Why Granular, Scalable Control Is a Must for Every CTO

Robust and agile security frameworks are crucial for any organization. With the shift towards a microservices architecture, a more refined, granular level of access control becomes imperative due to the increased complexity, distribution, and autonomy associated with individual service operations. The traditional monolithic models are often ill-suited to address the shared authorization needs in such an environment. This is where the synergy of Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) and decoupled authorization steps in, serving as a bridge between rigid traditional access control models and the nuanced, complex authorization needs of contemporary enterprises.

The Transition To Granular Authorization

The journey from conventional Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) or rudimentary access models to a more nuanced ABAC framework is often perceived as a challenging endeavor. However, it's a transition that holds the promise of not only enhancing security postures but also aligning with compliance mandates such as SOC2, ISO27001, GDPR, and CCPA.
