Fetch T-SQL With Passed Parameter Value Using Stored Procedure


Using "sys.objects," we can get a list of tables and stored Procedures created in the Database. SQL Server now supports table-valued parameters, which allow us to send data tables as parameters to Stored Procedures. It still uses the same ADO.NET API. Using SYSOBJECTS and SYSDEPENDS, we can get all the tables, stored procedures, and other database object-related information.


You can apply the OBJECT_ID, OBJECT_NAME, and OBJECTPROPERTY() built-in functions to the objects shown in sys.objects. It contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database. sys.objects does not show DDL triggers because they are not schema-scoped. Table Valued Parameter allows a table (i.e multiple rows of data) to be passed as a parameter to a stored procedure from T-SQL code or from an application. It was not possible to pass a table variable as a parameter to a stored procedure in old versions of SQL Server.