CMS, CRM, and ERP – What Is It and Why?

CMS, CRM, and ERP are the three main software solutions to automate core processes in business. They assist in managing day-to-day operations, the company’s interactions with customers, handling data, reducing redundant tasks, prioritizing leads, running a website, and much more. CMS, CRM, and ERP offer powerful tools to boost profitability and increase sales. However, the core components and the work principles are not the same, especially regarding CMS. 

What Is a CMS Software?

Answering what CMS means in business, we come to the next definition. Content Management System (CMS) is computer software to build a web page on. It is used to publish, add, easy to replace, and manage digital content – design, text, and graphics. It provides an interface for working with content, handling both the back-end and front-end of a website to modify online business without technical knowledge or background. It is a convenient option for someone who is not technically minded to deliver content and build a dynamic website without getting into the code. For example, to write or to update a page. CMS platforms provide a variety of pre-designed templates to create a simple yet well-designed page. Templates visualize future websites. Thus, they can be used as a starting point for small businesses.

What Is DevOps and Why You Should Have It

More than 85% of companies acknowledge speed as one of the critical factors in software development. Unfortunately, only 10% confirm readiness for rapid development and deployment. The difference between knowing the value of speed and getting the most of it lies within the realm of approach.

Are you familiar with companies like Amazon, Target, Etsy, Netflix, Google, and Walmart? There’s something that puts these famous brands in one line. It’s the DevOps approach for building and delivering software products most efficiently.

Functional vs. Non-functional Testing: Can You Have One Without the Other?

Functional and non-functional tests are the most popular approach to categorizing the different types of software testing. These two categories refer to the very essence of the testing process and what exactly is being tested. There are two things to know about functional and non-functional testing if you’ve never dug deep into these two testing categories before. 

One, the division between non-functional and functional testing is not set in stone, and for some testing types, categorizing them is no easy feat. Two, both functional and non-functional testing are essential for the success of your software testing project, albeit in different ways. Today, we will take a closer look at the difference between functional and non-functional requirements, where these two types of testing stand in the software testing process, and how they influence the cost of testing.

What Is Lean Software Development

Lean software development (LSD) is an agile framework or a set of principles and practices that emphasize delivery value and reduce software development waste. LSD limits queues and helps to eliminate unnecessary stages in the workflow. It focuses on improving quality, amplifying learning, and continuously improving by optimizing time and resources.

A Brief History of Lean

LSD originates from the manufacturing movement. It was implemented by Toyota Production System to eliminate the non-efficient use of time and resources. Back then, the term "lean" was suggested as well. Gradually, different manufacturing organizations have started implementing this approach in their industries. In 2003, lean software development appeared. It was first mentioned in relation to software creation in the world-known book by the same name written by Mary and Tom Poppendieck.