How To Handle iFrames In Cypress

In today's web development world, finding standalone web apps is challenging. However, we can find most of these web apps work with each other where the integrations happen either from the Front-end or Back-end. One of the oldest yet simple integration strategies is using iFrames when examining these integrations.

The < iframe > element has a somewhat convoluted history; introduced by Microsoft around 1997 and supported in early versions of Internet Explorer, it was incorporated into HTML 4.0, banished from XHTML, and reintroduced in HTML5. 

Cypress Testing Library: Getting Started Tutorial

Writing maintainable tests for web user interfaces is critical for ensuring the reliability and stability of applications. As the software evolves and changes, it's vital to have tests that can be easily maintained and updated to reflect the latest changes in the code.

As part of UI testing, it is necessary to focus on the application's behavior rather than its implementation details. This is because implementation details can undergo frequent changes, and testing them can result in fragile tests that easily break when the implementation is modified. 

How To Perform Cypress Accessibility Testing

Accessibility means designing products, devices, services, vehicles, or environments so that they’re accessible to specially-abled people. A big part of the concept is to enable people with disabilities through assistive technologies (screen readers, keyboard detection, and other assistive technology).

To create accessible things means to create something that is accessible to all (whether they have a disability or not). Users can use an application to achieve established goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and convenience and not be confused with accessibility, which is how users can use an application in a specified context.

TDD vs. BDD: Choosing The Suitable Framework

Most Software Developers in Test are familiar with Test-Driven Development, or TDD, but Behavior-Driven Development, or BDD, is often misunderstood. The truth is that both of these approaches have advantages and disadvantages to consider.

This blog deep dives into TDD vs. BDD comparison by looking at both these approaches individually. Later, we would compare them to functionalities, supported frameworks, and more.
I could say BDD is merely the evolution of TDD.

A Complete Guide to Cypress Visual Regression Testing

Sometimes referred to as automated UI testing or visual regression testing, VRT checks software from a purely visual standpoint (taking a screenshot and comparing it against another approved screenshot). Cypress is an emerging test automation framework that enables teams to ship high-quality products faster.

Cypress utilizes a modern architectural approach and is fully equipped with built-in screenshot functionality and also video recording capabilities, making it one of the best test automation frameworks for Cypress visual regression testing.

How To Find Broken Links Using Cypress [With Examples]

Have you ever experienced a 404 error? From an end user’s perspective, a 404 error (or broken link) experience can be a complete turn-off. Apart from annoying end-user experience, broken links (or dead links) on a website can dampen the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) activity.

The more 404 pages you have on your site, the fewer time users spend on the site. To reduce the bounce rate and build a top-notch online reputation for your website, it is essential to check for broken links using Cypress. It is relatively easy to check broken links on the website by performing Cypress testing compared to other test automation frameworks like Selenium.