Gutenberg 14.5 Introduces New “Document Overview” Panel, Improves Block Spacing Controls

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Gutenberg 14.5 was released today with a modest set of enhancements and dozens of bug fixes and code quality improvements. The highlight of this release is the new “Document Overview” panel, which combines what was previously found under separate icons in the Editor toolbar under “List View” and “Details.” This popup was where information like words, characters, headings, time to read, paragraphs, and blocks used to be found:

Details view prior to Gutenberg 14.5

The new Document Outline panel can be opened using the List View icon in the toolbar. Characters, words, and “time to read” have been moved to the bottom of the panel. This makes the entire panel cleaner, as the document stats were overly prominent before and the details popup had become even more crowded after the addition of the “time to read” stats.

image credit: Gutenberg 14.5 release post

This release also improves block spacing controls to make them more visual so that users can immediately see how changing the controls will impact the surrounding blocks. Gutenberg contributor Nick Diego demonstrated this update in a video:

A few other notable additions to this release include the following:

Check out the release post for a more detailed list of all the bugs fixed, documentation updated, and code quality improvements in 14.5.

Saving Interesting Observability Data Using SLO-Based Retention Policy

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In any data management policy, there are two extremes: save everything (just in case), and delete everything that ages out. The two extremes work hand in hand, as eventually, you decide that even if you want to save it all, the realities of storage costs have forced you to delete your data arbitrarily.

Ideally, you would retain "interesting” data that might be useful and delete the rest. Even better would be to not collect the data in the first place.

Devoxx Belgium 2022 Takeaways

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In October 2022, I visited Devoxx Belgium after two cancelled editions due to COVID-19. I learned a lot and received quite some information which I do not want to withhold from you. In this blog, you can find my takeaways of Devoxx Belgium 2022!

1. Introduction

Devoxx Belgium is the largest Java conference in Europe. This year, it was already the 19th edition. As always, Devoxx is being held in the fantastic theatres of Kinepolis Antwerp. The past two editions were cancelled due to COVID-19. As a result, there was a rush on the tickets. The first batch of tickets was sold out in 5 minutes, the second batch in a few seconds. Reactions on Twitter mentioned that it looked like a ticket sale for Beyonce.