Tackling Production Issues in the Ballerina GraalVM Executable

The Ballerina GraalVM image, a performance-enhanced version of a Ballerina application that can be run as a native executable, offers improved performance and reduced memory consumption. However, like any application in production, issues can arise that impact its performance and reliability. In this article, we will explore how to analyze and resolve production issues that can occur with the Ballerina GraalVM image by delving into essential tools. We will discuss generating heap dumps and connecting a Ballerina GraalVM native application to Java Flight Recorder (JFR) for effective issue diagnosis and resolution.

Ballerina GraalVM Image is a native executable of a Ballerina application generated with the GraalVM native image tool. It leverages the capabilities of the GraalVM platform to compile the Ballerina code into a standalone executable, resulting in optimized performance and reduced memory footprint. To fully utilize the benefits of the Ballerina GraalVM Image, it is essential to be aware of potential production issues that can affect its performance.
