Developers’ Guide: How to Execute Lift and Shift Migration

Are you looking to move your workloads from your on-premises environment to the cloud, but don't know where to start? Migrating your business applications and data to a new environment can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right strategy, you can execute a successful lift and shift migration in no time. Whether you're migrating to a cloud environment or just updating your on-premises infrastructure, this comprehensive guide will cover everything from planning and preparation to ongoing maintenance and support. In this article, I have provided the essential steps to execute a smooth lift and shift migration and make the transition to your new environment as seamless as possible.

Preparation for Lift and Shift Migration

Assess the Workloads for Migration

Before starting the lift and shift migration process, it is important to assess the workloads that need to be migrated. This involves identifying the applications, data, and resources that are required for the migration. This assessment will help in determining the migration strategy, resource requirements, and timeline for the migration.
