Deal Making Software program for Capital raising and Private Collateral Firms

Deal making software is a tool that can help investment capital, private equity and other investment firms to organize their deals and improve team collaboration. It provides features just like streamlining conversation, robotizing sales responsibilities, storing and accessing info, and leveraging insights for better decision-making. It provides a centralized platform that allows teams to …

Deal Making Software program for Capital raising and Private Collateral Firms Read More »

Mother board Meeting Application – How it Can Benefit Your company

Board meeting software helps boards deal with their get togethers online within a secure environment. It makes the process of arranging, building daily activities, taking votes, drafting mins and distributing these documents simple for all stakeholders. It also decreases the amount of period admins invest in these tasks. Choosing the best table management software is …

Mother board Meeting Application – How it Can Benefit Your company Read More »

How to Use Shortcodes in your WordPress Sidebar Widgets

Do you want to learn how to use shortcodes in your WordPress sidebar widgets?

You can add shortcodes to any page or post using the Shortcode block. However, if you want to use the same code across your entire site then it may be easier to add it to a sidebar widget instead.

In this article, we will show you how to use shortcodes in the WordPress sidebar.

How to use shortcodes in your WordPress sidebar widgets

Why Use Shortcodes in Your WordPress Sidebar Widgets?

Shortcodes allow you to add advanced content and features to your website, including contact forms, tables, random quotes, and much more. WordPress comes with several built-in shortcodes but some plugins also add their own shortcodes.

You can add shortcodes to any page or post using the WordPress editor and built-in Shortcode block. However, if you want to use shortcode across your entire site then it often makes sense to add it to the sidebar.

For example, you can display Instagram photos in the WordPress sidebar using a shortcode provided by Smash Balloon Instagram Feed.

An example of a social media sidebar widget

This content will then appear across your entire WordPress website, so you don’t need to add it each page and post manually. This can save you a ton of time and effort, and helps to keep your site’s design consistent.

With that in mind, let’s look at a few different ways to add and use shortcodes in the WordPress sidebar widgets. Simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use.

Method 1: Using the WordPress Shortcode Widget (Easy)

Most free and paid WordPress themes come with widget-ready sidebars. With that in mind, you can often simply add a Shortcode widget to your website’s sidebar.

First, go to Appearance » Widgets in your dashboard. Here, you’ll see all the different areas where you can add widgets in WordPress, including the sidebar.

Adding a shortcode widget to a WordPress sidebar

Simply click on the ‘+’ button and start typing in ‘Shortcode.’

When the right block shows up, drag it onto the WordPress sidebar.

How to add a shortcode to the WordPress sidebar

You can now add your shortcode to the block.

When you’ve finished, don’t forget to click on ‘Update’ to make the changes live.

Publishing a shortcode block in WordPress

You can now visit your WordPress blog or website to see the shortcode in action.

Method 2. Using the Full Site Editor (Works With Block-Enabled WordPress Themes)

If you’re using a block theme then you can add shortcode to the sidebar using the full-site editor. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Themes » Editor.

Opening the WordPress full-site editor (FSE)

This opens the full-site editor, with one of your theme’s templates already selected.

If you want to add shortcode to a different template, then click on the arrow in the toolbar and select ‘Browse all templates.’

Choosing a block-based FSE template

You’ll now see all the different templates that make up your theme.

Simply find the template where you want to add the shortcode, and give it a click.

A block-based WordPress theme

After that, click on the ‘+’ button and start typing in ‘Shortcode.’

When the right widget shows up, simply drag it onto the theme’s sidebar.

Adding a WordPress block to the sidebar

You can now add your shortcode to the widget. When you’re happy with your changes, click on ‘Save’ to make the shortcode live.

Method 3: Using the Custom HTML Widget (More Customizable)

Sometimes you may want to show other content along with the shortcode. For example, RafflePress can add a contest or giveaway to your sidebar using a shortcode. To draw even more attention to the contest, you may want to show a heading above the competition.

An example of a giveaway created using RafflePress

Instead of creating separate Shortcode and Heading blocks, you can simply add the shortcode and text to a Custom HTML block. This helps you arrange the different content in a nice layout. You can also style the block using HTML, so you can control exactly how it looks in the sidebar.

The Custom HTML block doesn’t support shortcodes by default, but you can easily change this by adding custom code to WordPress. After adding this code, you can use shortcodes in any Custom HTML block across your entire WordPress website.

Often, you’ll find guides with instructions to add custom code to your site’s functions.php file. However, this isn’t recommended as any mistakes in the code can cause common WordPress errors, or even break your site completely.

That’s where WPCode comes in.

This free plugin makes it easy to add custom CSS, PHP, HTML, and more to WordPress, without putting your site at risk. Even better, it comes with a library of ready-made snippets including code that allows you to use shortcodes in text widgets.

To start, you’ll need to install and activate WPCode. For more information, you can see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

After that, go to Code Snippets » Add Snippet in the WordPress dashboard. You can now start typing in ‘shortcode.’

Adding a code snippet to your WordPress website

When it appears, hover your mouse over the following snippet: ‘Enable Shortcode Execution in Text Widgets.’

You can then go ahead and click on ‘Use snippet.’

Adding shortcode to a custom HTML block using code

This will open the snippet in the WPCode editor. WPCode configures the snippet settings for you, so you can simply click on the ‘Inactive’ switch so that it turns blue.

With that done, click on ‘Update’ to make the snippet live.

Adding shortcode to a sidebar widget using code

Now, you can add a shortcode to any text widget.

Simply go to Appearance » Widgets and type ‘Custom HTML’ into the search bar.

Adding a Custom HTML widget to a WordPress sidebar

When the right block appears, drag it onto your website’s sidebar.

With that done, you can add your HTML and shortcode to the block.

Adding a custom HTML widget to a WordPress website

When you’re happy with how the widget is set up, click on ‘Update.’

Now if you visit your website, you’ll see the shortcode and custom HTML live.

FAQ: Using Shortcodes in WordPress Sidebar Widgets

No matter what theme you’re using, you should be able to add shortcodes to the sidebar using one of the methods above. However, if you need extra help then here are some of the most frequently asked questions about adding shortcodes to the sidebar.

How Do I Change Where the Sidebar Widget Appears?

The sidebar’s location is controlled by your WordPress theme. If you’re not happy with the sidebar’s position then you may be able to change it using the theme settings.

Many of the best WordPress themes let you choose between different layouts. Often, this includes showing the sidebar on different sides of the screen.

To see whether your theme has different sidebar layouts, go to Appearance » Customize in the WordPress dashboard. Here, look for any settings labeled Sidebar or similar.

Changing your theme's sidebar settings

Simply click on this option and look for any settings that allow you to change where the sidebar appears on your site.

For example, the following image shows the sidebar settings in the Astra WordPress Theme.

The Astra sidebar settings

After making your changes, click on the ‘Publish’ button to make the new sidebar layout live.

If you can’t change the sidebar’s location using the built-in settings, then another option is to create a WordPress child theme.

How Do I Add a Sidebar to My WordPress Theme?

If your theme doesn’t have a sidebar then you could create a child theme and then add a sidebar using code.

If you’re not comfortable writing code, then you can also create a custom WordPress theme using a plugin such as SeedProd. You can use this popular page builder plugin to design your own theme and sidebar using a simple drag-and-drop editor.

For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme without any code.

How Do I Use a Different Shortcode on Each Post or Page?

Sometimes you may want to use different shortcodes on some of your posts and pages.  For example, you might want to show the most popular posts on your archive page and display ads on your homepage.

To learn more, please see our guide on how to display different sidebars for each post and page in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add shortcodes to your WordPress sidebar widgets. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a landing page with WordPress or our expert pick of the best social media plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Use Shortcodes in your WordPress Sidebar Widgets first appeared on WPBeginner.

8 Data Anonymization Techniques to Safeguard User PII Data

In today's data-driven market, data translates to more power and opportunity for businesses. But as it is said, “With great power comes greater responsibility.” As more personal information is being collected and analyzed by organizations, the need to protect an individual's privacy and prevent the misuse or unauthorized access of the personal data comes with it. The Netflix Prize, a dataset released in 2006 to improve and innovate Netflix's recommendation algorithm, containing a large amount of user data from Netflix's movie recommendation service, including user ratings and rental histories, spurred the need for data anonymization. 

According to the DLA Piper’s latest annual General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Fines and Data Breach Survey, Europe have issued a total of EUR1.64bn (USD1.74bn/GBP1.43bn) in fines since 28 January 2022 under GDPR. A year-over-year increase in aggregate reported GDPR fines of 50%.

Building Resilient Systems With Chaos Engineering

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What Is Chaos Engineering?

Chaos engineering is a practice that involves intentionally introducing failures or disruptions to a system to test its resilience and identify weaknesses. By simulating real-world scenarios, chaos engineering helps organizations proactively identify and address potential issues before they occur in production. This approach can help organizations build more resilient systems, reduce downtime, and improve overall performance.

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Among these, Amazon S3 is the most popular and widely used service for object storage in the cloud. It offers highly scalable, durable, and secure storage for any kind of data, such as images, videos, documents, and backups, at a low cost. 

Understanding the Deployment of Deep Learning Algorithms on Embedded Platforms

Embedded platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing our technological interaction. These platforms, equipped with deep learning algorithms, have opened a world of possibilities, enabling smart devices, autonomous systems, and intelligent applications. Therefore, the deployment of deep learning algorithms on embedded platforms is crucial. It involves the process of optimizing and adapting deep learning models to run efficiently on resource-constrained embedded systems such as microcontrollers, FPGAs, and CPUs. This deployment process often requires model compression, quantization, and other techniques to reduce the model size and computational requirements without sacrificing performance.

The global market for embedded systems has experienced rapid expansion, expected to reach USD 170.04 billion in 2023. As per the precedence research survey, it is expected to continue its upward trajectory, with estimates projecting it to reach approximately USD 258.6 billion by 2032. The forecasted Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) during the period from 2023 to 2032 is around 4.77%. Several key insights emerge from the market analysis. In 2022, North America emerged as the dominant region, accounting for 51% of the total revenue share, while Asia Pacific held a considerable share of 24%. In terms of hardware platforms, the ASIC segment had a substantial market share of 31.5%, and the microprocessor segment captured 22.3% of the revenue share in 2022.

Redefining DevOps: The Transformative Power of Containerization

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However, the ceaseless quest for increased efficiency and more robust delivery processes has led us to an innovation that is having a profound impact on the way we develop and deliver software: containerization. Containerization involves encapsulating or packaging up software code and all its dependencies to run uniformly and consistently on any infrastructure. This remarkable technology is not merely an incremental improvement in the DevOps world; it is a significant leap forward, transforming the operational effectiveness of software development and deployment.

Tomorrow’s Cloud Today: Unpacking the Future of Cloud Computing

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Autonomous Cloud: The Self-Managing Future

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Beginner Intro to Real-Time Debugging for Mobile Apps: Tools and Techniques

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What if you could troubleshoot and resolve issues in your mobile app as they arise without the hassle of prolonged and intricate debugging sessions? Enter real-time debugging - the solution that enables developers to enhance the speed and efficiency of the debugging process.

Announcing WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator – Create Your Yearly Content Calendar in a Second

Do you want to quickly generate content ideas for your blog?

Ever wished there was any easy way to create a year’s worth of content ideas without having to spend hours if not days for researching and mind mapping?

If you’re like me and most other smart bloggers, then you have at least wished for this solution a couple of times in your WordPress journey.

Today, I’m excited to release a free WPBeginner tool, Blog Post Idea Generator, which helps you come up with a year worth of content ideas in a second.

We built this tool because we believe content ideas are the backbone of a blog, and every blogger should be able to create tons of ideas quickly and easily.

What is a Blog Post Idea Generator?

WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator is a powerful FREE online tool that makes it easy to come up with a lot of content ideas instantly.

It’s completely FREE for all WPBeginner readers… no signup or registration is required.

Without entering your email address, you can generate up to 29 ideas for the topic or noun you enter. If you want an extensive list of 250 blog post ideas, you can enter your email address and download the list right away.

Introducing Blog Post Generator

One of the biggest reasons why most WordPress blogs fail is because they don’t brainstorm blog post ideas and plan their editorial calendar ahead of time.

Unfortunately, planning blog post ideas could be tedious and time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Backed by data, our free tool analyzes the blog topic or noun you enter and provides you with content ideas that are proven to attract your target audience.

Some of the benefits of our blog post generator are…

  • Get loads of actionable blog post name ideas for FREE without hiring a content marketer
  • Download or export the ideas in a sheet for further analysis
  • Save time and money on topic research

How to Use WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator

First things first. Head over to WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator tool. Next, type in a noun or a topic in the search bar and click Get Ideas.

blog post ideas

The tool will instantly generate up to 29 post ideas, which you can copy individually and add to your editorial calendar. If you provide your email address, then you can get 250+ additional ideas and download the sheet instantly.

Once you have a list of potential ideas, you can fix a publishing schedule for your blog and start creating stunning blog posts that attract your audience.

#1 Reason Why Most Blogs Fails and How to Fix It

Most beginner bloggers fail because they seek instant gratification from blogging. As soon as they publish a blog post, they want readers to come in, post a comment, share it on social media, and so on.

But what they fail to realize is that blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. To win the blogging marathon, the first thing you’ll need to do is to get your content ideas ready… not just a week ahead, but a year ahead or at least a month ahead.

When post ideas aren’t prepared ahead of time, most beginners tend to publish mediocre content that fails to create an impact. This eventually hurts their motivation and causes them to stop publishing.

WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator gives you a head start on brainstorming content ideas. Once you generate the ideas, you can refine them and add them to your content calendar.

Use Headline Analyzer to Refine Your Ideas

Now you know how to generate content ideas and add them to your publishing calendar.

After preparing content ideas, you can also use the headline analyzer to make sure the post headlines are click-worthy before publishing the blog posts.

A headline analyzer analyzes your final post headline, grades it on a scale of 1-100, and offers suggestions to improve it.

You can then follow those recommendations and re-analyze your title to see if it improves your score. Then you can repeat the process until you get a great score. The general rule of thumb is to aim for a score of 70+.

You can do so free by installing and activating either the free All in One SEO plugin or the free MonsterInsights plugin.

Both of these plugins give you access to the headline analyzer right inside the WordPress post editor.

Click the SEO headline analyzer button

Alternatively, you can use our online headline analyzer tool, which offers similar headline analysis and can be accessed for free without installing a plugin or signing up for a newsletter.

What’s Coming Next?

Our blog post generator is a great tool to help step up your content strategy game.

We’ll continue to deliver more powerful tools for small businesses, so they can grow and compete with the big guys.

We have an exciting roadmap ahead of us, and in the coming weeks, hopefully, we’ll deliver more free tools at your disposal.

Here are a few more business tools that you can use RIGHT NOW.

Our goal is to continue to build best-in-class tools to help you level the playing field.

If you have ideas on how we can make WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator or other tools more helpful for you, then share your thoughts in the comments.

As always, I want to thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner, and we look forward to continue serving you for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

The post Announcing WPBeginner’s Blog Post Idea Generator – Create Your Yearly Content Calendar in a Second first appeared on WPBeginner.

MongoDB: 5 Syntactic Weirdnesses to Keep in Mind

People like to complain about MongoDB. For instance, maybe they feel that it ruined their social network, or any number of other less recent complaints. The debate gets so heated, though, that sometimes valid criticisms - and nothing is above criticism - are dismissed as bandwagon hatred. It's a problem that Slava Kim seems very aware of in this recent blog post on some of the syntactic weirdnesses of MongoDB. It's not bashing, Kim stresses. For developers to effectively use any technology, they need to understand the "sharp edges."

Kim goes into detail for each warning, covering five general areas:

Monetizing Mods: What we Learned from Valve and ‘Skyrim’

There’s an old adage, “the best things in life aren’t free.” However, in the gaming community, this notion is completely upended. Mods are incredibly prevalent in the gaming world, and usually come at no cost. These normally free downloads change the original and unaltered, or vanilla, game in various capacities. Mods can present minor tweaks, like “Half-Life 2: Update,” or major overhauls such as “Half-Life 2: Cinematic Mod.” Whether a mod manifests as simply improved eye candy, or an entirely different experience, there’s usually one constant: it’s free. Well, aside from the cost of the base game.

However, the modding dynamic was poised for upheaval when the always-innovative Valve added a paid mods feature  to its signature Steam Workshop recently. An early paid mod for “Skyrim,” a fishing mod, was removed quickly because it apparently employed assets from another mod. This coupled with an internet outrage prompted Valve to nix the idea entirely. 

A Modern Alternative to Abstract Factory Filtered Dependencies

I've mentioned before that I really don’t like the Abstract Factory pattern, and in particular, code like this:

static IGUIFactory CreateOsSpecificFactory()
    string sysType = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["OS_TYPE"];
    if (sysType == "Win") 
        return new WindowsFactory();
        return new MacFactory();

One of the comments mentioned that this might not be ideal, but it is still better than:

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There will be three options for the Surface tablet with Windows RT: