need it asap ;-;

  1. Methods to search for a book
    If the user chooses that option he should be asked of he wants to search for it using the books title (or part of it) or using the name of one of the authors (or part of the name)
    Depending on that search the user should go through the Library.txt file and print all the books matching that certain criteria. And if none was found an appropriate message should be printed. (the search needs to be case sensitive as the user can search using lower case letters or upper case one)

Network Practice Lab

I'm taking a Cisco course on and doens't assume any prior network knowledge. Although I can maintain my home network usually without a hassle (at least before my supid !@#$ bought a mesh system that MUST be maintained with an app) I don't have any larger network knowledge. I have a basic understanding of subnets. I'm getting some answers wrong when the video ask my to pause and answer the question, I'm getting a lot of the right numbers but I'll have them on the wrong item, network ID vs broadcast ID, etc... I'm looking for some free practice and labs for IP addressing, subnetting, and general networking that I can go through before I continue this course. Does anyone have an suggestions? Running Linux Mint and I do have Packet Tracer 8.1.1 installed. Thanks.

How to use div properly in Assembly language emu8086?

am developing an assembly language program that will check whether an inputted number is divisible by 3 or not, now I am struggling to get things correct but my code is running..and it seems like dx register always have content zero even after div has been executed..

 org 100h

jmp main

msg_prpt:     db 'Enter a number (1-9): $'
msg_err:      db 0dh, 0ah, 'Number out of range. $'

msg_1:     db 0dh, 0ah, 'Number is divisible by 3. $'
msg_2:     db 0dh, 0ah, 'Number is not divisible by 3. $'

num:          db ?
num1 dw ?

    mov ah, 9h              ; "display string" function for int 21h
    int 21h

    mov dx, msg_prpt        ; copy contents of msg_prompt to dx 
    call display


    mov dx, msg_err         ; copy contents of msg_err to dx
    call display

     mov ah, 1h              ; "character input" function for int 21h (stored in al)
    int 21h
    mov [num], al           ; copy contents of al to space at address [num] 
    mov num1,num

;checking if the inputted number is divisible by 3  

     mov dx,0
     mov ax,num             ; copy character to ax for comparison  
     mov bx,03h
     idiv bx
     cmp dx,0
     je isMultipleof3:   
     call isNotMultipleof3

    sub al, 30h             ; subtract 30h from input to get numeric from ascii

; print the result:
 mov dx, msg_1       ; copy contents of msg_prompt to dx
    call display
; print the result:
 mov dx, msg_2       ; copy contents of msg_prompt to dx
    call display

; wait for any key press:
mov ah, 0
int 16h

ret   ; return control to operating system.
    call dsp_prpt
    call get_num
    call validateDivisibleby3
    call convert
    call exit

I will really appreciate your help..

Create a dynamic list name

Hi DW. Anyone who knows how can I achieve this? List<String> dynamic[i];
The reason why I need this is that I'm creating a dynamic list with nested lists so there's no fixed number of data the list can be, this is inside the for statement which receive the json data which is multidimention array so I want for each item in the json data create 1st the parent list then create nested list for it.

Currently it mixes data and I see that it because of this.