Newly graduated CS major facing adversity in finding employment

Uh. Hi! I am sort of new here. I post maybe once in a blue moon. This place is honestly 100x better than StackOverflow.

Anyway. I won't post my entire resume here but I will post relevant details. Graduated two years ago, currently underemployed, but happy. No internships.

My first real concern is... are the skills on it too granular? I've listed experience with use cases, UML and sequence diagramming...and while studying SWE UML online (today) to fill in gaps in my knowledge I've come to learn that use case and sequence diagramming are subsets of UML. Plus I learned that there's some large gaps in my knowledge. To my defense, some of these were never covered in my university classes.

Excerpt from my resume regarding skills in SWE:

Software Engineering: Learned about agile software development, practiced functional/non-functional requirements, use cases, unit/integration/regression automated software testing, and object oriented design, UML & sequence diagramming.

I will follow up here if I have more questions or concerns.