The Three Must-Haves for Machine Learning Monitoring

Machine learning models are not static pieces of code but, instead, dynamic predictors that depend on data, hyperparameters, evaluation metrics, and many other variables; it is vital to have insight into the training and deployment process to prevent model drift predictive stasis. That said, not all monitoring solutions are created equal. These are the three must-haves for a machine learning monitoring tool, whether you decide to build or buy a solution.

Complete Process Visibility

Many applications involve multiple models working in tandem, and these models serve a higher business purpose which may be two or three steps downstream. Furthermore, the model's behavior will likely be dependent on data transformations that are multiple steps upstream. Thus, a simple monitoring system that focuses on single model behavior will not capture the holistic picture of model performance related to the global business context. More profound knowledge of model viability only comes from complete process visibility – having insight into the entire data flow, metadata, context, and overarching business processes on which the modeling is predicated. For example, as part of a credit approval application, a bank may deploy a suite of models that assess creditworthiness, screen for potential fraud, and dynamically allocate trending offers and promos. A simple monitoring system might be able to evaluate any one of these models individually, but solving the overall business problem demands an understanding of the interlocution between them. While they may have divergent modeling goals, each model rests upon a shared foundation of training data, context, and business metadata. Thus, an effective monitoring solution will take these disparate pieces into account and generate unified insights that harness this shared information. These might include identifying a niche and underutilized customer segments in the training data distribution, flagging potential instances of concept and data drift, understanding the aggregate model impact on business KPIs, and more. The best monitoring solutions can also work not only on ML models but also on generic, tabularized data, allowing the monitoring solution to be extended to all business use-cases, not just those involving an ML component.