LLM Fine-Tuning Strategies for Domain-Specific Applications

Large language models(LLMs) are advanced artificial intelligence(AI) models engineered to understand human language as well as generate human-like responses. These are trained on a large amount of text data sets — hence the name “large” — built on a type of neural network called a transformer model. These are used in chatbots and virtual assistants, content generation, summarization, translation, code generation, etc.

A notable feature of LLMs is their ability to be fine-tuned. These can be further trained to enhance their overall performance and allow them to adapt to new, specialized domains, showcasing their adaptability and versatility.

Implementing DevOps Practices in Salesforce Development

Can businesses apply the DevOps approach to Salesforce app development? DevOps techniques can work great with the Salesforce suite if you know where to start. Salesforce even has some features that can enhance DevOps strategies. How does DevOps apply to Salesforce, and how can businesses combine the two? 

How DevOps Applies to Salesforce Apps

DevOps, or Development and Operations, is one of today’s leading innovative software and service development approaches. Many businesses strive to apply it to apps and software platforms they’re already using or looking to adopt, including the popular CRM suite Salesforce. 

Unleashing the Power of GPT: A Comprehensive Guide To Implementing OpenAI’s GPT in ReactJS

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying abreast of the latest technologies is crucial. One such revolutionary advancement is the integration of OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) in ReactJS applications. GPT, known for its natural language processing capabilities, can potentially elevate user experiences to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the implementation of GPT in ReactJS, exploring the intricacies and possibilities it opens up for developers.

Understanding GPT

Before we jump into the implementation details, let's briefly grasp the essence of GPT. Developed by OpenAI, GPT is a state-of-the-art language model that has been pre-trained on vast amounts of textual data. Its ability to generate human-like text has made it a powerhouse in natural language processing tasks. GPT achieves this through the use of transformers, a type of neural network architecture that excels at capturing contextual relationships in data.

Cloud Native Predictions 2024: Stress, Careers, and Costs

As the year 2023 winds down, there is time for reflection and looking back. I've done that every year on this blog with year-in-review articles. This year I thought I might take all the new learnings around cloud native observability, add in some insights from all the events I attended related to observability, and try to predict what the biggest changes might be for 2024.

Picture of alarm clockIn this article, I plan to lay out three top predictions based on my experiences over 2023 in the cloud native domain, with a big focus on the observability arena. This has been my first complete year focused on these topics, and the change in technologies I've been focusing on up to now meant I could approach this with zero bias. I just researched, then went hands-on with open source projects mostly found in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) domain, and went on the road to events to put an ear to the ground.

Revolutionizing Stock Trading With AI and ML: Opportunities and Challenges

The stock market, a challenging yet lively money-focused arena, has continuously served as an excellent platform for innovative tech use. Lately, two main disruptors, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have sprung up. They have quite changed the trading world, offering new ways for traders to study the markets, forecast shifts, and decide actions. This piece is all about the blend of AI/ML into stock dealing. We'll illustrate their perks and hurdles and offer a hands-on Python demo for forecasting stock values.

AI/ML in Stock Trading

AI/ML tools in stock trading mainly help in predicting trends, spotting patterns, and making trading systems automatic. These systems can check lots of past and real-time data, find patterns that humans can't see, and guess market trends accurately. Things like linear regression, decision trees, neural networks, and deep learning models are often used in these tasks.

Real-Time Data Scrubbing Before Storing in a Data Warehouse

Between January 2023 and May 2023, companies violating general data processing principles incurred fines totaling 1.86 billion USD (!!!).

In today’s data-driven landscape, the importance of data accuracy and compliance cannot be overstated. As businesses amass vast amounts of information, the need to ensure data integrity, especially PII storing, becomes paramount. Data scrubbing emerges as a crucial process, particularly in real-time scenarios, before storing information in a data warehouse.

How to Add Multiple Galleries in WordPress Posts and Pages

Do you want to add multiple image galleries to your WordPress posts and pages?

With multiple image galleries, you can show off different types of content on your website and improve your SEO and user experience. However, the default WordPress Gallery block lacks certain features.

In this article, we will show you how to easily add multiple galleries in your WordPress posts, pages, and sidebar.

Add multiple galleries to WordPress posts and pages

Why Add Multiple Galleries in WordPress?

WordPress is used by thousands of photographers, artists, and designers to share their work with the world. Many website owners also use images and photo galleries to show the products in their online stores or make their content more visually interesting.

Many WordPress websites want to display their photos in different ways, including adding multiple galleries in a single post, adding galleries into sidebars, creating slideshows, and so on.

For example, if you have a food blog, then you may want to create separate image galleries for your recipes and restaurant reviews.

Similarly, if you run a fashion blog, then you can use multiple galleries to display your fall, winter, or spring collections separately.

Multiple galleries preview

WordPress comes with a built-in gallery feature that you can use to make and show image galleries.

However, these galleries lack functionality like opening images in a lightbox, browsing images without leaving the page, adding tags, creating albums, and more.

Most importantly, your galleries are not stored separately. This means that if you want to reuse a gallery in another post, then you will need to make it all over again.

That being said, let’s take a look at the best way to add multiple galleries in WordPress posts and pages.

How to Add Multiple Image Galleries in WordPress

You can easily add multiple image galleries to WordPress posts and pages using Envira Gallery.

It is the best WordPress gallery plugin on the market that allows you to create beautiful image galleries on your WordPress site.

With Envira Gallery, your users can view your images in a lightbox popup. They can also browse images without leaving the page, and you can even reuse your galleries in other posts and pages.

First, you need to install and activate the Envira Gallery plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: Envira Gallery also has a free version that you can use for this tutorial.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Envira Gallery » Add New page from the WordPress admin sidebar to start creating a gallery for your website.

From here, you can start by typing a name for your gallery.

Next, click the ‘Select Files from Your Computer’ button to upload gallery images from the computer.

If you want to add images from the WordPress media library, then click the ‘Select Files from Other Sources’ button instead. Keep in mind that if you use this option, then you can only upload a single image at a time from the media library.

Create image gallery

Once you have done that, scroll down to the ‘Currently in your Gallery’ section.

Here, you will see a preview of all the images that you have uploaded to your Envira gallery.

See the image gallery preview

Now, you can click on the pencil icon at the top of each image to open the ‘Edit Metadata’ prompt on the screen.

From here, you will be able to add the caption, status, title, and alt text for individual images.

Once you are happy, don’t forget to click the ‘Save Metadata’ button to store your settings.

Configure image metadeta

Next, you can switch to the ‘Configuration’ tab from the left sidebar to change your gallery layout, including choosing the number of columns, image lazy loading, size, title and caption positioning, margins, heights, and more.

You can also switch to the ‘Lightbox’ tab to check the ‘Enable Lightbox’ option. This will allow users to enlarge images and browse them without ever leaving the page.

After that, you can also configure other settings, including videos, social sharing, tags, pagination, and more.

For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on how to create an image gallery in WordPress.

Enable lightbox for image gallery

Finally, click the ‘Publish’ button at the top to store your settings.

Once you have done that, just repeat the process to create another image gallery for your WordPress blog. You can create as many image galleries with Envira Gallery as you want.

Adding Galleries to WordPress Posts or Pages

Now that you have created multiple image galleries, it’s time to add them to your WordPress posts and pages.

To do this, just open a page/post of your liking in the WordPress content editor.

Once you are there, click the ‘+’ button in the top left corner of the screen to open the block menu. From here, find and add the Envira Gallery block to the page or post.

Add the Envira Gallery block

Next, you need to select one of the galleries that you created from the dropdown menu in the block itself.

After that, open the block menu once again and add the ‘Envira Gallery’ block to select a different gallery.

Once you have done that, you can change the gallery layout, enable the lightbox, or set the row height from the block panel as well.

You can even upload new images to your gallery by clicking the ‘Upload’ or ‘Media Library’ button under each gallery.

Edit image gallery in the block panel

Finally, click the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button at the top to store your settings.

Now, you can visit your WordPress site to view the multiple image galleries in action.

Multiple galleries preview

Adding Multiple Galleries in WordPress Sidebars

Envira Gallery makes it super easy to add your galleries to sidebars and other widget-ready areas.

First, you need to visit the Appearance » Widgets page from the WordPress dashboard.

Note: If you are using a block theme, then you won’t be able to see the widgets menu. Instead, you can jump to our next method, where we show you how to insert multiple galleries using the full site editor.

Once you are there, just click the ‘+’ button at the top left corner to open the block menu and add the Envira Gallery block to the sidebar.

Upon adding it, you must select an image gallery from the dropdown menu within the block itself.

Add Envira block in the sidebar

Next, simply repeat the process to add another image gallery to the WordPress sidebar.

Once you have done that, you can further configure the layout for each gallery from the block panel on the right side of the screen.

You can also click on the pencil icon in the block toolbar to launch the gallery edit screen.

Click the pencil icon to open the gallery edit screen

Once you are happy with your image galleries, click the ‘Update’ button at the top to save your changes.

Now, go ahead and visit your WordPress site to view multiple image galleries in your sidebar.

Multiple galleries in sidebar

Adding Multiple Galleries in WordPress Full Site Editor

If you are using a block theme, then the ‘Widgets’ menu tab won’t be available for you.

Instead, you need to visit the Appearance » Editor page from the WordPress dashboard and select the ‘Templates’ option from the left column.

Open templates option in FSE

This will open a list of all the pages on your website in the left column. From here, select the page where you want to add the galleries.

This will open the page in the WordPress full site editor.

From here, click the ‘+’ add block button to open the block menu and select the ‘Envira Gallery’ block. After that, you need to pick the gallery that you created from the dropdown menu within the block.

Next, just repeat the process again to add another gallery.

Add Envira Gallery block in full site editor

After that, you can configure the gallery settings from the block panel.

Alternatively, you can click the pencil icon in the block toolbar to launch the gallery edit screen.

Edit and save galleries in FSE

Finally, click the ‘Save’ button at the top to store your settings.

Now, visit your WordPress site to view the multiple image galleries.

Preview of multiple galleries in FSE

Bonus: Add Video Galleries to Your WordPress Site

With Envira Gallery, you can also add a video gallery to your WordPress blog using the Envira Videos Addon. This can help you show off your filmography, products, or informational video clips on your website.

This can help improve your site’s SEO, showcase your expertise, and increase user engagement.

Envira Gallery is also one of the best YouTube video gallery plugins for WordPress. This is because it allows you to create a YouTube gallery on your site simply using the URL for each video. It also lets you adjust the playback sound, use video autoplay, use fullscreen by default, hide the playback controls, and much more.

To learn more, you can see our list of the best YouTube video gallery plugins for WordPress.

We hope this article helped you add multiple galleries to WordPress posts and pages. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a photo gallery with albums in WordPress and our list of the best WordPress portfolio plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Multiple Galleries in WordPress Posts and Pages first appeared on WPBeginner.

Event Sourcing With Memphis.dev: A Beginner’s Guide

In the realm of modern software development, managing and maintaining data integrity is paramount. Traditional approaches often involve updating the state of an application directly within a database. However, as systems grow in complexity, ensuring data consistency and traceability becomes more challenging. This is where Event Sourcing, coupled with a powerful distributed streaming platform like Memphis.dev, emerges as a robust solution and a great data structure to work with.

What Is Event Sourcing?

At its core, Event Sourcing is a design pattern that captures every change or event that occurs in a system as an immutable and sequentially ordered log of events. Instead of persisting the current state of an entity, Event Sourcing stores a sequence of state-changing events. These events serve as a single source of truth for the system’s state at any given point in time.

When ML Meets DevOps: How To Understand MLOps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have taken over the world in recent years, becoming crucial components of practically any industry, from retail and entertainment to healthcare and banking. These technologies have the power to radically transform enterprises by automating operations, reducing costs, and boosting decision-making by analyzing huge volumes of data. The number of AI and ML projects has risen dramatically recently, creating the difficulty of effective ML project management. That is how MLOps entered center stage in the tech industry.

What Is MLOps?

MLOps, or Machine Learning Operations, is a methodology for optimizing ML lifecycles in order to accelerate the creation of AI-powered applications. It follows DevOps-like techniques for rapid and dependable software development in the ML sector. MLOps, like DevOps, fosters collaborative thinking, enabling constant communication among data scientists, software engineers, and data experts. It covers all aspects of the ML process, from data collection and model creation to final deployment and constant project enhancement.

Getting Started With MyScale via Python Client

Data is at the heart of nearly every organization today. As data volumes continue to explode, companies must find ways to effectively store, process, and analyze their data. This has led to an explosion in the database market, with companies utilizing both traditional SQL databases as well as newer vector databases to accomplish different tasks.

However, each type of database has tradeoffs. Traditional SQL databases offer consistency, accuracy, and ease of use for structured data, while vector databases are optimized for speed and scalability, especially with large volumes of unstructured data. But what if you don't have to choose? What if there was a database that gave you the best of both worlds?

A Comprehensive Exploration of Automated vs. Manual Accessibility Testing

In our previous post, Understanding the Importance of Digital Accessibility, we explored the factors driving the dramatic increase in focus and attention on web accessibility over the last few years by both users and companies. Today, web accessibility is no longer a choice but a necessity for companies. 

As such, accessibility testing is crucial in identifying and eliminating barriers that hinder users with disabilities from accessing and interacting with websites. While manual testing has been the traditional approach, automated testing has emerged as a valuable tool in recent years. This post delves into the strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications of automatic and manual accessibility testing.

Transforming Research Data Management: The Role of AI in Empowering Developers

In the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer across various industries. One particularly transformative area is research data management, where AI is empowering developers to efficiently handle and derive insights from vast datasets. This article explores the ways in which AI has revolutionized research data management, making the lives of developers significantly more efficient and productive.

Automated Data Processing

One of the primary contributions of AI in research data management is its ability to automate data processing tasks. Developers are often tasked with handling massive volumes of data generated from experiments, surveys, and simulations. AI algorithms excel in automating repetitive tasks, such as data cleaning, normalization, and organization. This allows developers to focus their energy on higher-level tasks, such as data analysis and interpretation.

These 37 Items Are Required for Magento 2 Launch

More than one hundred thousand online stores are currently run on Magento 2. Do you have any plans to open a Magento 2 store? If so, you might be concerned about how to make sure everything goes smoothly. You should think about and pay attention to a number of important aspects in this regard.

Therefore, we have created this comprehensive guide to help make things easier for you. Here, we'll provide you with a detailed list of everything you need for Magento 2 to go live that will help you launch your store. Let's get going.

8 Best WordPress CRM Plugins in 2023 (Compared)

Are you looking to add a CRM to your WordPress website?

A customer relationship management (CRM) plugin can help you follow up leads, increase sales, and manage interactions with your customers.

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress CRM plugins.

Best WordPress CRM Plugins

Why Use a WordPress CRM Plugin?

A customer relationship management (CRM) plugin will store the contact details of your customers and prospects, quickly show your previous interactions with them, and help you offer streamlined customer service across your business.

This data can be used by your sales, marketing, and customer service teams to follow up on leads, view purchasing history, and record how your customer’s problems were solved.

A CRM plugin needs to integrate with social media platforms, your lead generation software and email marketing service, and your membership website or online store. It should offer everything you need to manage your customers in one place.

With that being said, let’s take a look at the best WordPress CRM plugins with their pros and cons to help you choose the best tool for your business.

1. HubSpot


HubSpot is a comprehensive CRM plugin for WordPress that integrates seamlessly with their marketing, sales, and customer service products. It allows you to capture leads, manage contacts, and track user interactions.

HubSpot CRM comes with built-in tools to collect customer data on your WordPress website and add it to your contacts list. These include forms, email, and live chat.

HubSpot live chat

Your data is stored on HubSpot’s cloud platform. It also integrates with more than 300 apps and services, such as email marketing and lead generation software like OptinMonster.

The core HubSpot CRM platform is free and supports unlimited users and unlimited contacts. You can upgrade to a paid plan for more powerful features.

Hubspot is easy to use, and we show you how to add it to your WordPress website step-by-step in our guide on how to add a CRM on your WordPress site and get more leads.


  • HubSpot is an easy-to-use CRM.
  • The core HubSpot CRM features are free.
  • With paid plans, you can choose to focus on marketing, sales, or customer service.
  • You can easily embed forms and live chat on your site.


  • Beginners may find the plugin has a learning curve.
  • Data is stored on the HubSpot cloud service.

Why we chose HubSpot: HubSpot is the best CRM for small businesses and easily integrates with your WordPress website.

2. FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations is a powerful CRM and marketing automation tool for WordPress websites and WooCommerce stores.

You can use it to see every detail about your customers, including their name, email, gender, geographical location, tags, lists, and more. You can also see the details of their past history on your website or online store, including their purchase history.

The plugin’s strength lies in automation. You can also use its visual automation builder to automate targeted email and SMS campaigns, create subscription reminders, send automated coupons, and much more.

FunnelKit new automations


  • In-depth contact profiles show all client information in one place.
  • It allows you to automate your WooCommerce store, including emails and SMS messages.
  • FunnelKit Automations has advanced features like analytics, revenue tracking, and A/B testing.
  • It has integrations with popular apps and plugins.


  • Beginners will find there is a learning curve.
  • It is more expensive than most CMS solutions.

Why we chose FunnelKit Automations: Funnelkit Automations is one of the best marketing automation platforms for WooCommerce. Its contact profiles give you easy access to customer details and purchase history.

3. Freshsales CRM

Freshsales CRM

Freshsales CRM is a popular and affordable CRM with a sales-oriented approach. It has a scoring feature that helps you prioritize and personalize customer engagement.

Its dashboard gives you instant access to customer data, including reports, activities, phone calls, emails, and contact details.

Other features include visual sales pipelines, actionable insights into conversations, event tracking, custom workflows, and integrations with popular third-party services.

Freshsales also lets you automate your work to save you time. This lets you automatically assign leads, send emails, add tasks, create reminders, and much more. It can also save time by automatically filling in extra details based on social and publicly listed information.

You can find the Freshsales Integration plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory. It allows you to sync contacts and leads, embed forms, track website activity, and receive notifications.


  • Affordable and easy to use.
  • The scoring system helps you prioritize leads.
  • Automation features save you time.
  • Inexpensive and offers a 21-day free trial.


  • Offers less customization than other CRMs.
  • Offers fewer integrations than some other CRMs.

Why we chose Freshsales CRM: Freshsales CRM has a sales-oriented approach. It helps you prioritize your leads and saves time by offering automation and automatic data entry.

4. Brevo (Formerly Sendinblue)

Brevo Home Page

Brevo, formerly known as Sendinblue, is a popular email marketing service. It offers CRM features like contact management with custom fields, contact tracking, lead scoring, and transactional email logs. It can also integrate with other CRM products.

The company also offers a free WooCommerce CRM plugin in the official WordPress Plugin Directory. This will automatically sync your WooCommerce customer data with Brevo so you can improve customer service for your store using a single tool.

Once your online store data has been synced, you will be able to better manage your customers and their orders, create effective email and SMS campaigns, and track how many emails were delivered, opened, and clicked on.


  • Its limited CRM features can do all you need if email marketing is your focus.
  • You can set up automated workflows to increase conversions in your store.
  • Brevo’s free plan allows you to create unlimited contacts and send up to 300 emails per day.
  • The Brevo plugin for WooCommerce is free.


  • Its CRM features are more limited than other CRM solutions.
  • Plugin integration is only for WooCommerce stores, not general WordPress websites.
  • You depend on Brevo’s platform, so any downtime may affect your campaigns.

Why we chose Brevo: Brevo is one of the best email marketing services and will provide all the CRM features you need for email marketing. The free WordPress plugin also allows you to instantly sync the customers in your WooCommerce store.

5. Pipedrive CRM

Pipedrive CRM

Pipedrive CRM is another sales-driven CRM plugin for businesses. It lets you manage your sales pipeline management using an intuitive interface that gives you quick access to all the information you need.

It is tailored for sales teams and offers functions such as sales reporting, precise activity tracking, advanced contact information, customizable pipelines, sales forecasting, and seamless email integration.

In addition, it offers plenty of integration options, enabling you to link your CRM with your existing services.

You can find the LeadBooster Chatbot by Pipedrive plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory. It is a chatbot plugin that captures visitors to your WordPress website and turns them from qualified leads into deals in your Pipedrive CRM account.


  • Intuitive interface.
  • Monitors your sales performance and conversion rates.
  • Tracks customer communication.
  • Automate repetitive tasks.
  • Affordable pricing.


  • Its advanced reporting and automation capabilities are more limited than other CRMs.
  • Some advanced features have a steep learning curve

Why we chose Pipedrive CRM: Pipedrive CRM is an affordable customer relations solution for sales teams.

6. GreenRope CRM

GreenRope CRM

GreenRope CRM is a multi-purpose CRM designed for teams. It allows your sales and marketing, customer service, and operations departments to all use a single platform when dealing with your customers.

It integrates CRM, email marketing, automation, social media, project management, and more into a single flexible system.

The CRM also offers features that allow you to automate customer communication, prioritize your leads, track deals, and monitor social engagement.

You can find the GreenRope Analytics WordPress CRM plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory. It lets you track your WordPress site visitors within your GreenRope account.


  • A single tool can meet the needs of your sales, marketing, and support teams.
  • Additional features include project management, lead scoring, and event management.
  • It is highly customizable.


  • This tool fills multiple purposes, so it has a learning curve.
  • It is more expensive than some CRM solutions.

Why we chose GreenRope CRM: GreenRope CRM is a flexible CRM tool that can meet the needs of multiple multiple departments in your business or online store.

7. FluentCRM


FluentCRM is a self-hosted CRM and email automation plugin for WordPress. Unlike many other CRM solutions that store their data in their own cloud services, all FluentCRM data belongs to you and is stored in your WordPress database.

This plugin is easy to set up, and beginners will enjoy its user-friendly dashboard. It lets you track important customer information such as purchase history, form submissions, and their open email rate and click rate.

FluentCRM is compatible with many popular WordPress plugins, including Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, and LearnDash.

You can find FluentCRM’s Email Marketing, Newsletter, Email Automation and CRM plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory. It allows you to sync your contacts, automate emails and create email campaigns, track your website activity, and more.


  • Stores its data in your WordPress database.
  • Fast performance.
  • Also offers email automation.
  • You can get started for free.


  • Paid plans cost more than some other CRMs.

Why we chose FluentCRM: FluentCRM is an easy-to-use WordPress CRM plugin that can also track and automate your email campaigns. All of its data is stored in WordPress, so you don’t have to rely on third-party cloud services.

8. WP-CRM System

WP-CRM System

WP-CRM System is a free WordPress CRM plugin designed for freelancers and small business owners. It provides basic CRM functionality for WordPress websites, such as managing contacts, tracking communication history, and assigning tasks.

Like FluentCRM, WP-CRM stores all of its data in your WordPress database. This means that you own all of your data and don’t depend on another company to keep your data accessible.

WP-CRM System Extensions

You can also purchase extensions to add new features such as custom fields and integrations.


  • User-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Data is stored on your WordPress website, not a third-party cloud service.
  • The free plugin will meet the needs of many freelancers and small businesses.


  • Limited advanced features.
  • The cost of paid extensions can add up.

Why we chose WP-CRM System: WP-CRM System is the best free CRM plugin for WordPress. The basic plugin will meet the needs of many small businesses, and you can purchase extensions to add custom fields and integrations as you need them.

What Is the Best WordPress CRM Plugin?

In our expert opinion, we believe that HubSpot is the best WordPress CRM plugin. It’s easy to use, offers the most important features, and the core plugin is free.

On the other hand, if you have a WooCommerce store and need a CRM with eCommerce-focused marketing automation, then you should also look at FunnelKit Automations. It’s powerful, can help you grow your overall sales, and is worth every penny.

However, if you are looking for a completely sales-focused CRM, then we also recommend using Freshsales CRM or Pipedrive CRM because they are sales-driven and can help you automate your sales processes.

FAQs About CRM Plugins for WordPress

Do you still have questions? Here are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked about WordPress CRM plugins.

Is WordPress a CRM or CMS?

WordPress is a CMS, or content management system. It lets you build and manage your website and all its content.

However, WordPress is a very flexible platform that can be used for many purposes.

You can easily install a WordPress plugin to add the features you need to use your website for customer relationship management (CRM).

What is a WordPress CRM plugin?

A WordPress CRM plugin is an add-on that puts customer relationship management functionality directly into a WordPress website. It allows users to manage leads, contacts, and customer interactions within the WordPress dashboard.

Do you need a CRM plugin for your WordPress site?

Whether you need a CRM plugin depends on your business goals and the level of customer relationship management required. If you interact with leads or customers frequently, then a CRM plugin can help organize and streamline these interactions.

What features should you look for in a WordPress CRM plugin?

Important features to look for in a CRM include contact management, lead tracking, email integration, task management, reporting and analytics, customization options, and integration with other tools and platforms.

However, the features you need will vary depending on your specific requirements, the size of your team, the number of customers you need to deal with, and the type of business you are running.

Expert WordPress Guides for Customer Service

Now that you have learned about the best WordPress CRM plugins, you may like to see some of our other guides on customer service:

We hope this tutorial helped you find the best WordPress CRM plugins. You may also want to see our guide on how to increase your blog traffic or our expert picks for the best WordPress help desk plugins for customer support.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 8 Best WordPress CRM Plugins in 2023 (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.