Ionic – Pass value on another page

I want to pass a value (0 or 1) to another page so i can make an ng if to return a different button. Any help? do i need to pass a parameter from .ts file?

first page.html

<button ion-tem (click)="goUsers()" *ngIf="editors.length == 0" value="0"> <ion-label>
            Add editors
          </ion-label> </button> <button ion-tem (click)="goUsers()" *ngIf="editors.length > 0" value="1"> <ion-label>
            Add more editors
          </ion-label> </button>

second page.html

<button ion-button item-end clear *ngIf="value === '0'"> (click)="addEditor(item)">
                Add as Editor
            </button> <button ion-button item-end clear *ngIf="value ==='1'"> (click)="deleteEditor(item)">
                Already an Editor