25 Beautiful Packaging & Label Designs

Today’s roundup consists of a mix of great packaging, label and bottle designs. And as usual I would recommend checking out our packaging board on Pinterest, with over 900 curated packaging and label designs.

New North by Campbell Hay.
The Loop
Hunt & Brew packaging design by Kerby Rosanes
Havn Gin
Lot №40
The Archaeologist Gin
Raw Organic Ethiopian Honey Packaging by Cre8tive Pixels
Wood Brothers Small Batch Vodka by Pencil Studio
Sea Glass Gin
Malou Tea Atelier
Volcano At Home by Commission
Corleone Packaging
Haven’s Kitchen Sauces by Alexandra Stikeleather
Green & Black’s chocolate packaging by Bulletproof
The Double Single
Simply gum mints by Vanessa Rees
Caviar Packaging by Zoo Studio
Paraiso Packaging pt. 2 by Ryan Prudhomme
Merlyn welsh cream whisky liqueur.
Enchanti Finest Care Design
Milton Cidrerie
William Grant & Sons Wood’s Old Navy Rum

25 Beautiful Packaging & Label Designs was originally published in From up North on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Discontinuing memberships on Pippin’s Plugins

Six years ago I announced the launch of premium memberships to Pippin’s Plugins for access to advanced tutorials, code reviews, and other member-only benefits. I have been continually humbled by the response and support my memberships received from the WordPress community and I would like to sincerely thank everyone that signed up. Today, however, I have discontinued memberships to this site.

My ability to consistently produce new material and to provide code reviews like I used to has continually waned as the product side of my business has grown. For a long time I held onto the hope that I could find a way to get back to consistently producing new content for this site but a small part of me has known that is unlikely to ever happen, and so I have made the only right decision available: close down memberships.

Effective today, memberships have been discontinued on this site and all existing memberships have been cancelled to ensure no existing members are billed again. If you are a member and signed up within the last 30 days, contact me and I will be more than happy to provide a full refund.

NOTE: this does not refer to Restrict Content Pro. That product is still actively maintained and developed at https://restrictcontentpro.com.

All previously restricted tutorials are now open to everyone. Please learn, grow, and enjoy!

The post Discontinuing memberships on Pippin’s Plugins appeared first on Pippins Plugins.