The Key to Get Ready for MFT Self-Service

Let’s take a minute to think about your current process for new MFT data flow creation. I’m sure you have tried to optimize this process based on the corporate standard tools and your own technical skills. Most teams gladly share an Excel spreadsheet with some computed values in protected cells, a few data field validations, and some rudimentary MS Basic macros. This is the first step, but I’m sorry to say: this is so 1990s. Maybe you’re more 2000s, presenting a web application to collect the right information from your business? A few screens to click through, a few dozen (technical) fields to fill in… Well, at least you’re not receiving hundreds of spreadsheets a month, and you’ve have gotten rid of poor version control based on file name. Nice! Can you do better? Certainly! And it’s actually pretty easy if you rely on an MFT Services portfolio.

Why Develop an MFT Services Portfolio?

Despite your well-thought web application, you still have to face recurring business users’ complaints.