Quality Sense Podcast: Lisi Hocke, Accountability and Conquering Personal Challenges

How To Push Yourself To Achieve Big Goals, Lisi’s Personal Growth Journey, and More

Tune into this episode of Quality Sense where the conversation takes a bit of a turn! Instead of focusing on testing, Federico chats with Elisabeth Hocke aka “Lisi” about how she systematically pursues new goals that help her not only in her professional career but also to grow as a person. She blogs about each as she goes, which has helped her, among other things to be named the “Most Influential Agile Testing Professional” in 2019.

Episode Highlights

  • How Lisi got involved in software development despite not coming from a technical background
  • Lisi’s journey into learning more about bias and anti-racism
  • How she started her personal challenges that she began to document on her blog to share with others
  • What’s important to have in an accountability partner to achieve your goals (no matter how scary they may seem)
  • How to become a better tester even if you’re a lone tester in your organization

Listen Here:

Quality Sense, a Software Testing Podcast · S2E3 – Lisi Hocke – Personal challenges & thoughts on the article “I’m white”

Episode Transcript:

(Lightly edited for clarity.)