Hyperplexed Videos

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Hyperplexed makes amazing Pens on CodePen! If you’ll remember from our Most Hearted of 2022 wrap-up, in 2021, he got one place on the Top 100, then in 2022 had nine, including the #1 spot.

But not only does he create great work, he’s also an educator, showing off how some super modern and classy effects are pulled off with web technologies. Where? YouTube! It’s an easy subscribe since every video is a pleasure to watch. They tend to assume an intermediate level of knowledge, which I find a nice comfortable niche.

Here’s a few recent ones:

Gotta love the CodePen usage and shout-outs, right? 💪

That URL pen.new is sure easy to remember and get started with, and works for everyone, of course.

The post Hyperplexed Videos appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Bridging WebAssembly Gaps With Components and Wasifills

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An examination of how wasifills — a component adapter pattern like polyfills, but for components — can help bridge the gap between today's rapidly changing standards landscape and the future of interoperable components facilitated with wit and wit worlds. 

It's an amazing time to be on the bleeding edge of the WebAssembly adoption curve, but it's not without risk.

Stocks Notification: TradingView Webhook to Telegram

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At the start of the year, I worked on a Telegram bot that sends market data of certain stocks for the previous day's close to a Telegram channel.


  • Basic info such as closing price, EMA20, difference between closing price and EMA20
  • Overextension from EMA20 based on the median delta when stock reverse in the next few days


The Art of Being Ready: Reliability in Extreme Conditions

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When it comes to online services, uptime is crucial, but it’s not the only thing to consider. Imagine running an online store — having your site available 99.9% of the time might sound good, but what if that 0.1% of downtime happens during the holiday shopping season? That could mean losing out on big sales. And what if most of your customers are only interested in a few popular items? If those pages aren’t available, it doesn’t matter that the rest of your site is working fine.

Sometimes, being available during peak moments can make or break your business. It’s not just e-commerce — a small fraction of airports handle most of the air traffic, just a tiny minority of celebrities are household names, and only a handful of blockbuster movies dominate the box office each year. It’s the same distribution pattern everywhere.

Data Encryption Is the First Line of Defense Against Identity Theft and Cybercrime

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In recent times, cybersecurity has become an increasingly important issue. Last summer, a global study found that 82% of CIOs felt that their organizations were vulnerable to cyberattacks.

This is because the number of cyber-attacks and identity thefts has increased worldwide. For example, there were over 236 million ransomware attacks in 2022, and 20% of Internet users were affected by hacked email servers.   As such, it's more important than ever for individuals and businesses to ensure they're adequately protected against any malicious attack or data breach.

Don’t Risk It: Critical Cybersecurity Areas New Managers Must Not Overlook

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In today's business environment, company reorganizations are common. Reorganization can be difficult for managers, especially new ones, whether due to mergers and acquisitions, changes in business strategy, or economic factors. In today's fast-paced business world, reorganizations are becoming more common as companies try to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions. On the other hand, reorganizing a company can be difficult and present many problems that must be solved for a smooth transition. During a company reorganization, new managers must remember the importance of IT controls, the right way to transfer knowledge, and training.

Common Pitfalls for New Managers

While reorganization can bring about new opportunities and exciting changes, it can also bring about several pitfalls that new managers should be aware of. As a new manager, you must prepare for success by knowing what to do and avoid. Although there are numerous things you should solely focus on, you'll also want to avoid some common pitfalls.