Site Optimization Framework To Boost Your Website Performance Using AEM

I often found that there are issues observed post-implementation due to not following the best practices recommended by Adobe.

What Causes Performance Issues

  1. Thread contention — long-running requests such as slow searches, write-heavy background jobs, moving of whole branches of site content, etc.
  2. High CPU utilization.
  3. Expensive requests such as expensive searches or inefficient application code, components, etc.
  4. Lack of proper maintenance.
  5. Insufficient dispatcher caching.
  6. Lack of CDN.
  7. Lack of browser caching.
  8. Too many scripts loaded on-page and loaded at top of the page.
  9. CSS loaded throughout the page instead of in the HTML head.
  10. Insufficient server sizing or incorrect architecture.
  11. Unoptimized taxonomy and DAM assets.

Solution — Site Optimization Framework shows how to boost your website performance.