The Difference Between Black Box And White Box Testing

Do you know the difference?

Software testing is an essential activity in the software development process. Without testing, you’ll end up with a buggy product that doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do — a lemon. Black box testing and white box testing are two different types of software testing strategies, that are equally powerful, and even better when combined.

We’ll explore each, in turn, to see how it helps to shape a successful, performant end product.

Public Vs. Private Blockchain

Blockchain is a super hot topic right now — with every business — from big banks to small businesses —wondering how they can leverage this new technology to help get ahead and one-up their competition. But what exactly is blockchain? 

To delve a little deeper into the specifics of blockchain, particularly as it relates to business purposes, we need to outline the differences between a public blockchain and a private blockchain.

How Beacon Technology Works

With so many different enabling technologies available to utilize, picking out the right one/s to do the right job can be a little tricky. Today, we take a look at an enabling technology that allows us to push hyper-hyper-local content to mobile devices — that is, users within a meters-wide radius.

For businesses and organizations looking to target users on the ground, in a very specific area, beacons are the technology you should seek.