Shop it To Me: Combine Elementor and WooCommerce For An Amazing Online Store

Are you looking to open your first WooCommerce store? Or maybe you’ve built WooCommerce stores for clients, but want to build better custom eCommerce stores?

You’ve got amazing products that you can’t wait to get out to your customers. Luckily, you can be open for business in no time.

In this post, I’ll be going over how to build a WooCommerce store using Elementor WooCommerce Builder. It’s a visual, drag-and-drop WordPress page builder that gives you full control over your shop and product page designs.

The areas I’ll be covering are:

No matter whether it’s your first store or your fiftieth, you’ll discover a simpler workflow that eliminates the need to directly edit WooCommerce template files or get your hands dirty with hooks. Woo-hoo!

Elementor and WooCommerce Dev Man
Dev Man is pretty excited about his new shop.

What are Elementor and WooCommerce?

To kick things off, in case you didn’t know (although how couldn’t you?), here’s a quick rundown of what Elementor and WooCommerce are.

Elementor is “the ultimate & free WordPress page builder.”

It lets you create an amazingly beautiful website in the quickest way possible. You can reach a high level of design, by designing live, and on the frontend of your WordPress site.

It’s currently the only (and first) frontend page builder to allow limitless design possibilities.

WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin that incorporates eCommerce capabilities for your site so you can have an online store.

It integrates easily with your existing WordPress site, allowing you to create customizable stores in minutes, get secure payments, configurable shipping options, and much more.

How Elementor WooCommerce Builder Helps You Create an eCommerce Store

The free core Elementor plugin allows you to design your WordPress content using a visual, drag-and-drop interface.

You can use widgets to add content to your site and control nearly every aspect of your designs’ layouts and styles.

With Elementor Pro, you then get access to Elementor WooCommerce Builder, which lets you design dynamic templates for your product archive and single product pages using the same visual editor.

With WooCommerce Builder, you can easily build an entirely custom WooCommerce store without ever needing to work directly with PHP template files or WooCommerce hooks.

Advantages of Using Elementor WooCommerce Builder

  • Visual, drag-and-drop design: You can design your WooCommerce store precisely as your visitors will see it. You can even preview different products to see how they look with your designs.
  • No PHP/code: Rather than working directly with PHP and/or template files, you can design everything from the Elementor interface.
  • Dedicated WooCommerce widgets: You’ll get dedicated widgets to include all the important WooCommerce information, even down to upsells and related products.
  • Conditional template display: You can create as many product archives and single templates as needed and use conditional rules to control where to use each template. For example, you could create one product single design for products in “Category A” and another for products in “Category B”.
  • Pre-built templates: You get access to pre-built product archives and single templates that you can customize to meet your needs. Or, you can build your own designs from scratch.

Is There Anything You Can’t Design with Elementor WooCommerce Builder?

You can use Elementor WooCommerce Builder to design your product archive and single templates, which comprise most of your store’s content. You can also design the rest of your WordPress content, even including templates for your header and footer.

However, there are two WooCommerce pages that it doesn’t help you with at this time:

  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout

You can use Elementor to add content around the WooCommerce cart and checkout content, but you cannot customize the actual content itself.

However, to control the design of the cart and checkout content, there are a few options.

First, you can use a flexible base theme that pairs well with Elementor, while also giving you settings to control your cart and checkout pages. Some good options here are:

  1. Astra
  2. OceanWP
  3. GeneratePress
  4. Neve

Second, if you know your way around CSS, you can add your own styles to control the cart and checkout pages.

Finally, you can use a plugin that modifies the checkout process.

For example, the CartFlows plugin lets you build a custom checkout process using Elementor. However, CartFlows is more suited for sales funnels than “traditional” eCommerce stores, so it won’t work in all situations.

You can also use a plugin such as our very own Forminator to create a customized checkout process.

How to Design Your WooCommerce Store with Elementor

Now, roll up those sleeves to get hands-on and design your store using Elementor Pro and WooCommerce Builder.

Let’s go step-by-step and create a store.

Set Up and Configure WooCommerce

If you haven’t already, you’ll want to start by setting up and configuring the basics of your WooCommerce store. These basic setup steps aren’t the main focus of this tutorial, so we won’t go too in-depth.

But in general, you’ll want to:

  1. Install and activate the free WooCommerce plugin from
  2. Run the WooCommerce setup wizard to configure important basics.
  3. Add your products.
  4. Configure any other relevant settings in the WooCommerce settings area.

If you need help getting started, more information on how to do this can be found here.

Design Your Shop Archive Page(s)

Now, you’re ready to start building your store, starting with the template for your product archives.

The product archive page is the page that lists all of your WooCommerce products (or the products with a specific category, tag, etc.).

To get started, go to Templates > Theme Builder > Product Archive. Then, click the Add New Product Archive button.

Theme builder template.
The theme builder template.

Give it a fancy name and click Create Template to continue.

This will launch you into the design interface. You can import one of the pre-made product archive templates or close the template library to build your design from scratch.

Elementor design interface.
Elementor design interface.

From there, you’ll be able to design your archive template using the visual, drag-and-drop interface.

You can use the dedicated Product Archive widgets to add core content like a list of all your products or the title of the archive page (e.g. the name of the category).

Archives products.
Archives products.

Editing one of the widgets lets you control its appearance and functionality. You can customize everything from star ratings to sale badges.

Edit Archives Products.
Edit Archives Products.

When you’re finished with your design, click the Publish button to control when to use your template.

You get five display conditions that you can mix-and-match as needed:

  1. All Product Archives
  2. Shop page
  3. Search results
  4. Product categories
  5. Product tags

For example, to display the template on your main shop page only, choose Shop Page.

For some conditions, you’ll get additional options. An example of this is if you select Product categories, you can target your template to all product category archive pages or just a specific category (or set of categories).

Publish Settings - Template display conditions.
Set conditions for displaying your template on your site.

These display conditions are useful because they let you create as many unique templates as you need to best showcase all the different products that you sell.

Sometimes a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t the best solution. WooCommerce Builder makes it easy to spin up new templates without needing to work directly with PHP template files.

Design Your Single Product Pages

Once you’ve created your product archive pages, you can use the same basic approach to customize a WooCommerce product page template for single products.

To get started, go to Templates > Theme Builder > Single Product. Then, click the Add New Single Product button and give it a name.

Just as with your product archive design, you’ll have the option to import one of the pre-made templates or build your own product page template from scratch.

Single products page.
Single products page.

Now, you’ll get another set of dedicated widgets for all the information on the product single page, including everything from the product title to related products and upsells.

Single product page.
Edit Add to Cart widget.

Entering the settings for one of the widgets lets you configure its style and placement.

Single product page.
Configure widget settings on your product page.

By default, Elementor will pull in one of your real products for the live preview of your design. But if you’d prefer to see how your design would look with a different product, click on the gear icon in the bottom-left corner and edit the Preview Settings to use any product at your store.

Preview your design before going live.
Preview your design before going live.

Once you’re finished, click the Publish button to choose where to apply this product single template.

Here, you’ll get another five options:

  1. All products
  2. In category
  3. In child category
  4. In tag
  5. Products by author

For the latter options, you’ll be able to choose specific items that apply to that condition (e.g. a specific category).

Where to display a product.
You can set very specific conditions for displaying your templates.

As with your product archive templates, you can repeat the process as many times as needed to ensure that each type of product has an optimized single product design.

Include WooCommerce Products in Other Designs as Needed

Beyond letting you design your product archive and single templates, Elementor Pro also gives you dedicated WooCommerce widgets that you can use in other designs.

For example, you could use them to feature products in a blog post that you’re writing. You can access these widgets at any time from the WooCommerce section in the Elementor interface.

Access and edit your site widgets in elementor.
Easily access and edit your site widgets at any time.

If you want to display products, you can create your own custom queries to control which products to display.

You can even use the included Elementor Popup Builder feature to include or promote products in a popup. For example, you can advertise a special deal and include an add to cart button right in the popup.

Special deal.
Example of a special deal or promotion.

It’s a great feature to promote special deals and promotions.

Time to Open Shop

With Elementor Pro, you can build a custom WooCommerce store faster and with more flexibility.

As you can see, it’s a simple process. Rather than working with hooks or template files, you can use a visual, drag-and-drop interface.

You get dedicated widgets to display important WooCommerce product information, and you can also use conditional display rules to create as many single product and product archive templates as your store needs.

If you really want to make your site shine, check out our article on 8 Must-Haves When Adding eCommerce to Your WordPress Site.

Also, if you’re shopping around for additional WordPress features, we offer dedicated hosting, site management, and 24/7 support.

So, get started today and build your own custom WooCommerce store. Then, turn that sign over to “OPEN” and start selling your amazing products.

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  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit operating system.
  • A user account with sudo privileges

Installing Docker

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#269: Docs and Blocks

Show Description

Chris and Marie talk about updating the documentation at CodePen to support WordPress’ block editor – also known as Project Gutenberg.

Time Jumps

  • 01:09 WordPress powers a lot at CodePen
  • 05:10 Keeping current with WordPress
  • 12:10 Sponsor:
  • 14:16 Refreshing the site with blocks
  • 22:25 Changing the podcast page
  • 25:02 Looking back on 5 years of maintaining documentation


Have an idea for a subscription business? Need to charge customers on a monthly or yearly basis for something, not just a one-off charge? can do that for you. You connect your Stripe account (the best payment gateway out there!) and the rest is as easy as adding button blocks to your site. The UI your customers see is clean and clear, and the pricing is straightforward. The eCommerce plan pays no fees, the Business plan pays 2%, and the less expensive plans go up from there.

Show Links

CodePen Links

The post #269: Docs and Blocks appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Docker Commands to Containerize an Application

Docker is an exciting technology when the developers are focusing on the design of their applications in a cloud-native approach. One of the key characteristics of designing a cloud-native application is to containerize the application. Designing applications such way will save you from hearing some of the words from other developers during development time.

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  • "Libraries are missing."

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CampusPress Releases Accessible Content Plugin in Time for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

While it is still Wednesday here in the U.S., some parts of the world are already awakening to the third Thursday in May, which is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). The purpose of the event is to get more people discussing, learning, and addressing issues related to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the digital world. That is what CampusPress hopes to do with its new plugin.

The CampusPress team announced its Accessible Content plugin for WordPress last week. The goal of the plugin is to help end-users address accessibility issues on their sites. Many tools are built for developers and designers, but the team wanted something to put into the hands of users to allow them to take the extra steps necessary in creating an accessible website.

The plugin is currently available through GitHub, but the team plans to submit it to the official WordPress plugin repository soon. The developers are gathering user feedback from customers and the community first.

“Our Accessible Content plugin was developed specifically to help with training and putting real-time information into the hands of those creating WordPress pages and posts,” said Ronnie Burt, General Manager at CampusPress. “There are a ton of site checker tools out there, and many work quite well. But all of them will spit out false positives and list issues on a page that have nothing to do with the content (navigation issues and the like). So as a bit of a disclaimer, by design, this plugin will not find or help with all potential accessibility issues on a site. But if used over time, it will help train content creators to understand many of the best practices that they should be following and avoid mistakes.”

CampusPress is a managed WordPress hosting and service provider for organizations in the educational sector. It is a sister service to, which originally launched 15 years ago.

“In that time, we’ve been quietly catering to the unique needs of schools and universities that use WordPress in various ways,” said Burt. “Historically, that was more on the blogging and learning side, but as WordPress has grown into the CMS of choice, we’ve moved along with it to high-level main websites too.”

Development of the Accessible Content plugin will help the CampusPress team’s customers in education, particularly when diving into the world of accessibility guidelines.

“Overall, awareness around accessibility has improved considerably in recent years, but for many, the topic is overwhelming,” said Burt. “In our case, school administrators know they need a ‘compliant’ site, but when you go to read the compliance standards, some are subjective and, at best, really complex. The biggest hurdle that we see is that we are still in a place where accessibility expertise is left up to specialists or tools that are usually brought in after the fact or at the end of a project. In an ideal world, we’ll get to where the expertise is shared by all developers, content creators, and anyone else working on the site. This is because accessibility is so much better and easier when it is built-in and thought about from the beginning and continuously.”

The team is releasing this plugin not only to its customer base but as a free tool for all WordPress users.

How the Plugin Works

The plugin is simple enough for most people to use. When previewing a post, it labels and points out issues that need attention. The goal is not to focus on larger accessibility issues that may be coming from the theme. Instead, the plugin lists issues directly with the post content.

The interface on the post preview screen is simple enough to understand without documentation. Preview a post and the plugin provides buttons on the sides of the screen to navigate through each issue found. At the bottom of the screen, it leaves a full description of the problem. Users can also access this feature via the toolbar on the site front end when viewing a post.

Screenshot of the Accessible Content plugin in use on the post preview screen in WordPress.
Accessible Content plugin’s output on post preview.

In some cases, such as missing image alt text, the plugin provides a link to directly add the alt text in the admin. This is done through a custom Alt Text sub-menu under the Media screen in the WordPress admin. Users can also use this screen at any time to manage alt text for images used throughout the site in one location.

Accessible Content "Alt Text" media management screen for adding alt text to images.

Burt said the original spec for the plugin had all of the accessibility checks and information within the block editor interface. However, the team hit a couple of roadblocks and ended up moving the plugin’s interface to the post preview screen as a result.

“Gutenberg is still in flux at a pretty rapid pace,” he said. “Just as we were getting our first proof of concept working on the image block, there was a change and it all broke. No fun! But moving to the previewer had some nice unintended consequences. Namely, the plugin works just as well with Classic Editor and with most page builders. The trade-off is that the warnings and helpful text aren’t quite in as real-time as I hope to get them to someday.”

In the long term, the team still plans on integrating directly with the block editor. For now, the plugin works well as part of the previewer. However, instant feedback in the editor would be a huge boost to fixing accessibility issues as they arise.

Community Accessibility Improvements

Burt was not shy about sharing his thoughts about what the WordPress community can be doing to improve accessibility around the web. He praised some of the work that the WordPress project has done thus far. He also shared some concerns.

“One thing I’m worried about — there’s a trend out there with a few WordPress plugins and a growing number of third-party tools to add a little ‘accessibility’ icon to the corner of your website,” he said. “When clicked, these icons open up options for fonts, contrast ratios, and may give an alternative way of navigating the site. I’ve noticed them on bank websites, government sites, and now the schools we work with are buying into them too because it can be tempting to just add a few snippets of embed code to a site and call it a day. To me, this sorta lets all of us that work on websites off the hook to not be responsible for accessible design and development, which really should be our ultimate goal.”

He stressed that using quality themes and plugins as a good step for most users along with being mindful of the content we create. Taking these simple steps should make for a more accessible user experience overall.

“There is lots of good news when it comes to WordPress and accessibility that we should be shouting from the rooftops,” said Burt. “For one, while there’s still a bit of work to be done, the majority of the issues identified in the WPCampus sponsored audit of Gutenberg have been resolved. That was a great example of the higher-ed community leading the charge to impact change. Without the change, simply put, schools, universities, and government agencies may be forced or encouraged to drop their adoption of WordPress.”

The WPCampus-sponsored audit in 2019 resulted in a 329-page technical analysis by Tenon, LLC. It covered user-based testing that included people with various disabilities. Since then, the Gutenberg project has worked to overcome issues identified by the audit.

“As I use Gutenberg more and more, there are some nice little accessibility Easter eggs for content creators, such as warnings about contrast ratios and the Headings block won’t show you the option for H1 by default,” said Burt. “I love it! If our community can just continue to highlight these improvements whenever possible, it will make a big difference. I’m also hopeful that some of our checks from this plugin can eventually not be needed as future improvements to blocks and the editor are made.”

Burt described the best thing the community can do is to be responsive and treat all accessibility issues as a major bug or even a release blocker before plugins or themes go live. In part, it is about being open to communicating and resolving issues that users bring up.

“With so many competing priorities, it can be tempting to just write off a complaint or suggestion as coming from one user,” he said. “But really this is how we continue to make the most progress on all of our tools and services. Feedback from users on barriers and problems they face in using our stuff is pure gold and useful to help ensure we don’t repeat those same mistakes.”

Burt listed some key questions he believes the community should continue having conversations around:

  • Should all new themes to be required to meet the ‘accessibility-ready’ standards?
  • Are there similar standards and checks we could add to plugins? How can plugin authors declare if their plugin may impact accessibility?
  • Is a separate ‘Accessibility’ team for WordPress core still the best way? How do we improve accessible design and development earlier on in practice? It is usually much harder to fix accessibility issues than it is to prevent them to begin with.

These are definitely worth discussing further. For now, his team is trying to do its small part with the Accessible Content plugin.

First Steps with the Kubernetes Operator


This blog post demonstrates how you can use the Operator Lifecycle Manager to deploy a Kubernetes Operator to your cluster. Then, you will use the Operator to spin up an Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) cluster.

20 Logos With Hidden Messages – 2020 Update

Designing logos can be a very difficult task.

When designing a logo, you want it to stand out from the crowd, yet still be really simple.

Sometimes the designer is really clever and makes the logo very simple, yet includes a hidden message within the logo that has a deeper meaning.

In today’s article, we’re going to cover 20 logos with hidden messages.

Some logos you will have seen before, and some may be completely new to you, but hopefully, you will enjoy them all.


Amazon logo hidden message

The Amazon logo is an extremely simple logo and while the arrow may just look like a smile it actually points from a to z.

This represents that Amazon sells everything from a to z, and the smile on the customers face when they bought a product.


goodwill logo hidden mesages

Goodwill. The one thrift store we all know and love.

When you look at the logo, you see it’s a person smiling, probably happy that they just donated their clothes or just copped an awesome find for a great deal!

Now look at the letter ‘g’ from ‘goodwill’.

You’ll see that same smiling person in the first letter of the logo!


LG logo with hidden message

At first glance, you might think LG’s logo may just be the winking face of a happy client.

But look closer.

You’ll see that in the winky face logo, there’s actually an L in the center, and the face is a G!

Super clever on their part.


Pinterest logo hidden message

Pinterest is one of my favorite social media apps out there.

It’s always full of great ideas and new trends that I can get inspired from, and then I can pin those images to one of my boards.

Hence, “Pin-terest”.


Anyway, to the untrained eye, you might just see the letter “P” in the logo.

But if you really pay close attention, you’ll see that the letter “P” is actually a pin.

Michael Deal, the co-designer of this logo said, “For most of the project, I had avoided making visual reference to the image of a pin because it seemed too literal. But the “P” started to lend itself too well to the shape of a map pin.”


toyota logo hidden message

Next up, we have Toyota.

This one is definitely one of the coolest of them all, and if it hasn’t received some kind of award already, well, it definitely deserves one.

If you didn’t already know, the Toyota logo has the entire word “Toyota” written in it!

Here’s a diagram to explain it better.

toyota logo explained

Isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?


new logo bmw

BMW just recently updated its logo and it looks amazing.

I wrote an entire piece about the new BMW logo because that’s how much I loved it.

But anyway, let’s talk about the hidden message here!

This logo actually represents a propeller in motion, with the blue part representing the sky, and the white part representing the propeller.

BMW’s logo is a tribute to the company’s history in aviation.

Baskin Robbins

Baskin robbins hidden logo

The Baskin Robbins logo may look like it includes a simple BR above the name. bBt if you take another look, you will that it includes a pink number 31. This is a reference to their original and iconic 31 flavors.


hidden logos chickfila

The Chick-fil-a logo incorporates a chicken into the C. Although this isn’t very hidden, it is still very clever.


eighty 20 logo

The eighty20 logo is a bit of a geeky one to figure out, the two lines of squares represent a binary sequence with the blue squares being 1’s and the grey squares being 0’s.

Which makes 1010000 which represents eighty and 0010100 which represents 20.


formula 1 logo hidden message

The F1 logo is a fairly simple one to figure out. The negative space in the middle creates the 1.

Facebook Places

facebook places logo hidden message

If you didn’t already know Facebook Places, it is Facebook’s new geolocational product, which is in direct competition with the current leader in that area, Foursquare.

Now if you take another look at Facebook Places logo you will notice there is a 4 in a square.

Now is this a coincidence or is it a dig at Foursquare?


fedex logo with hidden message

The FedEx logo looks like a plain, text-based logo.

But if you take a second look, between the E and the X, you will see an arrow, that represents the speed and accuracy of the company’s deliveries.

Milwaukee Brewers

Milwaukee Brewers logo hidden message

The old Milwaukee Brewers logo may look like a simple catchers mitt holding a ball, but if you take a second glance, you will see the team’s initials M and B.

Museum of London

museum of london logo

The Museum of London logo may look like a modern logo design, but it actually represents the geographic area of London as it as grew over time.


NBC logo hidden peacock

The NBC logo has a hidden peacock above the above text which is looking to the right.

This represents the companies motto to look forward and not back, and also that they are proud of the programs they broadcast.

Northwest Airlines

The old Northwest Airlines logo may look like a simple logo, but if you take a closer look, the symbol on the left actually represents both N and W and because it is enclosed within the circle it also represents a compass pointing northwest.

Piano Forest

piano forest logo

The Piano Forest logo may look like a simple text logo with trees above it, but if you take another look you will see that the trees actually represent keys on a piano.


Toblerone Logo

The Toblerone logo contains the image of a bear hidden in the Matterhorn mountain, which is where Toblerone originally came from.


tostitoss logo hidden message

The Tostitos logo includes two people sharing a chip and a bowl of salsa, this conveys an idea of people connecting with each other over a bowl of chips.

Treacy Shoes

treacy shoes hidden logo

The Treacy Shoes logo is very cute logo with a shoe hidden between the t and s.

In Conclusion

Making a clever logo doesn’t always just come easily to you.

It can take weeks, months, and even years to come up with something mindblowing.

Other times, the idea comes to the forefront of your brain and you can see it clear as day.

Gather inspiration from these amazing logos with hidden messages and start making your own!

You could design the next big logo.

Did I miss any other big logos that have hidden messages within them?

Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

Stay creative, folks!

Read More at 20 Logos With Hidden Messages – 2020 Update

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Hi All, this is Adi, with another Laravel article. I wanted to take some time to explain what Laravel’s Helper methods are and how you can create your own ones. I was never a big fan of creating my own custom helper methods when I started with Laravel, but with time, I have started using them more often and these days there’s no Laravel project without customer helpers.

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