Android App to Monitor Hudson – Part II Configurations

Last week, demonstrated building and Android application that queried Hudson remote api through REST calls, which returned back JSON objects; in Android App to Monitor Hudson Rest API. The application was very basic, in that all that could be done was launch it and there were no configurations, or customization to make the application more user friendly. This week the application will be enhanced to use menus and add additional screens or activities to allow a user to configure the application to point to a Hudson remote server of their choosing. The application will also save the configuration state so the user doesn't have to re-enter the information after the application has shutdown.

The first step in customizing the application will be to get rid of the default android icon, and place a customised icon. Android supports .jpg, .gif, .png, and .bmp image formats. To customize the default icon, simply open the res/drawable folder and put the image in this folder. The image should be a 48x48 size .PNG image.