How To Set Up and Run Cypress Test Cases in CI/CD TeamCity

This article will cover how to set up and run Cypress test cases in CI/CD TeamCity. Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework that can be used to test web applications. To execute Cypress test cases in a CI/CD pipeline using TeamCity, you can use the Cypress Test Runner as a build step in your pipeline. This can be configured to run the tests in a headless browser and generate test reports that can be used to track test results over time. Additionally, you can use TeamCity’s built-in features, such as notifications and analytics, to track the status of your tests and to be alerted when tests fail.


  • User already logged into TeamCity.
  • Code is already pushed to GitHub.
  • For the demo, use the latest version (12.3.0) of Cypress.

What Is TeamCity?

TeamCity is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) server developed by JetBrains. It is used to automate the building, testing, and deployment of software projects. TeamCity provides a web-based interface for configuring and managing builds, as well as for viewing build results and statistics.
