being a flower novice, felt obliged to give the right answer even though he had to sneak to search for it on the Internet.

HarmonyOS Device Location, Geocoding, and Reverse Geocoding Capabilities


People take their mobile devices wherever they go. Mobile devices have become a necessity in people's daily routines, whether it be for looking at the weather forecast, browsing news, hailing a taxi, navigating, or recording data from a workout. All of these activities are associated with location services on mobile devices.

With the location awareness capability offered by HarmonyOS, mobile devices will be able to obtain real-time, accurate location data. Building location-awareness into your application can also lead to a better contextual experience for application users.

HarmonyOS QR Code Generation


A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode).

HarmonyOS provides code generation to return the byte stream of a quick response (QR) code image based on a given string and QR code image size. The caller can use the QR code byte stream to generate a QR code image.

How to Integrate Huawei ML Kit Image Classification in Flutter


In this article, we will learn how to implement the Image Classification feature in a Flutter application. Image classification uses the transfer learning algorithm to perform multi-level learning training. Huawei ML Kit provides many useful machine learning-related features to developers, and one of them is Image Classification.

About Image Classification

Image classification is one of the features of the HMS ML Kit. Through this service, we can classify the objects in images. This service analyses an image, classifies it into possible categories in the real world, like people, animals, objects, etc. and it returns the recognized results.

Messaging Text Through HMS Nearby Connection

Introduction to Nearby Connection

Nearby Connection is one of the API of HUAWEI Nearby Service that allows applications to easily discover and connect to nearby devices, and exchange data with nearby devices without having Internet.

Example: We can chat with a friend and can share files such as photos and videos without connecting to the Internet.

HMS Game Service — Sign-in Function [Java]


In this article, I would like to address the Game Service topic by doing a practical example in which we will implement the kit. The goal is to achieve a simple application where our user can log in with his Huawei ID and obtain information regarding his player on Game Service. In the Huawei repositories, we can find projects with all the implementation but in my opinion, it is better to create a new project where we have the opportunity to do our development.


1. Create an App in AGC

Time Awareness: A Journey Through HMS Awareness (Part 4)


Time awareness is used to obtain holiday information in most regions and sunrise and sunset time of all cities around the world.

Barrier API

This API is used to set a timer or a barrier based on the target time. For example, one hour before and after the sunrise can be set as a sunrise barrier.

All About Maps — Episode 1: Showing Routes From GPX Files on Maps

All About Maps

Let's talk about maps. I started an open-source project called All About Maps ( In this project, I aim to demonstrate how we can implement the same map related use cases with different map providers in one codebase. We will use Mapbox Maps, Google Maps, and Huawei HMS Map Kit. This project uses the following libraries and patterns:

  • MVVM pattern with Android Jetpack Libraries

React Native Made Easy: Native Bridge (feat. Scan Kit) Part 2


React Native is a convenient tool for cross platform development, and though it has become more and more powerful through the updates, there are limits to it, for example its capability to interact with and using the native components. Bridging native code with Javascript is one of the most popular and effective ways to solve the problem. Best of both worlds!

Currently not all HMS Kits has official RN support yet, this article will walk you through how to create android native bridge to connect your RN app with HMS Kits, and Scan Kit will be used as an example here.