Java Under the Hood [Videos]

Java is a high-level programming language, which means that we don't need to know the internals of the language and how it works under the hood to be a Java developer. However, if you want to lead back-end projects, earn a higher salary, be respected and admired, you will need to learn what it takes to run a Java program.

I have recorded a series of videos showing essential parts of Java that you need to know to call yourself a senior Java developer.

Getting Started With NVIDIA NGC Containers


Modern science- and enterprise-driven Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) workflows are not simple to execute given the complexities arising from multiple packages and frameworks often used in any such typical task. All the mutual dependencies and interrelationships between these open-source frameworks can make the life of a data scientist quite miserable.

One universally powerful, yet deceptively simple way to solve this problem is the use of containers. A container is a portable unit of software that combines the application and all its dependencies into a single package that is agnostic to the underlying host OS. Thereby, it removes the need to build complex environments and simplifies the process of application development to deployment.

Landmark Recognition With Machine Learning

Ever seen a breathtaking landmark or scenery while flipping through a book or magazine and been frustrated because you don't know what it's called or where it is? Wouldn't it be great if there was an app that could tell you what you're seeing! Fortunately, machine learning makes it remarkably easy to develop such an app.  

Introduction to Landmark Recognition

The landmark recognition service enables you to obtain the landmark name, landmark longitude, and latitude, and even a confidence value of the input image. When you input an image for recognition, a confidence value will be provided whereby a higher confidence value indicates that the landmark in the input image is more likely to be recognized. You can then use this information to create a highly-personalized experience for your users. 

Building an ETL Pipeline With Airflow and ECS

Each day, enterprise-level companies collect, store and process different types of data from multiple sources. Whether it’s a payroll system, sales records, or inventory system, this torrent of data has to be attended to. 

And if you process data from multiple sources that you want to squeeze into a centralized database, you need to:

Performing Under Pressure

Formula 1 is a great example of performing under pressure. With millions of people watching and the clock ticking, every tenth counts. When drivers pit, the pressure is on for their crew to get them back on the track as quickly as possible. The entire team must work together to deliver performance under extreme pressure. 

The actors who perform on stage or the athletes who participate in competitive sports also need to perform in high-pressure situations. How are they able to deal with the pressure of performing in front of thousands of people who might judge them? 

How to Delete all Pods in a ReplicaSet

I recently got into the Cloud Native Foundations Scholarship Program by Udacity, and with that, my day-to-day interaction with Kubernetes has increased. The exposure is good because I am learning Kubernetes and patching problems and sharing some tricks to solve my problems here.

One of them is to delete all pods in a ReplicaSet. I went through many StackOverflow questions with one-line finalizers that would do the job instantly, but it was all trial and error with 20 commands to find the one. In addition to that, pasting random finalizers that you don’t understand on the terminal is not recommended. Also, even if I am a massive fan of Googling stuff out, I get tired of Googling the same queries 10 times.

Does Printer Toner Expire

Printer toner is made of dry plastic powder, a mixture of carbon melt that forms a polymer and coloring agent. Since the toner is made of powder instead of ink, it does not dry out, and thus it lasts longer. But does this mean it does not expire? Read Does Printer Toner Expire. Well, the...

The post Does Printer Toner Expire appeared first on DesignrFix.

Different Types of Printers

Different types of printers have developed a lot since their introduction to the market. A little background about printers’ history is necessary to understand better how they function. In my opinion, they have been rather popular over the last two decades and have become an essential gadget for offices. A printer has a role in...

The post Different Types of Printers appeared first on DesignrFix.

Hi everyone, I’m fins88

Hi everyone, fins, Im 24
I currently work as an IT and marketing consultant for a Indonesia company that develops employee monitoring software.
Wish everyone a good day!