Design Best Practices With AWS IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) presents an unparalleled opportunity for every industry to address their business challenges. With the proliferation of devices, one needs a solution to connect, collect, store, and analyze the device data. Amazon Web Services provides various services that help connected devices to easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices for various user scenarios. Having said this, every Solution Architect in the field knows the capabilities and reliabilities of AWS Cloud. Migrating or designing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions on to AWS platform enables one to focus on core business without the hassle of infrastructure management and monitoring. This will ensure high availability to the customers. No matter which solution is designed, one should select the best platform to keep the solution stable. AWS is one such platform.

There are few practices to be considered in designing IoT solutions with AWS. If the right AWS services are used for customer requirements, then IoT solutions will be able to deliver results in a more secure, reliable, and scalable manner.