New PagerDuty Solution Unifies Customer Service, Engineering, and IT


Today, Jennifer Tejada, CEO, PagerDuty announced PagerDuty for Customer Service to empower front-line customer service agents to solve issues faster and deliver better experiences to their customers. The solution consists of new partnerships and two-way integrations with Zendesk and Salesforce Service Cloud and lets teams proactively share information between the applications they work in, understand and resolve technical issues, and work together on a united front supporting customers. 

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In today’s always-on world, 80% of people will stop doing business with a company because of a poor experience. Consumers expect digital services, such as apps and websites, to work perfectly every time. Customer service teams are on the frontline of this reality: 51% of companies only become aware of an issue — such as a failed shopping cart or cable service outage — when customers complain. Once the company becomes aware, it takes an average of 80 minutes to mobilize a response team, in part due to siloes separating teams that work in different applications and have no way to share essential information.