Is it a correct career path?

Hello people! :) I'm quite new in the programming world. I'm really interested in programming from the time I found that there's coming a game called Hytale, and I would love to be able to make mods for it. So basically I have a book that should introduce me to c++, and I'm currently learning from it. But I've heard that c++ is just kinda old, and it would be better to start from Python, since it's new and more beginner friendly. For now, I want to learn c++ anyways, then try to master Java as well. My last choices would be Python and Javascript. What do you think people? I'm asking becouse I just feel kinda lost lately. I just want to stick to one programming language and master it, for next 1/2 years at least.

Argument not specified

Dear All,

Good Morning!

I am facing this issue i tried a lot but not able to find the issue with this function when i call this function i get error

Argument not specified for parameter 'LVL' of 'Public Function UL(LVL As String) As String'

The code is listed below, if someone can help me on this i will be greatful.

Public Function UL(ByVal LVL As String) As String
        Dim con As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection(My.Settings.ConnectionString)
        Dim com As OracleCommand = Nothing
        Dim userLevel As String = True
            com = New OracleCommand("SELECT LVL FROM Users WHERE Username = '" & Username & "'", con)
            userLevel = com.ExecuteScalar
        Catch Exp As OperationAbortedException
            If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                userLevel = "Failed to retrieve permission level"
            End If
        End Try
        Return userLevel
    End Function

Thanks in Advance.
Have a good day.