Wrong destination on MacOS

Hello does anybody see any error in this?

[!] Unable to find the Xcode project /Users/macbookpro/Desktop/project/platforms/ios/C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\Project.xcodeproj for the target Pods-C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\Project.

I copied my project from my PC to my Mac in a usb drive. THERE IS NO C:\Users\Simos\ directory on mac. Why ai i getting this?

Integration Builder: Sub-Flow Example

Man painting ceiling in building
Integration Builder

Sub-flows are an Axway Integration Builder step type. Sub-flows are useful to encapsulate functionality in a reusable component (flow) and help you create DRY flows (Don't Repeat Yourself). They are basically flows that are called from another flow and can be viewed as a function.

In this post, we'll review the steps to create and use a sub-flow in another flow as well as how to pass in variables and arguments and access the sub-flow response.

Java/Spring: How to Generate an Entire Database CRUD REST API With Speedment

Generate an Entire Database CRUD REST API With Speedment
As each year passes, it is becoming nothing but obvious that the Spring Framework is one of the most widely-used web development frameworks for Java. With the next decade just around the corner, Spring's most popular module, Spring Boot, has just received a major update.

The new Spring Boot version "2.2.0" and the year "2020" are almost a perfect match. Thus, the Speedment team has now filled the gap by revamping the Spring Boot plugin.

If this is your first time hearing of Speedment, you're in for a treat, as we will be demonstrating how the Speedment Spring Boot plugin allows developers to effortlessly build Spring database applications with Speedment, an ORM with a powerful Stream-based query API, as its backbone.

Machine Learning and Real-Time Analytics in Apache Kafka Applications

The relationship between Apache Kafka and machine learning (ML) is an interesting one that I've written about quite a bit in How to Build and Deploy Scalable Machine Learning in Production with Apache Kafka and Using Apache Kafka to Drive Cutting-Edge Machine Learning.

This post addresses a specific part of building a machine learning infrastructure: the deployment of an analytic model in a Kafka application for real-time predictions.