Devs Will Just Dev! The Cloud Foundry Promise

“Every company is a technology company” said Peter Sondergaard, Gartner's former executive vice president of research, and evidence of this is all around us. But it was not so easy becoming a technology company, as the entry barriers were high. Besides developing their business propositions, companies had to develop, maintain and operate the platform on top of which their businesses (i.e. applications) run. 

The rise of DevOps culture, automated pipelines, container technologies, and microservices, all contributed to an improved situation. And all these are still evolving and getting increasingly popular. But still, businesses have to deal with things outside the development of their specific business propositions. There is still an operational load to carry, and the load seems to be moved now to the hands of developers. Cloud Foundry helps to eliminate this operational load and the need for building platforms and utility components that have no relation to your business propositions. Cloud Foundry makes it possible to develop only what contributes to your bottom line while it takes care of the rest. It allows developers to just develop!