Stateful Streaming in Spark

Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. In Spark, we can do the batch processing and stream processing as well. It does near real-time processing. It means that it processes the data in micro-batches. I have discussed more Spark Streaming in my previous blog. Now in this blog, I'll discuss Stateful Streaming in Spark. So let's start !!

What Is Stateful Streaming?

Stateful stream processing means that a "state" is shared between events and therefore past events can influence the way current events are processed. 

Computational Needs for Computer Vision (CV) in AI and ML Systems

Common Challenges Associated With CV Systems Employing ML Algorithms

Computer vision (CV) is a major task for modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) systems. It’s accelerating nearly every domain in the tech industry enabling organizations to revolutionize the way machines and business systems work.

Academically, it is a well-established area of computer science and many decades worth of research work have gone into this field. However, the use of deep neural networks has recently revolutionized the CV field and given it new oxygen.

API Security Weekly: Issue #102

This week, we look into the recent API vulnerabilities at Facebook and the campaing apps for US presidential election, a new book on the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), and a guest post by API security trainer Mohammed Aldoub on how to build APIs that are easy to defend against attackers.

Vulnerability: Facebook

Marcos Ferreira found a Broken Object-Level Authorization (BOLA/IDOR) vulnerability in Facebook’s GraphQL API. The vulnerability allowed anyone to change the URL of a Facebook Page (so not your Facebook profile or user account), and then take over the old URL.

End2End Testing With TestContainers…and a Lot of Patience

This time I would like to show my experience creating an End2End test for a Camel integration application that connects these layers:

  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
  • PostgreSQL
  • Localstack ( AWS similar )
  • Red Hat Ingress upload service
  • Minio ( AWS similar )
  • KIE server ( rules engine )
  • Apache Camel rest endpoints. (<- the app)
apache camel integration

Performance Considerations for an Enterprise Application


Performance is an integral part of the Application design and plays a vital role in the success of your product/application. I would like to write a series of performance optimization techniques that help to design the best performant enterprise applications.

I would like to write a series of articles on performance. primarily there will be two parts. Part — 1 talks about the performance considerations at the design/development level and Part — 2 talks about the performance improvisation techniques.

API Versioning

Versioning is the term what computer software industry folks use. But the general/ equivalent term (at least as I believe) is the Evolution.

Evolution is something that we all go through and it’s applicable for every single object in this world.

Mirroring Git Changes From One Server to Another Server


Hello all, nowadays most of the development teams using GIT version control, some of you may have a requirement of mirroring your team's git changes from one server to another Git server. This article will help you to achieve the Git mirroring between one server to another server.

Business Case

I got one assignment wherein there will be 2 Git Servers, development will happen in one Git server and the changes should be synchronized to another Git server at regular intervals. But in my case, the complexity is both the servers are in different restricted network. So I have done the small experiment and it worked. And I am sharing the steps to you all in this article.

First Look at Twenty Twenty-One, WordPress’s Upcoming Default Theme

Fashion is ephemeral. Art is eternal. Indeed what is a fashion really? A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so absolutely unbearable that we have to alter it every six months!

Thus wrote Oscar Wilde on Victorian-era fashion in an article titled “The Philosophy of Dress” for the New-York Tribune in 1885.

In many ways, WordPress theming is the same as the ever-changing landscape of fashion. Rounded corners are in one day and out the next. Box shadows are in one year after being frowned up just months earlier. Perhaps web design is so intolerable that we must change it every six months. Or, at least freshen it up every year in the case of WordPress.

If art is eternal, there are only two default, Twenty* themes that I can truly recall from past years: Twenty Ten and Twenty Fourteen — yes, Twenty Twenty is memorable, but it is also still the current default. Twenty Ten was a classic that paid homage to WordPress’s past. Twenty Fourteen was such a leap away from tradition that it is hard to forget. Everything else has seemed to fade to varying degrees.

With WordPress 5.6 and the end of the year looming, it is time to look forward to the latest trend. As Mel Choyce-Dwan noted in the announcement of Twenty Twenty-One, the next default theme, “Pastels and muted colors are pretty in right now.”

She is not wrong. The colors are a refreshing change of pace. Now that we are into the second day of autumn, I am getting the good kind of vibes from some of the more earthy-tones from a couple of the color palettes expected to ship with the theme.

Color palette options for the Twenty Twenty-One WordPress theme.
Potential color palette options for Twenty Twenty-One.

Whether Twenty Twenty-One will be a fashionable theme for the year or art that we can remember a decade from now, only history will be able to judge. For now, let’s enjoy the creation and take a look at what we should expect from the next default WordPress theme.

The Current Twenty Twenty-One

The new default theme is a fork of Automattic’s Seedlet, a project in which I lauded as the next step in the evolution of theming. It is a theme that is focused on WordPress’s future of being completely comprised of blocks. It gives us an ideal insight into where theme development is heading. It makes sense as the foundation for the new default. Few other themes would make for a good starting point right now. With WordPress theme development in flux, Seedlet is simply ahead of the pack in terms of foundational elements.

Homepage view of the Seedlet WordPress theme.
Seedlet WordPress theme screenshot.

“This provides us with a thorough system of nested CSS variables to make child theming easier, and to help integrate with the global styles functionality that’s under development for full-site editing,” wrote Choyce-Dwan of using Seedlet as a starting point.

There are no plans to spin up a Google Web Font for this theme. The design team is going native and sticking with the default system font stack. Choyce-Dwan listed several reasons for the choice, such as keeping a neutral font that allows broad use, speed, and customizability via a child theme.

Despite the neutral font, the default pastel green is a fairly opinionated design decision. It will not be used broadly across industries. However, the team plans to create multiple color palettes that will give it more range. Presumably, these palettes can also be overwritten.

Single post view of the Twenty Twenty-One WordPress theme.
Pastel green color scheme on single post view.

Other than the colors, the design is relatively simple. Choyce-Dwan said that the theme’s block patterns support is where it will be truly unique.

I was initially unhappy with the patterns that were going to ship with WordPress 5.5. However, an 11th-hour update improved the situation so that they did not feel entirely experimental. The foundational Seedlet theme for Twenty Twenty-One has some unique patterns that begin to scratch the surface of what’s possible with this WordPress feature. My hope is that the new default theme steps it up a notch.

Currently, the theme does not register any custom patterns. However, it has a placeholder file and a note that they are a work in progress. Choyce-Dwan shared some patterns the team has already designed in the announcement.

Three block patterns provided by the Twenty Twenty-One WordPress theme.
Currently-designed block patterns.

“We’ll be relying on our talented community designers for more ideas,” she wrote. The team has also created a GitHub template for anyone to contribute pattern design ideas.

Currently, the theme does not support the upcoming full-site editing feature of WordPress. After the Beta 1 release of WordPress 5.6, the team plans to begin exploring the addition of this support. WordPress is expected to ship a public beta of full-site editing in its next major release, but it is unclear whether it will be far enough along to be a headline feature for the Twenty Twenty-One theme.

The team and volunteers have less than a month before the October 20th deadline for committing the new theme to trunk, the core WordPress development branch. At that stage, the theme should be nearly complete and ready for production. Of course, there will be several rounds of patches, bug fixes, and updates before WordPress 5.6 lands in December. Right now is the best time for anyone who wants to get involved with Twenty Twenty-One to do so.

Useful links with more information:

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Williams said she doesn't hold Zelle responsible for the fraudulent activity, but she does believe they're responsible for having no telephone number to call and inadequate customer service and support. And she had a hard time getting a response from the company through email and Twitter. She said she did not get a response until the BBB was contacted.

apilayer’s mediastack Offers Real-Time News Data via API

apilayer, a provider of APIs and SaaS applications for developers, has launched a new product called mediastack that provides API access to news data that can be integrated into live news feeds, data analytics platforms, and trend analysis applications. The platform aims for affordability and includes a free option, as well as paid options that provide real-time data access and increased bandwidth.