Hi everyone, I’m Leopold II


Just wanted to say hello as I found the site today and joined up.

And for the record to save time name is Fred not leo.
I alway choose random names on all sites which is why here I used Leopold II.

I am currently learning C++ for fun and I hope C in future.
Reason is I want to make some programs with good GUI's.
Also for C I want to be able to program pic's (microcontrollers) to make my own designs also for fun.
I will say I have not done much programming in recent history, thou some html many years back.
And also a bit of various BASIC programming also many many years ago.

Anyways just wanted to say hi.

A WordPress Voting Guide to the Webby Awards

The People’s Voice voting for the 25th annual Webby Awards closes in three days on May 6, 2021. Since 1996, the Webbys have recognized excellence on the internet among what is now seven major media types: websites, video, advertising, media and PR, social, apps, mobile, voice, games, and podcasts. After nearly 13,500 entries were submitted from 70 different countries, the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences selected fewer than 10% as Nominees and opened voting on April 20.

WordPress is well-represented among nominees and honorees in the website category. In fact, nearly every single sub-category of five nominees includes at least one WordPress site. If you want to vote for the WordPress sites linked below, click on the category name to view the five nominees and vote for your favorite one. Just remember that you can only vote for one site in each category to win the Webby People’s Voice.

In the Government & Civil Innovation category, 4 out of 5 nominees are powered by WordPress. The current front-runner, WhiteHouse.gov, was built by the Wide Eye agency with help from 10up, and a team of many others. The website uses the block editor with a highly customized site editing and management experience.

Update: WordPress actually sweeps this category with 5/5 nominations, as we just learned the XQ Super Schools site is a headless WordPress + Gatsby + WPGraphQL site. The Political Playlist site is also a is headless WordPress site using NuxtJS + WPGraphQL.

10up has another competing site in that same Government & Civil Innovation category, The California Grants Portal. The company designed and built a web portal for state agencies to submit their grant data.

10up also worked on another nominated site, The Undefeated, which was recently migrated to the block editor. The site is contending in the Cultural Blog/Website category against two other WordPress-powered sites: The New York Review of Books and Culture Type.

Web developer Daniel Schutzsmith shared in Post Status’ Slack that a site he built custom Gutenberg blocks for is up for a Webby under the Professional Services & Self-Promotion category. The site, audouy.com, is a portfolio for production designer François Audouy.

Real estate has been a hot industry over the past year and 2 out 5 nominees in the Real Estate category are running on WordPress: Tri Pointe Homes, a US-based builder site, and Zillow’s “What Moved Us” site. Zillow is currently in 2nd place with its WordPress-powered landing page that details visitors’ search behavior. It also displays surprising facts from this past year of sales and searches, such as “In 2020, 1 in 8 people made an offer sight unseen.” The page is beautifully illustrated and looks just as good on mobile as it does on desktop.

In the Activism category, Amnesty International’s WordPress-powered Tear Gas investigation website is leading the way in 1st place right now. Visualize NYC 2021, the other WordPress site in this category, is currently in 5th place. Both are powerful examples of primarily black and white design created to evoke a response from the visitor.

In the Charitable Organizations/Non-profit category, 3 out of 5 nominees are using WordPress, including Everytown, Antisemitism Uncovered, and the Photography 20/20 Compendium. Each design is wildly different from the next and it’s tough to tell that these are WordPress sites without viewing the source code. Everytown, a gun violence prevention organization, leads the pack in this category, followed by Antisemitism Uncovered in 2nd place, and the Photography 20/20 Compendium in 5th place.

The Law category is also dominated by WordPress sites with 3 out of 5 nominees using the software to create compelling designs. Gilleon Law Firm, which handles sexual harassment cases, is currently in first place by a wide margin, followed by two other WordPress sites, Ashcroft and Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel P.C., in 2nd and 4th place. If you build websites for attorneys, these sites should provide some solid design inspiration.

One thrilling byproduct of the Gutenberg project can be seen in these nominations: As more of digital forerunners adopt the block editor and explore its limits, WordPress site designs have become less predictable and more vibrant.

These nominations are just a handful of the best WordPress sites nominated for a Webby, and the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences site is also running on WordPress. If you find more WordPress site nominations or want to share one you worked on, please leave a link in the comments. Webby People’s Voice voting closes on May 6, 2021, so there is still time to help your favorite websites take first place. Winners will be announced on May 18, 2021.

The Complete Guide to Agile Project Management

Have you ever wondered how tech giants manage to develop and update numerous products in such a short time? The answer lies in Agile. Agile project management focuses on speed, frequent releases, and feedback loops. According to Vitality Chicago, Agile’s failure rate is a meager 8% compared to Waterfall’s 22%. It’s no wonder 71% of companies use Agile approaches, and the interest is stronger than ever.

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile is an iterative approach to project management that prioritizes collaboration, feedback, and response to changes during the project lifecycle. Here, the project is broken down into short developmental cycles or stages called iterations. During each iteration, team members collaborate with stakeholders to adjust and improve processes and the final deliverable.

Agile project management traces its roots back to software development in the 1990s. Software teams, in particular, found traditional project management methods (such as Waterfall) to be too rigid. Software development requires autonomy, adaptability, and flexibility as opposed to more traditional projects (such as manufacturing) with fixed processes and predictable outcomes.

The Agile methodology has since found widespread use outside of software development and can be applied to virtually any project with constantly changing objectives.

4 Tools to Improve Agile Project Management Implementation

The Agile philosophy and principles aside, there are practical tools that you need to implement this methodology successfully. The most critical tools include:

1. Project Management Software

If ever there was a cheat-sheet for implementing Agile project management, you can find it in a software suite. There are project management tools dedicated explicitly to agile software development teams. However, this software tends to target DevOps since Agile is inherently a software development approach.

Instead, we recommend Wrike, a more flexible project management tool adaptable to various industries. Wrike’s features cover all the essential Agile principles and include:

  • Customizable dashboards, request forms, and workflows to suit any team
  • Enhanced collaboration, including files, reports, tasks, and calendar sharing
  • Kanban boards, interactive Gnatt charts, and purpose-built templates
  • Task automation
  • Media integrations
  • Time tracking
  • Advanced analytics
  • And more

Wrike also offers free trials for all its plans. Good project management software comes integrated with the essential tools you need to manage your Agile project from start to finish. Check out our Best Project Management Software post here for the complete picture of your best project management software currently on the market.

2. Agile Project Plan and Workflow Templates

As with all project management methodologies, you’ll need to develop a project plan. The first step is to define a project vision, including documenting the known business and technical requirements. This stage also includes gathering and documenting estimates for scope, time, and budget. Crucially, project planning also involves creating your project team.

Unlike traditional project management methodologies, Agile planning primarily focuses on the first sprint. An agile template helps make the planning easier by using a checklist-style approach not to miss anything. The project plan template also helps visualize the plan and is easily shareable with team members.

The workflow template is different from the project plan template. Depending on the framework you choose (Scrum is the most common for Agile project management), the appropriate template helps to hasten this process. Again, templates are crucial for visualizing your workflow. Also, the workflow for Agile PM focuses on the initial sprint or iteration.

Good PM software comes loaded with these templates, so it’s only a matter of filling out the details. Wrike, for example, easily handles the project planning and workflow stages, so you don’t need additional templates.

3. Work in Progress (WIP) Limit

The Agile PM methodology places a hard cap on the number of tasks that team members can complete at any one time. To stay true to this principle, a WIP tool helps visualize the pieces of work in progress and make the necessary adjustments. For example, Agile recommends a limit of three ongoing tasks at a time. This approach helps to avoid context switching and multitasking.

A Kanban board is a simple yet effective WIP tool. The board uses cards and columns to break down tasks into “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Complete” segments of a workflow.

Most project management software, including Wrike, already comes with integrated Kanban boards. If you want a Kanban-style standalone tool, we recommend Trello.

4. Burndown Charts

A burndown chart helps to visualize the team’s progress from the end user’s perspective. Simply put, this chart reveals how much work is left to do and the amount of time to do it in. A burndown chart includes the following crucial data points:

  • Total work in each iteration
  • Remaining tasks
  • Estimated team speed
  • Actual team speed

There are two main types of burndown charts. The first is the Sprint Burndown, which shows the work remaining in the sprint or iteration. Secondly, the Product Burndown showing the performance for the entire project.

Wrike, like most other project management software adapted to Agile, includes burndown charts.

The Basics of Agile Project Management

There are four distinct values laid out in the Agile Manifesto. These values form the foundation of Agile project management.

Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools

Focusing on processes and tools makes it difficult to accommodate new thinking, new ideas, and unique requirements. This Agile value focuses on team members’ contribution to the project rather than processes and tools driving the project. This approach helps develop an agile team that can quickly adapt to internal and external changes rather than bogged down by bureaucracy and fixed procedures and tools.

In any case, team member’s energy, problem-solving abilities, and innovation are more straightforward to tap into than complex processes and tools. The latter requires plenty of time and money investment to maintain, which can divert focus from the crucial tasks at hand. Central to this human-centric value is communication, teamwork, innovation, and taking personal ownership of the project.

Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation

Traditional project management methodologies are heavy on documentation. From interface design documents, technical prospectus, technical requirements, documentation plans, and the subsequent approvals, it’s no wonder delays in the development process are inevitable.

While Agile doesn’t completely throw out documentation, it streamlines the process to the bare minimum to get the work done.

In Agile, documentation is replaced with User Story. The user story describes the software (or product) features from an end-user perspective. User stories use simple, informal, and natural language and are a simplified version of traditional documentation.

In short, a user story answers the “who,” “what,” and “why” of the products’ requirements to determine the steps in the project lifecycle.

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation

Traditional project management methodologies insist on detailed contracts before and after the project. Frequently, there is a mismatch in the contract terms, the final product, and the customer’s expectations. To bypass this challenge, Agile project management focuses on customer collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.

This approach ensures that the final product meets the customer’s expectations while minimizing wasted time and resources.

Responding to Change over Following a Plan

Agile project management is peculiar for its minimalistic approach to project planning. Traditional PM methodologies outline elaborate plans at the beginning of the project that team members must follow to the tee. This strategy can get in the way of customer satisfaction if the client requests new features or changes the project scope.

Agile proposes an evaluation after each project stage or sprint. Any new feedback or discoveries are then implemented in the next stage. This system allows for flexibility and adaptability and accommodates shifting priorities throughout the project lifecycle.

7 Tricks for Implementing Agile Project Management

Here are seven things you can do to implement the Agile approach to your project management methodology.

1. Choose a Suitable Agile Approach

While there are fixed principles that define Agile project management, Agile is actually an umbrella term encompassing several approaches. Ultimately, all Agile practices have two things in common. They are iterative and incremental processes. The Agile approach you choose largely depends on the project at hand. The specific framework may also change from one project to the next. Examples of Agile frameworks include:


Scrum framework is almost synonymous with Agile and is arguably the most popular framework. Scrum breaks down the project into sections called sprints that are typically two or four weeks long. At the beginning of each sprint, team members prioritize a list of requirements to complete during the specific sprint. The project unfolds one sprint at a time.

Scrum teams consist of a Scrum Master and a Product Owner. The scrum master is the team’s leader and is primarily responsible for ensuring that the team sticks to Agile principles. The Product Owner is the subject matter expert for the project, responsible for ensuring that the project lives up to the stakeholder’s expectations.

The rest of the scrum team comprises cross-disciplinary experts such as designers, architects, engineers, and testers.


The Kanban framework focuses on visualizing the workflow. This way, teams can break down the project into small pieces. Kanban is particularly effective at identifying bottlenecks and reducing waste. Also, this framework lays out explicit process policies and well-defined project limits to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Kanban encourages teams to focus on fewer work items at a time. This strategy helps keep the work items from getting blocked, stuck, or delayed during the different development stages.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme programming is specifically geared toward software development projects. This framework is similar to scrum in that it breaks down the project into sprints. However, XP lays out explicit processes specific to software development.

Also, Extreme Programming is more focused on the quality of software practitioner’s habits, such as adhering to coding standards and frequently checking code against the master code.

Other Agile Frameworks

Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) are the most common Agile frameworks. Additional frameworks include:

  • Feature-driven Development (FFD)
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
  • Lean
  • Crystal
  • Bimodal
  • Hybrid

2. Set the Scope for the Project

Project planning entails defining the project scope. The best time to do this is during the initial planning meeting. In Agile, you’ll be loosely defining the project’s end goal and how to achieve it. Since Agile projects are inherently flexible and rely heavily on feedback, the work scope should reflect this reality.

An elevator pitch works well for setting the scope for your project.

3. Train Your Team Members

While simple on the surface, Agile can be complicated to implement. For this reason, it’s a good idea to train the critical team members on Agile principles. The Agile Manifesto is a great launching pad, but your team may need more comprehensive training.

If you’re implementing Agile for the first time, it’s a good idea to start with a small non-crucial project. This strategy gives your team a low-pressure scenario to practice its Agile knowledge and expertise. Similarly, you can evaluate these small projects and determine areas of improvement before moving on to larger and more critical projects.

4. Implement Daily Standups

The daily standup is Agile speak for daily meetings. These meetings are crucial given the fast-paced nature of Agile project management. These meetings are typically 10-15 minutes and discuss three crucial aspects:

  • What did we complete yesterday?
  • What are we working on today?
  • Are there any obstacles in the way?

Agile being a team-centric methodology, these daily meetings ensure that your team can identify and resolve problems as soon as they occur.

5. Stay Focused on Flow Efficiency

Traditional project management methodologies focus on optimum capacity utilization. However, in Agile, the main focus should be flow. By following the mantra “manage the work, not the workers,” you can create an environment where team members lean towards value-adding activities, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

To this end, it’s helpful to identify specific value-adding activities and those activities that don’t add value. The former goes on the Kanban board, where it’s then easy to map the workflow from start to finish.

Swarming is also a valuable strategy for optimizing flow. When a team member finishes their assigned work items, they help other members with their tasks rather than starting new work. Swarming helps to foster teamwork and collaboration and is an effective tool for removing bottlenecks from the workflow.

6. Conduct Sprint Reviews

A large chunk of incremental improvement comes from sprint reviews. Ideally, you should have a functional piece of software (or product) shipped at the end of each sprint cycle. This is an excellent opportunity to review what the team did right and what could be improved during the next sprint.

Include everyone working on the project and the critical stakeholders in the sprint review. An effective sprint review should take an hour or two. This isn’t the time for lengthy PowerPoint presentations and feature dissertations. Instead, focus on the practical aspects of the sprint and how these can be improved.

7. Manage the Queue Size

Traditional project management places great emphasis on timelines. While this take is critical in delivering products on time, it can put undue pressure on the team. Agile project management takes a slightly different approach in this regard. Rather than managing deadlines, Agile focuses more on managing the queue size.

Managing the queue size naturally increases efficiency and reduces the cycle time. Visualizing the work queue with a Kanban board helps draw attention to areas where tasks tend to pile up. Next, you can take action steps to remove the bottlenecks, such as reducing the work items’ batch size.

Swipey Image Grids

I hope people think of SVG as a vector format that is good for drawing things. There is plenty more to know, but here’s one more: SVG is good for composition. You draw things at very specific coordinates in SVG and, while they can scale, they tend to stay put. And while SVG is a vector format, you can place raster images onto it. That’s my favorite part of Cassie’s “Swipey image grids” post. The swipey part is cool, but the composition is even cooler.

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
  <rect x="30" y="0" width="70" height="50" fill="blue"/>
  <rect x="60" y="60" width="40" height="40" fill="green"/>
  <rect x="0" y="30" width="50" height="70" fill="pink"/>

  <image x="30" y="0" width="70" height="50" href="https://place-puppy.com/300x300"/>
  <image x="60" y="60" width="40" height="40" href="https://place-puppy.com/700x300"/>
  <image x="0" y="30" width="50" height="70" href="https://place-puppy.com/800x500"/>

You’ll need to check this out in Chrome, Edge or Firefox:

Don’t miss Cassie’s interactive examples explaining preserveAspectRatio. That’s a thing I normally think of on the <svg> itself, but is used to great effect on the <image> elements themselves here. It’s like a more powerful object-fit and object-position.

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The post Swipey Image Grids appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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WebPageTest API

I’m willing to bet you know WebPageTest. It is the premier tool in the toolbox of web performance people. Maybe you didn’t know that WebPageTest was a side project of one fella, Patrick Meenan, for most of its lifetime, with literal racks of real devices he maintained himself. An amazing achievement, to be sure, but it also feels good to me that WebPageTest is now owned by Catchpoint with Patrick being there himself on the project. For one thing, the design of WebPageTest is now quite nice. A welcome upgrade, let’s say.

So yes, WebPageTest is still here. It’s still free. Everything is there that always was, but more (like… Chrome User Experience Data pulled right into your Chrome test results so you can see how closely your test matches what Chrome is seeing, and Core Web visualizations right in the waterfall). It’s just now it’s not a side project anymore, it’s got the support of a company dead-focused on helping developers.

Here’s the real news though: there’s a full-on scalable API now.

So you can be like:

I’d like to know my Time to Interactive (TTI), Core Web Vitals (CWV), and Total Size of Images from my primary product page along with a loading film strip from a Firefox browser in Canada.

And you’ll get exactly that from the API. And so much more. Anything WebPageTest can do is available in the API.

This is not some tack-on API. This is an entirely API-driven product. So if WebPageTest evolves and offers more functionality (and it will), you’ll have it in the API. A dog-fooded API is an API you can trust. Catchpoint is very likely to do more with WebPageTest over time, and it will be driven by these same APIs. I think that’s important to know. You can trust an API a lot more when the API drives the product, versus when an API is tacked on to a product.

Example JSON Data from API
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                        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
               "osVersion":"Linux 5.4.0-1045-aws",
               "os_version":"Linux 5.4.0-1045-aws",
               "osPlatform":"x86_64 x86_64",
                  "Analytics":"Google Analytics"
                  "Google Analytics":""
                        "outerHTML":"<h1 id=\"welcome-to-webpagetest\">Welcome to WebPageTest</h1>",
                           "alt":"WebPageTest, by Catchpoint",
   "statusText":"Test Complete",

How much?

With the current promotional pricing, API access starts at $9.89/month (if you pay annually) which is 1,200 tests per month. That would be 40 tests a day, which is a great starting point for most actively developed projects. There is pricing that scales up to 25,000 tests a month for $131.99/month. And if you need even more than that, you can talk to them and they’ll get you sorted—they have scaling-friendly pricing, making it more affordable than other SaaS performance testing tools.

You can build your own performance tools.

So with API access, what can you do? Well, that’s the point of an API: you can do whatever you want. An obvious choice is building performance dashboards for your company. Building them yourself means you can focus on exactly the tracking and reporting that matters most to your company. Not to mention that you can store the data internally, build the UIs internally, and generally keep everything in-house like so many companies like to do.

Here’s another idea. You could build alerting tools. Here’s a Node wrapper for the API. It supports JSON Test Specs. You set up your performance tests to run and your performance metrics you want to hit, and get results like:

    ✓ median.firstView.requests: 15 should be less than 20 
    1) median.firstView.render: 500 should be less than 400
    ✓ median.firstView.loadTime: 2500 should be less than 3000 
    2) median.firstView.score_gzip: 70 should be greater than 90

  2 passing (3 ms)
  2 failing

I’m sure you can imagine shooting results like that to a Slack channel, an email, a SMS message, etc.

Alerting people to performance problems is some big girl pants stuff that way more companies should be doing.

Just so you know, while you get data back from the API and it’s likely you’ll store it yourself, that data is also stored on WebPageTest for 13 months. So as long as you know the test ID, you can get it again, not to mention use the WebPageTest UI for looking at the data without having to build your own dashboard.

You can have performance-focused Pull Requests.

There is a GitHub Action for the WebPageTest API. So with very little setup, you can have your PRs have a bunch of performance information. Super cool.

I know everyone is so hot on Core Web Vitals right now. Look at that. All three of them sitting right there in the Pull Request.

This can be a part of a cultural change toward a more performance focused development team at a company.

Remember, it’s not just Chrome.

Just to put a point on it, one of the strengths of WebPageTest is that it reports from literally real browsers, and not just Chrome. Lighthouse is a nice performance tool too, but it’s Chrome-only. So is doing your own browser controlling with a tool like Puppeteer. WebPageTest supports Chrome, and Firefox, Edge, and even Brave. It reports way more performance metrics, and does it from physical locations all around the world.

Track anything that is particularly to you.

I’m a big believer that the most important analytics, performance or otherwise, are metrics that you decide upon yourselves as a company, because they reflect some clear value. Maybe you’re trying to fix a problem and you can only fix what you measure. Maybe you know that you sell more widgets when page speed stays high. Maybe you you need to keep an eye on particular contractors who have a habit of not optimizing images.

With the amount of detailed data you get from the WebPageTest API, you can track just about anything you can dream of. And you don’t have to rely on only what WebPageTest does by default. You can script WebPageTest to run code on your site. Say you need to perform special steps before testing, you can. Even cooler, you can report custom metrics, which are then added to the API data. Say you wanted to know how many <svg> elements were on the page, test if a captcha loaded, or check if any elements had duplicate IDs. You script it up and use the custom metrics for that.

WebPageTest also supports the standard Custom Marks / Custom Timing stuff. So for example performance.mark('playback-start'); will report that timing when you run that anywhere in your JavaScript. Or you could do <button elementtiming="buy-now-button">Buy Now</button> to register when that element first paints and get that data. Those kind of custom metrics are pretty damn important because they reflect your site’s most important functionality.

The post WebPageTest API appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Is there any importance for URL AGE ?

One of my client he have a domain whcih is example.ae from the last 9 years. Now I have desinged the website for him and need to host the website. But his all social media urls are examplemobile. I have suggested to him we can better purchase the domain examplemobile.com which is availabe for purhcase.

If we boghuth this domain it will effect the SEO ranking.

I heared that old domain have more imporant than newly purhcased domain, Is it true ?

This domian .ae it will icluded in the domain age calculation of SEO Bots.

list all the elements that pecede a certain element in python array

I have an array in python that has letters as strings and a comma as a string also. I have managed to find code that finds all the letters that come before that comma letter, there are other comma letters and i would like to iterate to list every letter that comes before the commas in the array here is what i got so far

myarray=['G', 'o', 'T', ',', 'I', 't', 'B', ',', 'M', 'N', 'R', ',', 'K', 'F', 'P', ',', 'M', 'F', 'I', 'H', ',', 'A', 'H', ',']
temp = myarray.index(",")
res = myarray[:temp]

##tHE CODE ABOVE outputs ['G','o','T'], is there a way in which i can iterate through all elements in 
the array listing every letter that comes before the commas

Ten Useful Image and Video Transformations

Cloudinary is an end-to-end image- and video-management solution for websites and mobile apps, covering everything from uploads, storage, transformations, optimizations to delivery. Additionally, Cloudinary offers comprehensive APIs and administration capabilities that seamlessly integrate with web and mobile apps. 

This tutorial steps you through 10 interesting and useful image and video transformations, which you perform on the client side (browser) through Cloudinary’s JavaScript SDK. At the end of this tutorial, you’ll see the transformations live and their real-world use cases, which make for significant time-savers for software development.

Integration With JavaScript

To start, install the necessary files with the NPM package manager:

npm install cloudinary-core --save

The optional –save parameter saves the dependency in your package.json file.

Next, import the cloudinary-core library from the cloudinary-core module: 

let cloudinary = require("cloudinary-core"); //ES5import {Cloudinary} from “cloudinary-core”; //ES

Alternatively,  add the JavaScript files to your HTML page:

<script src="/lodash/lodash.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/cloudinary-core/cloudinary-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

To use the Cloudinary JavaScript library, you must set up configuration parameters and a cloud_name. To get a cloud_name, sign up for a free Cloudinary account, after which your cloud name is displayed in your account’s dashboard. You can also specify other configuration parameters, if desired.

To set up configuration parameters while creating a new Cloudinary instance:

let cloudinary = new cloudinary.Cloudinary({cloud_name: "demo", secure: true});

For more guidelines on Cloudinary’s client-side setup, check out the documentation on integration with Cloudinary’s JavaScript SDK.

Delivery of Transformations

While transforming a media asset (image or video), Cloudinary builds a delivery URL with these two parameters:

  • Action parameters, such as b(background), which perform a specific transformation on the asset.
  • Qualifier parameters, such as ar(aspect ratio), which alter the asset’s default behavior.

You’ll see many of those parameters as you proceed with this tutorial.

Image Delivery

You deliver images with either of these two directives:

  • imageTag. This method creates an instance of the ImageTag class. You can then generate an HTML tag with the toHtml method, like this:
let tag = cloudinary.imageTag("sample");  tag.toHtml();

The code above generates this HTML image tag:

<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/sample">
  • Direct URL. To create an image URL instead of an HTML tag, use the url method, like this:
let tag = cloudinary.url("sample.jpg");
  • The code above returns this string:

Video Delivery

You deliver videos with either of these two directives:

  • videoTag. You can specify transformations with videoTag , which automatically generates an HTML5 video tag, including the URL sources for the major formats supported by web browsers (WebM, mp4, and ogv).
cloudinary.videoTag("watchme", {secure: true, controls: true}).transformation()  
  • Direct URL:
let tag = cloudinary.video_url("dog.mp4");

The code above returns this string:


The sections below describe how to transform images and videos with direct URLs. 

Image Transformations

Below are five common image transformations by way of Cloudinary.

1. Transform an image to a thumbnail

A thumbnail is a smaller version of a digital image. With Cloudinary ‘s Transformation URL API, you can create thumbnails from either face-detection or custom coordinates. Configure the c_thumb action parameter alongside the g(gravity) qualifier parameter set to one of the face detection or g_custom transformation values, for example, g_face.Use case: This transformation can automatically crop an image uploaded for a user profile in an app.

Example: Crop an image to a 200×200 thumbnail through face detection (g_face,c_thumb,w_200,h_200).

Here’s the original image:

cloudinary.url("man.jpg", {gravity: "face", width: 200, height: 200, crop: "thumb"})

The code above returns this string:


Here’s the cropped thumbnail.

For more details, check out Cloudinary’s documentation on creating thumbnails.

2. Transform an image to enhance its color accessibility

The need for accessibility (a11y) is universally recognized and supported. As a web developer, you must ensure that your software is accessible to all, including those with disabilities or impairments. With the e_assist_colorblind[:<assist type>] transformation effect, you can apply stripes or color adjustments to help color-blind people differentiate between colors that look similar to them.

Example: Convert the red and green colors of the image below to ones that are easier to differentiate (e_assist_colorblind:xray).
Here’s the original image: 

cloudinary.url("red-green-text.png", {effect: "assist_colorblind:xray"})

The code above returns this string:


Here’s the live color-accessible image.

For more details on how to enable color accessibility with Cloudinary, read this article: Open Your Eyes to Color Accessibility.

3. Insert a placeholder if a requested image does not exist

The d_<image asset> parameter delivers a back-up placeholder if the image requested does not exist.

Use case: If a user does not upload a profile picture, Cloudinary displays the placeholder image.

Example: Return the image with the avatar public ID as a PNG if the requested image in the URL non_existing_id does not exist (d_avatar.png).

cloudinary.url("non_existing_id.png", {defaultImage: "avatar.png"})

The code above returns this string:


Here’s the live placeholder image.

4. Make an image look artistic

With the e_art:<filter> transformation effect, you can apply a long list of filter values, e.g., incognito, al_dente, athena, fes, frost, hairspray, etc.

Use case: This transformation yields an artistic look for your image, saving you time and effort spent on photo-editing tools.

Example: Apply the incognito artistic filter (e_art:incognito).
Here’s the original image:

cloudinary.url("medieval.jpg", {effect: "art:incognito"})

The code above returns this string:


Here’s the live artistic image.

For more details, see Cloudinary’s documentation on artistic filter effects.

5. Smartly scale images

You can smartly scale images with Imagga, which offers two smart-cropping modes: scale and crop. The scale mode, which is similar to Cloudinary’s standard fill mode, generates an image with the exact width and height dimensions you specify. To try out Cloudinary’s Imagga add-on for free, first sign up for a free Cloudinary account. Later on, you can subscribe to an Imagga add-on plan that best matches your usage requirements.

Here’s the original image:

cloudinary.url("family.jpg", {height: 240, width: 260, crop: "imagga_scale"})

The code above returns this string:


Here’s the live, smartly-scaled image

For more details, see Cloudinary’s documentation on Imagga crop and scale.

Video Transformations

Below are five common video transformations by way of Cloudinary.

1. Make a video boomerang

You can make a video clip play forward and then backward with the e_boomerang parameter. Furthermore, you can deliver a classic (short, repeating) boomerang clip by specifying one or more of the trimming parameters (duration, start_offset, end_offset, and the loop effect). 

Use Case:  Boomerang videos are common in ads.


cloudinary.video_url("dog-running.mp4",{transformation: [  {startOffset: "3", endOffset: "5", effect: "boomerang"}  ]})

The code above returns this string: 


Here’s the live boomerang video clip

For more details, check out Cloudinary’s documentation on creating boomerang video clips.

2. Create transition between two videos

The  e_transition qualifier, along with l_video, applies a custom transition between two concatenated videos.

Use case: This transformation is useful for creating short video skits, ads, and the like.

Example: Apply a transition effect between two concatenated videos (l_video:transition1,e_transition):

cloudinary.video_url('kitten_fighting', {transformation: [  {height: 150, crop: "fill"},  {overlay: new cloudinary.Layer().publicId("video:dog"), height: 150, crop: "fill"},  {overlay: new cloudinary.Layer().publicId("video:transition1"), effect: "transition"},  {flags: "layer_apply"},  {flags: "layer_apply"}  ]})

The code above returns this string: 


Here’s the live video with the transformation.

For more details, see Cloudinary’s documentation on concatenating videos with custom transitions.

3. Create video previews

The e_preview[:duration_<duration>][:max_seg_<max segments>][:min_seg_dur_<min segment duration>] parameters generate an excerpt of a video through Cloudinary’s AI-powered preview algorithm, which creates a preview after identifying the video’s most captivating segments.

Use case: Previews are popular as video trailers.

Example: Generate a 12-second video preview with a maximum of three segments and a minimum segment-duration of three seconds (e_preview:duration_12:max_seg_3:min_seg_dur_3):

cloudinary.video_url('short_film', {effect: "preview:duration_12:max_seg_3:min_seg_dur_3"})

The code above returns this string: 


Here’s the live video preview.   

For more details, see Cloudinary’s documentation on generating AI-based video previews.

4. Set the duration of videos

You can trim a video or audio clip to the length (in seconds) you specify with the du_<time value> parameter, or use it as a qualifier to control the duration of a corresponding transformation.

Example: Deliver a 30-second video (du_30):

cloudinary.video_url("short_film.mp4", {duration: "30"})

The code above returns this string:


Here’s the live video with the transformation.

5. Modify video quality

The q_<quality level>[:qmax_<quant value>][:<chroma>] parameter sets the quality to the level you specify. This transformation is especially useful for delivering videos to geographic areas with a slow Internet connection.

Example: Transcode a video to the WebM format with 70% quality, setting the maximum quantization to 20% (q_70:qmax_20):

cloudinary.video_url('short_film.webm', {duration: "30", quality: "70:qmax_20"});

The code above returns this string: 


Here’s the live video with the transformation.

For more details. see Cloudinary’s documentation on modifying video quality.

Summary and Resources

Cloudinary is an excellent tool with optimization and transformation capabilities. To try out the transformations described in this tutorial, first sign up for a free Cloudinary account.

The following resources from Cloudinary are handy references: 

The post Ten Useful Image and Video Transformations appeared first on Codrops.

How to Display Popular Products on WooCommerce Product Pages (2 Ways)

Do you want to learn how to add popular products on your WooCommerce product pages?

Showing popular products on your online store pages is a proven way to boost sales. This is why Amazon, Walmart, and all other big stores have a best-seller widget.

In this article, we’ll show you how to display popular products on your WooCommerce product pages.

How to display popular products on WooCommerce product pages

Why Should You Display Popular Products in WooCommerce?

Displaying your popular WooCommerce products is an easy way to increase sales on your online store.

These products are already proven to convert, so by getting more eyeballs on these products you’ll easily make more sales.

You can even create a separate popular WooCommerce products page, just like how Amazon has their own bestseller charts.

Amazon popular products example

With that said, let’s take a look at how you can add popular products to your WooCommerce product pages.

How to Find What WooCommerce Products Are Popular

First thing you need to do is find out what products are popular and selling well. With a WordPress plugin, you can see all of your WooCommerce analytics data and which products are the most popular.

MonsterInsights is the best analytics plugin for WordPress. It shows you the performance of your online store and which products are the most popular at a glance.

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to setup WooCommerce conversion tracking.

After you’ve integrated WooCommerce with MonsterInsights, you can see your most popular products by navigating to Insights » Reports and then click on the eCommerce tab.

WooCommerce top products

Here you can see which products are bringing you the most revenue, how many units you’ve sold, and overall stats about your store’s performance.

Another great feature of MonsterInsights is you can simply add your popular products to the end of your blog posts to boost sales.

To do this navigate to Insights » Popular Posts and then click the ‘Popular Products’ menu option.

Customize popular products blog post

On this screen you can customize how your popular products will display.

You have control over the design, the layout option, how many products are featured, and more.

Once you’ve made changes make sure to click ‘Save Changes’ at the top of the screen, and your popular products will automatically display at the end of your posts.

Display popular products end of blog post

Now, we’ll show you two of the most popular ways to display popular WooCommerce products, beyond simply adding them to your blog posts.

Use the quick links below to choose how you want to add popular products to WooCommerce.

Method 1: Using SeedProd to Create a Popular Products Page

SeedProd is the best drag and drop WordPress page builder used by over 1 million websites.

With this plugin, you can simply add popular products to your WooCommerce product pages and create landing pages for your products to improve your conversions.

It has a handful of WooCommerce blocks that let you easily create and customize your product pages.

First thing you need to do is install the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a plugin in WordPress.

Note: there is a free version of SeedProd that you can use, but we’ll be using the Pro version since it has more features.

Upon activation, you need to go to SeedProd » Settings and enter your license key. This information is under your account on the SeedProd website.

Enter SeedProd license key

Once you’ve done that, navigate to SeedProd » Templates.

There are hundreds of pre-made page templates you can use, or you can select the ‘eCommerce Thank You Page’ template that we’re using for this tutorial.

Select SeedProd page template

Once you’ve found the template you want to use, hover over it and click the ‘Checkmark’ icon.

You need to give your page a name, then click the ‘Save and Start Editing the Page’ button.

Name your SeedProd popular products page

After that, you’ll be taken to the page editor screen. Every element of the page can be completely customized with the drag and drop builder.

On the left-hand menu, you’ll see a block section labeled ‘WooCommerce’.

Select the ‘Products Grid’ option and drag it over to your page.

Select WooCommerce products grid

Note: you’ll see a ‘Best Selling Products’ option you can use, however, we’re going to create a custom list of products using our MonsterInsights data.

After that, click the ‘Gear’ icon to bring up the ‘Block Settings’ menu.

Edit products block settings

Next, under the ‘Query’ category, turn the ‘Select By SKU’ toggle on.

Then, select the SKUs that match your popular products.

Select popular product SKUs

To select multiple products that aren’t listed together, hold the ‘Command’ key on Mac, or hold the ‘CTRL’ key on PC.

Once you’ve finished adding your popular products, make sure you click ‘Save’ to save your changes. To publish this page live, click the arrow next to ‘Save’ and select ‘Publish’.

Publish popular products page

You’ve now added your most popular products to a unique popular products page.

With SeedProd, you can make nearly endless customizations to this page to improve the conversions.

Popular products page example

You can also add this page to your WordPress navigation menu to encourage your visitors to browse your popular products.

Method 2: Using WooCommerce Shortcodes to Add Popular Products to Product Pages

WooCommerce has built-in shortcodes you can use to customize your product pages and other areas of your online store.

These shortcodes make it easy to display your popular products on your existing WooCommerce product pages.

To do this navigate to Products » All Products, then open up the product you want to customize.

Add popular products shortcode

In the product editor screen, you’re going to add the following shortcode. For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

You can use the following MonsterInsights shortcode to automatically display your popular products:


MonsterInsights will automatically update the list as popular products change.

Alternatively, you can manually select which products to show using a built-in WooCommerce shortcode:

[products limit="3" columns="3" skus="logo-collection, Woo-tshirt-logo, woo-long-sleeve-tee"]

The shortcode above will create a row of three products. You can increase the ‘product limit’ and ‘columns’ to list more popular products on your page.

The ‘skus’ refer to the product SKUs you’ll find on your WooCommerce products page.

Make sure you replace the SKUS in the shortcode above with your own most popular products.

You can find your product SKUs by navigating back to Products » All Products.

Locate product SKUs

Once you’re done editing your product page click ‘Update’.

Now your visitors will see your regular product listing and your most popular products highlighted below.

Popular products page example

If you’re looking for more ways to increase sales, then you can create a WooCommerce popup or add a free shipping bar in WooCommerce.

We hope this article helped you learn how to display popular products on WooCommerce product pages. You may also want to see our list of the best WooCommerce themes and our expert picks of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display Popular Products on WooCommerce Product Pages (2 Ways) appeared first on WPBeginner.

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I want connect microsoft sql server database using servername,username,password,port number and service name to asp.net api 2019.
This code segment I'm using
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"server=10.d.13.2q0; database=sdssdsd; Integrated Security=False; User ID=lmgdgdfdfddgs; Password=sdsdsdsds");
please help me. what is the correct code

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Thanks & Regards