Creating and Serving Your First Machine Learning Model

Welcome to the world of machine learning, where computers learn from data and make predictions without explicit programming. At the heart of this technology lies the concept of a “model.”

What Is a Model?

In traditional programming, we create functions/methods that receive inputs/parameters and return a result based on a formula. For example, imagine a Java method that applies the formula y = 3x + 1.

Getting Started With Service Calls and Serverless Workflow

Workflows are great for orchestrating services, functions, or events. They provide out-of-the-box features to make your applications resilient, reliable, and simple.

But currently, each cloud vendor has its workflow solution. AWS has Step Functions, Google has Google Workflows, Microsoft has Azure Durable functions, and so on. The lack of a common way to define workflows becomes an issue when you need to migrate or host your applications on more than one cloud vendor. It also limits the potential for creating tools and infrastructures that support several platforms. This is what the Serverless Workflow specification addresses.

How to Use Pattern Matching for instanceof From JDK16

The new LTS version (version 17) of Java was released in September. And since the previous LTS (version 11), many cool features were added. One of the coolest ones is “Pattern Matching for instanceof“.

Until Java 15, when we checked whether an object is an instance of a particular class, the compiler didn’t infer the variable’s type, even if the object passed the condition. Because of that, we always had to cast after the instanceof check.

How to Mock a Web Server in Your Java Applications

When you need to test an application that consumes a web API, you basically have two options:

  1. Use Testcontainers to start a container that will run the web API which your application will consume.
  2. Mock a Web Server to emulate the web API which your application will consume.

Many times, starting a container for that is not an option. For instance: you might not have a container environment available, or you just don’t have the artifacts to create that container (it might be a 3rd part API), or it is hard to emulate the needed behavior with containers.

4 Mistakes That Prevent Your Java APIs From Having More Users

When you have more people using your Java APIs, your projects grow and naturally you become a better engineer. You become more likely to increase your incomes and join great new projects. It also enables people to get their jobs done faster. So it’s a win-win situation.

To keep those people who already use your API and attract more, you need to eliminate these 4 mistakes.

3 Principles for Java Engineers to Stay Up-to-date With Technology

Java Engineers can adopt several strategies to stay up-to-date with technology. One of the most natural ones is by developing frameworks and libraries. By doing that, they often find themselves in one of these two situations:

  1. Any significant change in their code would break their client’s applications. So, they struggle with releasing extra features. Most of their releases comprise only minor bug fixes.
  2. Although they often release versions containing extra features, their clients never upgrade. Upgrading to the recent version would take too much effort, and the clients don’t have the time for that.

If you find yourself in one of those situations, you need to know the 3 principles that sustain great frameworks and libraries. Applying these principles in your APIs will put you on the path to staying up-to-date.