Building an AR Game With Hololens, Part 2: Models and Assets

Enjoy this second installment on building an Hololens AR app. We focus on models and assets.

In this chapter, we will go through all the elements that you need to have in place to start building your game. I will use terminology that you should be familiar with, as well as software and tools that you will need to make the game. So we will be covering a lot of elements here. Once your environment is set up and you have a basic familiarity with Hololens/Unity development, we can really dig in.

You may also like: Building an AR Game With Hololens, Part 1: Introduction

Unlike many other series, I want to provide you with what you need so that you can jump into development. I will not be spending any amount of time on things like how to use the device or basic functionality. For that, I would encourage any reader to visit the Mixed Reality Acadamy on the Microsoft site. It is an excellent source of information that is designed to kick start your understanding and development.