Write a main program that does the following

I do the class but there are some codes I need to help me please :
-Write a number of member functions that do the following:
•Calculate the student GPA
•Search for the highest mark taken in a particular course
•Print the ID, first name, and last name of all the students who have already taken a particular course
•Print the course code, course title, course mark, course grade of all courses taken by a particular student
-Write a main program that does the following:
•Define an array of objects of each one of the above three classes
•Assign data to the objects that you defined. This data should be stored and read from 3 different files
•Read a student ID
•Print a list of all courses taken by that student
•Calculate the GPA of that student
•Read a course code
•Print the ID, first name, and last name of all the students who have taken that course
•Search for the highest mark taken in that course
•Print the ID, first name, and last name of the student who scored that highest mark in that course


public class StudentType {

    private int studentId;

    private String firstName;

    private String lastName;

    private String major;

    public StudentType(int studentId, String firstName, String lastName, String major) {


        this.studentId = studentId;

        this.firstName = firstName;

        this.lastName = lastName;

        this.major = major;


    public int getStudentId() {

        return studentId;


    public void setStudentId(int studentId) {

        this.studentId = studentId;


    public String getFirstName() {

        return firstName;


    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

        this.firstName = firstName;


    public String getLastName() {

        return lastName;


    public void setLastName(String lastName) {

        this.lastName = lastName;


    public String getMajor() {

        return major;


    public void setMajor(String major) {

        this.major = major;



    public String toString() {

        return "StudentType [studentId=" + studentId + ", firstName=" + firstName + ", lastName=" + lastName
                + ", major=" + major + "]";




public class CourseType {

    private int courseCode;

    private String courseTitle;

    private int noOfCredits;

    public CourseType(int courseCode, String courseTitle, int noOfCredits) {


        this.courseCode = courseCode;

        this.courseTitle = courseTitle;

        this.noOfCredits = noOfCredits;


    public int getCourseCode() {

        return courseCode;


    public void setCourseCode(int courseCode) {

        this.courseCode = courseCode;


    public String getCourseTitle() {

        return courseTitle;


    public void setCourseTitle(String courseTitle) {

        this.courseTitle = courseTitle;


    public int getNoOfCredits() {

        return noOfCredits;


    public void setNoOfCredits(int noOfCredits) {

        this.noOfCredits = noOfCredits;



    public String toString() {

        return "CourseType [courseCode=" + courseCode + ", courseTitle=" + courseTitle + ", noOfCredits=" + noOfCredits
                + "]";




public class RecordType {

    private int studentId;

    private int courseCode;

    private double courseTotalMarks;

    private char courseGrade;

    private int semesterTaken;

    public RecordType(int studentId, int courseCode, double courseTotalMarks, char courseGrade, int semesterTaken) {


        this.studentId = studentId;

        this.courseCode = courseCode;

        this.courseTotalMarks = courseTotalMarks;

        this.courseGrade = courseGrade;

        this.semesterTaken = semesterTaken;


    public int getStudentId() {

        return studentId;


    public void setStudentId(int studentId) {

        this.studentId = studentId;


    public int getCourseCode() {

        return courseCode;


    public void setCourseCode(int courseCode) {

        this.courseCode = courseCode;


    public double getCourseTotalMarks() {

        return courseTotalMarks;


    public void setCourseTotalMarks(double courseTotalMarks) {

        this.courseTotalMarks = courseTotalMarks;


    public char getCourseGrade() {

        return courseGrade;


    public void setCourseGrade(char courseGrade) {

        this.courseGrade = courseGrade;


    public int getSemesterTaken() {

        return semesterTaken;


    public void setSemesterTaken(int semesterTaken) {

        this.semesterTaken = semesterTaken;



    public String toString() {

        return "RecordType [studentId=" + studentId + ", courseCode=" + courseCode + ", courseTotalMarks="
                + courseTotalMarks + ", courseGrade=" + courseGrade + ", semesterTaken=" + semesterTaken + "]";



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