How To Create Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline

There were times we used to create Jenkins jobs using UI alone. Later, the idea of pipeline as a code was mooted to address the rising complexity with build and deployment jobs. In Jenkins 2.0, the Jenkins team introduced Jenkinsfile to achieve pipeline as a code. If you want to create automated pull request based or branch-based Jenkins Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline, the Jenkins multibranch pipeline is a way to go.

As Jenkins multi-branch pipeline is fully a git-based pipeline as code, you can build your CI/CD workflows. Pipeline as Code (PaaC) makes it easy to bring the advantages of automation and cloud portability to your Selenium. You can use the multi-branch pipeline model to quickly and reliably build, test, deploy, monitor, report on, and manage your Selenium tests, and much more. In this Jenkins tutorial, we take a look at how to create a Jenkins multibranch pipeline and key concepts involved in configuring a Jenkins multibranch pipeline for Selenium automation testing.
