Where to find the Best Electronic Data Space Software

Virtual Info Room Software is a safeguarded cloud-based environment for uploading, sharing and management of multiple data files. Whether you need to promote documents with other team members, business partners or perhaps clients, VDR software supplies the ideal system for working together on tasks without limiting confidentiality and protection. It also allows you to monitor …

Where to find the Best Electronic Data Space Software Read More »

Explainability of Machine Learning Models: Increasing Trust and Understanding in AI Systems

There have been major advances made in the use of machine learning models in a variety of domains, including natural language processing, generative AI, and autonomous systems, to name just a few. On the other hand, as the complexity and scale of models increase, the visibility of how they work inside decreases, which results in a lack of transparency and accountability. The idea of a model's ability to be explained has recently come to the forefront as an important field of research to address this problem. This article explores the significance of machine learning model explainability, as well as the difficulties associated with it and the solutions that have been devised to improve interpretability. Explainability, which enables model openness and insights that humans can understand, not only builds trust in AI systems but also fosters the responsible adoption of AI in applications that are used in the real world.

Concerns regarding the lack of interpretability in the decision-making processes of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models have been raised due to the increasing integration of these models in various domains. The ability of artificial intelligence systems to provide insights into their predictions or classifications that are comprehensible to humans is referred to as model explainability. This article explores the significance of explainability in models, its applicability to various fields, and the influence that interpretability has on the reliability of artificial intelligence.

Navigate Serverless Databases: A Guide to the Right Solution

Serverless architecture, a paradigm that has been around for several years, has been transforming the way we build and deploy applications. In this approach, developers can focus on writing code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Instead of managing servers or virtual machines, they can rely on cloud providers to handle the scaling, maintenance, and availability of their applications.

While Serverless architecture has been around for a long time, it is only in recent years that the concept of Serverless databases has gained significant attention. Traditionally, databases, with their stateful and performance-sensitive nature, posed challenges in adopting a Serverless approach. However, the essence of databases is to simplify data management, allowing developers to concentrate on their core business goals. In this context, exploring and understanding Serverless databases can be valuable in the sense of enabling developers. 

Database APIs: Benefits, Limitations, and When You Should Switch to Datasets

Choosing the right data solution for your business can be a challenging process because there's a wide selection of them, and even the same data can be processed and packaged differently.

I'm here to help you understand when you should consider using database APIs, why this solution is popular, and when it might not be the right choice for your company.

Battling Technical Debt

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Development at Scale Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

When we talk about technical debt, we're talking about an accumulation of legacy systems, applications, and data that have suffered from a lack of code reviews, bug testing, and comprehensive documentation. Not all technical debt is inherently bad compared to the commercial and end-user benefits of meeting application deadlines and shipping faster than your competitors; however, there does come a time when unaddressed technical debt can leave a company in a world of pain. 

Building Resilient, Scalable Cloud-Native Applications

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Development at Scale Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Back in 1986, I relocated to Boulder, CO, to work for my uncle's start-up company. When we arrived at the office that first day, he helped me to a nearby desk supporting a Compaq Portable computer. On top of the system was a book focused on using dBase II. My job was to build an application to track orders for his company. My uncle knew I had an interest in computers, and I couldn’t wait to get started. This became my first experience in learning how applications were built in an era of microcomputers. The flow was quite simple: 

How Do I Run My Go Applications in a Serverless Way?

The Go programming language has always had rich support for building REST APIs. This includes an excellent standard library (net/HTTP) along with many popular packages such as Gorilla mux, Gin, Negroni, Echo, Fiber, etc.

Using AWS Lambda Go runtime, you can use Go to build AWS Lambda functions. Imagine a web app that needs to authenticate users, store user data, and send emails. A Serverless approach for this would be to implement each functionality/API as a separate Lambda function. For example, you could have a Lambda function to handle user registration, another to handle user login, and so on.

Python Variables Declaration

This article will explore the intricacies of Python variables declaration, including its syntax, data types, and best practices. We will answer frequently asked questions to solidify your understanding of this crucial concept. 

Python, a powerful and versatile programming language, provides developers with various tools and functionalities to build robust applications. One of the fundamental aspects of Python programming is a variable declaration. 

Core Web Vitals: How to Eliminate Render Blocking Resources

eliminate render blocking resources.Speed testing is one of the most significant tasks you undertake, as it can tell you just how nippy your site is for end users. A slow site can be a disaster for your user experience (UX). However, the JavaScript and CSS your site loads can have a big impact, so it’s one of the first aspects you’ll look at. Google Lighthouse focuses more on the experience of the user, and its ‘eliminate render blocking resources’ opportunity lets you handle one key element of a fast page speed.

Two Is Better Than One: How To Combine AI and Automation to Create a Powerful Quality Engineering Process

Over the past decade, the rapid pace of innovation has created a seemingly ever-evolving digital landscape. Due to this changing technological space, organizations are eager to implement tools and adopt platforms and applications that allow them to operate more efficiently and serve customers more effectively. For instance, AI has become increasingly popular as a way to optimize and enhance processes, better differentiate and compete in the marketplace, engage with customers, build new business models, and more. While AI is an excellent tool to bolster almost any operation, combining it with automation can create even more efficient processes. This super-tool is called AI-assisted automation. 

For Quality Engineering, in particular, three forms of AI have already proved to be very useful when layered with automation:  visual AI, self-healing AI, and risk AI. When these types of AI are combined with automation, Quality Engineering can be enhanced, and companies can become more efficient. 

Application Integration

In today's interconnected digital landscape, businesses rely on a multitude of software applications to manage various operations and functions. However, these applications often operate in isolation, resulting in data silos, inefficient workflows, and fragmented customer experiences. This is where application integration becomes crucial.

Application integration refers to the process of seamlessly connecting different software applications to enable data flow, streamline processes, and enhance overall business efficiency. It has become increasingly important as organizations strive for a unified and holistic approach to their operations.


Is the ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH’ error stopping you from accessing a WordPress website?

This error is only seen when visiting a website that uses an SSL certificate. It is caused by out-of-date or misconfigured software on either the website or the user’s computer.

In this article, we will show you how to fix the ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH’ error in WordPress.



We recommend that everyone with a WordPress website install an SSL certificate. This can help keep your website data secure.

An SSL certificate is required if you want to accept payments in your online store, and it also protects your users in other ways.

Recommended: Check out our guide on how to get a free SSL certificate or buy an SSL certificate at a discount from Domain.com.

SSL stands for ‘Secure Sockets Layer’, and TLS stands for ‘Transport Layer Security’ protocol. These protocols rely on certificates that tell the user the identity of the website they are communicating with.

When visiting a secure website, your browser will automatically check for an SSL certificate to see if it is valid and up to date. It also checks the version of the protocols being used.

If there’s an issue, then you’ll see an SSL error like ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.


This error message appears when your browser doesn’t recognize the version of the SSL protocol being used or when the SSL certificate is not configured correctly.

This can happen when the user is using an out-of-date web browser that doesn’t recognize the latest TLS protocols. It can also be caused if the website’s SSL certificate or software is out of date or mismatched.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some steps you can take to fix the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error in WordPress:

Scanning Your Website for SSL Errors

The first thing you need to do is scan your WordPress website for SSL errors. This will help you identify problems that can cause the ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH’ error.

The easiest way to check is by using an online tool like the Qualys SSL Labs SSL Server Test. Simply type in the website’s domain name and then click the ‘Submit’ button.

Scanning Your Website With Qualys SSL Labs SSL Server Test

This will perform a thorough test on the website that takes a few minutes to finish. After that, you will see a very detailed report about the site’s SSL certificate.

In the screenshot below, you will find the results of a scan on wpbeginner.com. You can see that the WPBeginner SSL certificate is valid and trusted and supports the latest TLS protocol, which is TLS 1.3. This is an example of a great SSL test result.

SSL Test Result With an Excellent Result

You can scroll down to the Configuration section of the report.

This will show you which versions of the TLS protocol are supported. In this case, both currently used versions are supported, which are TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3.

Supported TLS Protocols Listed

It’s also important that the other protocols are not being used because they have known security issues.

If your test result looks similar to this, then the ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH’ error is not being caused by the website. You can scroll down to the last section of this tutorial to learn how to troubleshoot the software on your computer.

On the other hand, here is a screenshot from a scan that found SSL errors. The errors are summarized at the top of the report, and more details are given below.

You can go to a page with detailed notes about an error by clicking the ‘MORE INFO »’ link.

SSL Test Result With a Poor Result

If the SSL test report for your website lists some SSL errors, then you can follow these guidelines to fix them.

Your Site Uses Outdated TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, or RC4 Cipher Suite

Old TLS protocols like TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 should never be run because they have security issues, and modern web browsers have stopped supporting them.

The same goes for the RC4 cipher suite. A cipher suite is a set of algorithms used to secure your website with TLS. However, the RC4 version has been found to be insecure and should never be used.

Reputable WordPress hosting companies never use insecure versions of the TLS protocol or cipher suite.

However, if your website is using any of these outdated versions, then you should contact your hosting provider and get them to enable TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3. You will also need to switch to AEAD cipher suites (AES-GCM).

Alternatively, you can move to a reliable hosting provider like Bluehost or SiteGround.

Your Site Has an SSL Certificate Name Mismatch

Because an SSL certificate proves that your website is what it claims to be, the domain name on your certificate must match your site’s domain name. When they are not the same, this is called an ‘SSL certificate name mismatch’.

When you see this error in your SSL report, it will list the potential reasons:

  • The website does not use SSL but shares an IP address with some other site that does.
  • The website no longer exists, yet the domain name still points to the old IP address, where some other site is now hosted.
  • The website uses a content delivery network (CDN) that does not support SSL.
  • The domain name is an alias for a website whose main name is different, but the alias was not included in the certificate by mistake.
Certificate Name Mismatch Error

This error is likely caused by a problem with your SSL setup.

You can take a look at our beginner’s guide on how to properly move WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS for details on how to set up SSL correctly.

In particular, make sure you have set up your SSL certificate to work with all of the variations (or aliases) of your domain name that will be used, including www and non-www URLs.

Another solution is to redirect your website visitors to the correct variation of your domain name.

For example, if your SSL certificate has the URL ‘https://www.example.com’, then you can redirect ‘https://example.com’ to that address. See our article on how to set up redirects in WordPress for more details.

This error could also appear if you have recently moved your website to a new domain name or server. You will need to update your SSL certificate with the new details.

If you are using a CDN service, then you should also make sure that it supports SSL. If you need to upgrade, then you can see our expert picks of the best WordPress CDN services for recommendations.

If you need help with any of these issues, then don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider’s technical support team.

When the Website Is Not the Problem

If the website is not the problem, then the error is caused by software on your computer. Most likely, you have an out-of-date web browser, or your antivirus software is causing the error.

You can follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem.

Update Your Web Browser to the Latest Version

If you are using an outdated web browser such as Internet Explorer or an old version of a modern web browser, then you may see this error. This happens because the old software was written before the latest versions of the TLS protocols and doesn’t recognize them.

In that case, all you need to do is switch to the latest version of a modern web browser like Google Chrome.

If, for some reason, you can’t update to a later version of your browser, like if you are stuck using Microsoft Windows XP, then you may be able to enable a later version of TLS in your browser.

For example, on Google Chrome, you can type chrome://flags in the address bar, search for ‘TLS 1.3’ and enable the option.

Or if you are using Firefox, then you should type about:config in the address bar, search for TLS, and then set the security.tls.version.max value to 4.

Force Firefox to Use Current TLS Protocols

Clear Your Browser Cache and SSL Cache

If you still see the error message after doing this, then there are a few more troubleshooting steps you can take. The first thing is to delete your browser cache and cookies.

You can see our guide on how to clear your cache in all major browsers, which also covers how to clear your cookies.

On Windows, you can also clear the SSL cache. This may be storing out-of-date SSL information about the website you are trying to access.

You can open ‘Internet Options’ by searching for it in the Start menu. Now switch to the Content tab and click on the ‘Clear SSL state’ button.

Windows Internet Properties

Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus Software

Finally, it’s possible that your antivirus software or firewall software may be configured incorrectly. This can sometimes cause the ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH’ error to appear when it shouldn’t.

If your software has an automatic SSL scanning feature, then you can try turning it off. Otherwise, you will need to temporarily disable your antivirus software. Once you have done that, you can try accessing the website again.

If you can access the software with your antivirus software disabled, then you can contact the antivirus company’s technical support team about the error or switch to a more reputable application.

We hope our tutorial helped you fix the ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH’ error in WordPress. You may also want to see our complete guide to WordPress security or our expert picks for the best WordPress security plugins to further protect your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Fix ’ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR _CIPHER_MISMATCH’ in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.