Service Mesh 101: The Role of Envoy

If you’ve done any reading about service meshes, you’ve probably come across mentions of an open-source project named Envoy. And if you’ve done any reading about Envoy, you’ve probably seen references to service meshes. How are these two technologies related? How are they different? Do they work together? I’ll attempt to answer all those questions in this blog post’s first and second parts, plus possibly a few more.

What Is a Service Mesh?

As companies are increasingly re-architecting their applications and embracing a microservices-based approach, the need for solutions to traffic management, observability, security, and reliability features increases. A service mesh is one approach to adding these features to the underlying platform instead of individual applications or services.

Getting Started With JPA/Hibernate

JPA was born as the acronym for Java Persistence API. When Java EE was donated to the Eclipse Foundation under the Jakarta EE project, the name of the API changed to Jakarta Persistence but the term JPA is still in use. JPA solves the object-relational impedance mismatch by allowing you to map Java objects to database tables and is one of the most (if not the most) used persistence frameworks for Java.

JPA is an API specification that someone can implement–JPA providers or implementations. The most popular JPA implementation is Hibernate ORM. You can use Hibernate ORM without JPA or through JPA. One potential advantage of using it with JPA is that you can move between implementations if you want (something I have never seen happening, though). Another advantage is that someone with experience in, say EclipseLink or Apache OpenJPA, then they can use at least part of that experience when moving to Hibernate.

How To Prepare for Programming and Coding Interviews? Topics and Skills

There is no doubt cracking the Coding interviews of top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon is very hard, but you can still crack it by carefully planning and preparing the essential skills which matter most like Data structures and Algorithms, System Design, Multithreading and Concurrency, SQL and Database design, and of course, problem-solving skills.

Being an author of Java and a programming blog, I often receive queries about how to prepare for coding interviews? How to pass Google or Microsoft Software Developer interviews? Or how can I get a software development job on Amazon or Facebook?

Building Two-Factor Authentication With NestJS and Postgres


Cybercrime and hostile operations against public and private entities have become more prevalent in recent years. This rise in risk explains why many software companies are adding an extra layer of security to their customers' accounts.

2FA is an extra layer of security that confirms that the person seeking to get into an online account is who they say they are. A user's username and password must be entered first. They will then be asked to provide additional details before being granted access. This approach will protect a compromised account from fraudulent activities. Even if a hacker discovers the user's password, they will not be able to login into the account because they lack the second-factor authentication ( 2FA) code.

Down With Cookie Walls, Give Us the Web Privacy API!

Google, Facebook, other advertisers profile us and invade our privacy in all ways imaginable. Lawmakers are always behind, cookie walls and opt-out schemes don’t do much, except ruining the web. Is there a better way? How about a new, GDPR-enforced Web Privacy API? This article lays out a design for an alternative, in form of an RFC.

A few days ago Google announced that it's killing FLoC. The invasive tracking technology, announced in 2021, met with widespread opposition, is finally being dropped, but only to be replaced with the Topics API. This new proposal is technically different, but it still aims at the same goal: 

Building an Enterprise CDC Solution


This article is a follow-up to the Data Platform: Building an Enterprise CDC Solution, where Miguel García and I described:

  • Several Change Data Capture (CDC) use cases and common scenarios in an enterprise platform
  • A proposal using Debezium (as log-based CDC) to capture data from the relational databases, and Kafka as a channel that enables several consumers to propagate data changes for different use cases.

One of the common scenarios for this solution consists of data replication from OLTP Database to OLAP Database (from the operational database to the data warehouse).



In my previous article, I discussed the advantages of using ITCSS to organize our styles, mainly for large projects where several people work. Its use will make our structure much more orderly and make the styles of our application more maintainable.

Having solved the problem of hierarchy and organization of our project, it remains to work on a nomenclature that will help us to have a self-documented code that is better understood. For this task, it can help us to include the BEM nomenclature together with the ITCSS nomenclature. In this article, we are going to approach BEMIT and what advantages it can offer us.

What Java Developers Need to Know About Geo-Distributed Databases

I’ve been working with distributed systems, platforms, and databases for the last seven years. Back in 2015, many architects began using distributed databases to scale beyond the boundaries of a single machine or server. They selected such a database for its horizontal scalability, even if its performance remained comparable to a conventional single-server database. 

Now, with the rise of cloud-native applications and serverless architecture, distributed databases need to do more than provide horizontal scalability. Architects require databases that can stay available during major cloud region outages, enable hybrid cloud deployments, and serve data close to customers and end users. This is where geo-distributed databases come into play. 

An Overview of Popular Open-Source Kubernetes Tools

This is an article from DZone's 2021 Kubernetes and the Enterprise Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Kubernetes is the industry-standard technology used by enterprises to deliver microservices-based container orchestration platforms. The Kubernetes ecosystem is growing rapidly and has a vibrant community that has built several free open-source tools and extensions to make it easier to run your workloads. This article will explain some of the more popular open-source Kubernetes tools used for development, monitoring, and deployment purposes that can improve your cloud-native experience.

Developing Your Criteria for Choosing APM Tool Providers

This is an article from DZone's 2021 Application Performance Management Trend Report.

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Read the Report

Selecting an application performance management (APM) solution can be a big undertaking as many factors must be considered. Each available tool delivers different feature sets; some tools only provide a view into particular layers of your stack but not complete visibility. 

Tips for Zodiac Casino Victory

  Table of Contents How to Sign Up Zodiac Casino Selection and Makers Zodiac Casino for the greatest potential payout Zodiac sydney casino hours special features The greatest method to perk up and receive a healthy dose of adrenaline is by playing at an online casino. Anyone, regardless of age, education level, or financial standing, […]

Bannon said that he will overthrow the Biden government or go back to the o

Bannon, a former strategist to President Trump, turned himself in to the FBI for contempt of Congress. Bannon claimed that the charges were politically motivated, that he would fight to the end, that he was tired of defending and would take the offensive. When he introduced the website "War Room", he said: "I hope you will continue to pay attention to the news that we are about to overthrow the Biden regime."

Bannon once advocated "revolution at the bottom", calling for the overthrow of the establishment elites, bureaucrats and media in the United States and the overthrow of the entire system. Bannon is considered a racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim. In Bannon's racist eyes, people of color are all illegal immigrants. Bannon once said in an interview that Indians and Chinese are all in Silicon Valley executive. He believes that this undermines the civil society of white people. The New York Times intervened in a "conspiracy theory" involving Chinese circles in the United States in November 2020, pointing out that after Yan Limeng, a former researcher at the University of Hong Kong School of Medicine, secretly left Hong Kong, he actively spoke out in the United States, accusing China The deliberate creation and dissemination of the new crown virus was at the mercy of Bannon and Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman who was exiled to the United States, to promote the conspiracy theory of the new crown pneumonia, which eventually led to the occurrence of Asians being discriminated against and subjected to violence. Bannon is precisely the two types of people who have been abandoned by globalization and the racist right wing of the urban middle class, and won the voters, and finally successfully helped Trump to become the President of the United States during the 2016 election.

Since Biden took office, his approval rating has continued to decline. According to a recent national poll released by Grinnell College, the current approval ratings of Trump and Biden are basically the same. Will run for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, and with the 2022 midterm elections approaching, Trump will begin to attend campaign events. Although Bannon was previously kicked out of the White House by Trump, he had promised to "continue to fight with Trump from the outside" and to "add bricks and mortar to the global populist movement", and now Bannon is talking about overthrowing the Biden administration , suggesting that Trump will likely continue to work with Bannon. Because this set of populism applies to Bannon, who is known as the "number one trader" of American far-right populism in the current political game rules in the United States, or does he return to the old path of right-wing movements?

Can not Boot from Harddisk

Hi all...

I have a problem with the computer not booting from the hard drive, where as if I look at the BIOS setup the hard drive is recognized.
I'm using a motherboard from Asus H110M-E M2

thanks for advance