Visual basic 6 and Login processing

Hi, want to ask the following

if rs.fields(0).value=text1.text and rs.fields(1).value=text2.text then

As you know, above code is part of Login processing. There are two text boxes for user name and password entry. Number (0) and (1) (in above code) refers to access database fields that user names and passwords are stored there. above code works fine for one user only.

Wondering, how to set for more users and how to extend this code so that anyone whose name,pass is in db, can access to main form. I tried adding fields in db for more usernames but from login form could not refer to them either by field number or data type so, not responding positively.
Thanks in advance

Building a Bot As an Alternative to Classic User Interface. Why Is It Better?

Creating a Bot with NASA API and Azure Bot Services, including Language Recognition: Part 1.

NASA BOT graphic

My team and I were working on an open-source customer project in the aerospace domain that provided scientific data for students and university data scientists. After several attempts to build a classic Web UI application, we moved to a simplified Bot Flow. And this is why and how.

Introduction to Quantum Computing

I intend to write a series of articles on Quantum Computing. In this first installment, we will cover a few basics, recent speed achievements, and the considerations of Quantum Computing in the economy.

The dictionary definition of the word 'Quantum' is:

How to Design a Flexible Solution for Custom Dashboards and Reports

Trying to build a solution that is simple, fast, scalable, highly available, yet flexible to handle custom requests from your clients? Looking for a solution that can serve a group of customers or can dedicatedly be deployed for a single customer in a multi-tenant environment? This post is for you. 

Why Do We Need This?

No matter how vast or fine the solution you provide to your clients, there are always custom requirements. Some requests can be fulfilled with small tweaks but others can take a big effort and a complete development cycle. For a SaaS solution, these requests are very common and always a challenging task. Dashboards and Reports are the most common areas for these types of requests where every customer needs data that make more sense to them and in the format, they understand better.

The Best Approach To Elasticsearch Security


Elasticsearch has rapidly—and deservedly—established itself as a popular choice for enterprise application developers. The one negative associated with the highly capable distributed open-source search and log analytics engine is that it has garnered headlines for security hiccups. This reputation for security is arguably undeserved. I think it says more about the fact that organizations too often fail to treat Elasticsearch security with the respect required for any data storage solution. With the proper attention and an accurate understanding of Elasticsearch’s specific needs, the technology can be made sufficiently secure for enterprise needs.

The basic default Elasticsearch configuration lacks enterprise-grade security features. This combination—a simple deployment that’s just as easy to then ignore when it comes to subsequent security hardening—can easily lead to lax access restrictions and data protection. And, it has, as those aforementioned headlines have shown over the past couple of years. But, by implementing enterprise-grade security and adhering to best practices, enterprises can eliminate the errors that put Elasticsearch data in peril.

Making Results of Credit Scoring Transparent Without Compromising Security

Nowadays, the most common problem of scoring is that not everyone can quickly interpret the results that the model produced. A complex algorithm examines dozens of factors in dynamics, and hardly anyone can immediately see and understand what it’s all about. This article describes an algorithm that explains in natural language the strengths and weaknesses of a business, which affects decision-making.

Why does a bank need it? They need it in order to increase the speed and culture of corporate communication and effective dialogue with the client. Banks had to implement new solutions post-factum and in a rush, which costs them a share of the market and was taken over by young and daring FinTech companies. In the eyes of ordinary people, a scoring system is a black box, and this fact does reduce trust in them. Upon being turned down, most clients go to the support service for explanations of what exactly the bank did not like and why the conditions for the loan are so tough.

Java: Unit Testing Private Methods


In this article, I will contemplate the testing of private methods in unit tests. After that, I will propose a way or pattern to do it, if you must. Finally, I will show how you can generate this pattern automatically.

And yes, I will also write a takeaway section to know what you have read.

nice CPU Time – ‘ni’ Time in top

CPU consumption in Unix/Linux operating systems are studied using 8 different metrics: User CPU time, System CPU time, nice CPU time, Idle CPU time, Waiting CPU time, Hardware Interrupt CPU time, Software Interrupt CPU time, and Stolen CPU time. In this article, let's study ‘nice CPU time’.

What Is ‘nice’ CPU Time?

To understand ‘nice’ CPU time, one must first understand ‘nice’. When there is a CPU contention (i.e., multiple processes contend for CPU cycles), the process with higher priority are given more chances to run. In Unix/Linux operating systems, processes are launched with a priority 0 (default). However, using the ‘nice’ command, super users (like ‘root’) can set the priority for the processes as shown below:

Receipt section for the cashier register program on C++

I am a first year student who only knows common codes. I have created a simple cashier program wherein you will only type the number assigned to your order (used of arrays) and calculate the total of the orders,change etc. It was all clear on that part but I am struggling in my receipt section.
I can't review the summary of the orders. I managed to display the name of the items by doing this... Fstring+=itemsN[0] then at receipt, the code is cout<<Fstring; .
But in the quantity and total of each item, I can't think of a code to display it. Is there any way to solve it?

Java Concurrency: Understanding the ‘Volatile’ Keyword

In this article, I would like to share a different approach on this subject that maybe is helpful for you, and also to talk about some particularities and misconceptions about volatile. There`s very good material on this topic out there (like “Java Concurrency In Practice” [JCIP]). I encourage you to read it ;)

We will be talking about the semantics of volatile as defined from Java 5 onwards (on previous Java versions, volatile has no memory-consistency/state-visibility semantic).

Java Concurrency: What Is Volatile?

Short answer: volatile is a keyword we can apply to a field to ensure that when one thread writes a value to that field, the value written is "immediately available" to any thread that subsequently reads it (visibility feature).

Progressive Web Apps in 2021: Will They Die or Thrive?

Back in 2015, when Google first introduced progressive web apps, we heard a lot of promises. PWAs were supposed to become the next big thing for mobile users, bridging the gap between mobile websites and native apps. Rumors had it that PWAs would replace the native apps altogether and that mobile app developers had to get ready for the change. 

Five years later and native mobile apps, as well as their developers, are still well and healthy. What went wrong? 

Predictive Modeling in Data Science

Predictive modeling in data science is used to answer the question "What is going to happen in the future, based on known past behaviors?" Modeling is an essential part of data science, and it is mainly divided into predictive and preventive modeling. Predictive modeling, also known as predictive analytics, is the process of using data and statistical algorithms to predict outcomes with data models. Anything from sports outcomes, television ratings to technological advances, and corporate economies can be predicted using these models.

Top 5 Predictive Models

  1. Classification Model: It is the simplest of all predictive analytics models. It puts data in categories based on its historical data. Classification models are best to answer "yes or no" types of questions.
  2. Clustering Model: This model groups data points into separate groups, based on similar behavior.
  3. Forecast Model: One of the most widely used predictive analytics models. It deals with metric value prediction, and this model can be applied wherever historical numerical data is available.
  4. Outliers Model: This model, as the name suggests, is oriented around exceptional data entries within a dataset. It can identify exceptional figures either by themselves or in concurrence with other numbers and categories.
  5. Time Series Model: This predictive model consists of a series of data points captured, using time as the input limit. It uses the data from previous years to develop a numerical metric and predicts the next three to six weeks of data using that metric.

Which Model Is Right For You?

To find out which predictive model is best for your analysis, you need to do your homework.

What Is Huffman Coding?

Huffman Coding: Why Do I Care?

Have you ever wanted to know:

  • How do we compress something, without losing any data?
  • Why do some things compress better than others?
  • How does GZIP work?

In 5 Minutes or Less

Suppose we want to compress a string (Huffman coding can be used with any data, but strings make good examples).

Updating a Webflow CMS using Byteline’s No-Code Service


Informative-engaging content is always the No#1 way to ensure that you consistently pull in organic traffic to your website. If you are using a Webflow CMS, and are looking to keep your site updated with a regular batch of informative content, one popular approach is to explore a HTTP RESTful service that keeps updating information at scheduled intervals.

While Webflow offers a great platform to build your site easily in minutes, keeping it updated regularly is a challenge often faced by site owners. To help with this, Byteline offers a No-Code Upsert (Update and Insert) service which you may use to pull data from an external source, and then feed it into your Webflow CMS. It intelligently figures out whether to update or insert a record without requiring any user input. For items requiring an update, it automatically figures out the Item ID. Compare this to a complicated no-code logic required in other no-code platforms to figure out the right Item ID to update. All this, without writing a single line of code!